Does anyone know what is needed to link 2 PS2's together. I have heard of something called an I-LINK, but cannot find it. My Roomate and I each have the game, PS2's, and TV's
i would like to add something to that... both copies of GT3 HAVE to be the same serial numbers... also.. if you are using memory cards... they both need to be on the same page.. if yanno what i mean.....
Each Thursday my colleagues and I play with the I-Link
cable, everything which it need are 2PS 2GT3 (non same serials!!) 2TV's and the cable (Sony calls it I-Link but it is a Firewire or IEEE 1394 with two 4-pols connector)
thats everything you need to have real hard fights with your comrads...
(note: you can nothing save or load in the I.Link mode
no percents for someone and only the traks you have
in arcade mode)
Also, if you want three or more racers, up to 6; you will need a Firewire (IEEE1394) 4-pin to 6-pin wire for each person and a Firewire 6 port hub. Go to for the best prices for everything.