Mission 14 - Seattle Superbird

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3 lap battles Mission 14 Seattle Superbird
I just cant let these writeups go astray, so I'll try to save as many of them as I can.

Courtesy of Daan and Famine

Der Alta
A word for word "Cut and Paste" from www.deralta.net
Plymouth SuperBird @ Seattle
Final time: 6'00.664
Buick Special (Second place): 6'03.872
The very key to this one was taking my time. It took some time to figure out I had to brake early at 85% power, go easy on the throttle control, and only minor changes to the steering input. The Buick Special has gobs of power on the straight, but can't take a corner at any speed. Learning how to get your Plymouth to turn is where you'll gain time. By the jumps on the second lap, I had passed everyone and was creeping up on the Buick.
Take the Hairpin before the front stretch in second gear. You'll carry more speed across the back straight.
Passing places:
Barrcauda: Top of the Jumps hill, first corner
GTO: 45 degree sweepers.
Mercury Cougar: Braking after the long stretch (He veers left at the 90 degree right)
Dodge Charger: Hairpin, beginning of second lap.
Buick Special: Hairpin, beginning of Third lap
Spot time checks:
Lap one:
-6.181 (49 seconds +/-)
-5.361 (1' 40" +/-)
Lap Two: - 5.455 (2' 07" +/-)
- 3.105 (2' 45" +/-)
- 2.138 (3' 40" +/-)
Start Lap Three: - 1.260 (4' 03" +/-)
+ 1.267 (4' 42" +/-)

The test car is kind of weird, maybe because I have never used such an old "muscle" car before. The engine sound is very soft. The brakes on this car sucks (or maybe it's something else I don't know about), so brake VERY early.
One thing about the 5-second penalty - it doens't seem to matter who is at fault. If you take the AI car's line, and he is stupid enough to ignore where you are and still ram into you to reclaim his line, you are penalized for 5 seconds. It's so stupid. Twice in the final turn in the last lap where I already had the lead car in check. Took its inside entering the sharp right under the bridge. TWICE, it rams my back like I don't exist and I was given the 5-second while I can almost smell the finish. I just hope my car is more powerful so I can push him into the pit stop...
Back to the track, brake early in the straight. Let the car slide in a semi-circle in the hairpin. Floor it at the mid-point. Stay to the far left while climbing uphill so you can overtake the 5th car in the second jump.
The AI cars have better top speed than you so you are kind of helpless in the back straight. The next right-right combo is interesting and should be taken as a whole. Brake hard at the end of the straight and let the car slide in a semi circle and only pick up the gas when you feel your slide is ending.
The sharp right under the bridge is a good place for overtaking but as I have said before, don't ram the AI car, and don't let the AI car ram you. Be careful at the left-right chicane before the front straight. Stay with traction at all time. You should have passed every single car except the lead car by the end of the first lap.
After overtaking the lead car, there is some rear mirror checking and blocking to be done because don't forget, your opponent can out-accelerate you in the straight leading to the finish line.
Caught up with the ... car at ...
5th: first lap, 2nd jump in the uphill climb
4th: first lap, before sharp left leading to back straight
3rd: first lap, right-right combo after back straight
2nd: first lap, before finish line (coz it lost traction)
1st: final lap, sharp right under the bridge before pit stop
Checkpoint Times:
1st lap: +5.763 +5.630 +4.830
2nd lap: +3.359 +3.034 +2.914
3rd lap: +1.348 +0.580 -0.218
My time: 6:04.070
AI time: 6:04:288

ok this one was the hardest of done so far (ive done through slipstream)
basically, yes the car sucks REALLY bad. If you havent noticed, it sucks really bad at braking and at turning. And i have solutions on what to work on so you can win:

1) for braking: if you have to brake really hard (ie after straight) hold the brake full on just for a little bit, then tap it really fast... kinda like braking a car without anti-lock brakes. It prevents the car from slidding as much, and slows it down more effectively. This is also true for some of the other turns mid course, just experiment as you go.

2) for turning: whatever you do, NEVER NEVER NEVER brake while turning. It is the ultimate downfall of this challenge. All this will do is make your car turn less, and you wont slow down, youll just slide out wide and lose lots of time. Solution: finish braking before you get to the turn, then accelerate through the corner. This tip will bring you lots of success in many of the challenges.

Also, the middle of the course, ie after you go up the hill, is key. Go all the way to the left as you go up the hill, brake enough so that you can drive through the inside of the corner (while accelerating) and carry that speed down the straight. Exact same strategy for the next hard corner. Doing this section well is critical.
Also, for the final zig-zag at the pit entrance, you want to carry as much speed as you can through that... you may hit the outside wall coming out of it, but you usually dont get a penalty.

You should be able to pass the first 2 cars before you get to the straightaway in the middle of the course on the first lap. If not, your not going fast enough. Basically, you should be able to catch the leader by the middle to end of the 2nd lap. Once you get there, keep youll cool, hit your marks, and try to pass him when you see a good window of oppurtunity. His car is pretty powerful, so a light block pass in one of the final corners may be your best bet... just make sure its not too hard and that youll have the better racing line coming out of the pass.
Hope that helps. Just keep working at it and youll get it.

Brake early, get all your braking done before turning in, the nose-heavy beast will NOT trail-brake. You'll be in second place well before the end of your first lap, you'll probably almost pass the Buick at the end of the second lap, in the parking lot complex, but he'll be out of sight by the time you start lap 3. Not to worry. You'll almost catch him at the hairpin, and I passed him at the first left, still under the freeway, and pulled away, though at each of the straights, he was coming for me, but he has to brake sooner and corner slower. The Buick is a drag racer: if you look at the replays and see it airborne, you can see it even wears slicks at the rear, narrow front tires, resulting in lousy handling.
I am in the US, so I can't guarantee the comparison, but I passed for 5th place up the hills, 4th after the third right after the hills, 3rd going down to the bottom of the elevated section, and 2nd coming out of the parking lot chicane. On lap two I was inside the Buick at the right that goes under the freeway, but couldn't make it stick. He took off out of sight, but I actually had to avoid him while braking for turn 1, and I passed him at the first left under the freeway.
I have an excellent (if I say so myself) video I put together of this, but I have nowhere to post it. I went to the trouble of running each car's replay into my PC, sticking them on top of each other in Premiere Pro, and switching them like it was a live race. I even added in-car views from the Superbird in a picture-in-picture view for part of it.

Brake early, and HARD.. Turn in early and let the lump coast its way through the corners...

I just beat the mission last night after trying for a while so its still fresh on my mind. Some general pointers:
-(Like Flerbizky said) Brake early and hard. Brake sufficiently before you enter the turn. Then modulate the throttle through the turn without using the brake at all. When you first start this mission, you may think you are braking early enough, but you probably aren't. I wasn't.
-Try to take the perfect racing line through the corners. Seattle has some pretty wide corners on it. Take advantage of them. Start out wide as you approach the corner, then move in towards the curb at the apex of the corner. Argh I may not be explaining this well but you know what I mean.
-"Swing" the car around some difficult corners if you can. The problem with this technique is that if you cut the wheel too hard you just end up sliding too much and you lose speed. You shouldn't need to do this if you enter a corner at the proper speed, but it saved me from running into a wall on a couple occasions when I didn't brake early enough.
-You should be able to pass cars 5-2 by the start of lap 2, but don't be frustrated if it takes just a long to catch up to the Buick Special.
-The Superbird rewards slow, methodical driving techniques (around the corners) and punishes you if you try to push it too hard. Just try to run a steady race without flying into each corner at 100mph. A win by half a second is still a win.
-Download Daan’s video. Ever since I started getting into the mission hall this page has been in my favorites.
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One thing, DON'T let the buick get away, you need to be catching him up on your second lap or the other cars will slow you
One important message:


With that out of the way just pass the cars until you make it to second place just as the second lap starts.. If you see in the splits that your losing time to the Buick, then restart.
I'm really struggleing on this. I've read all of the posts above. I seem to be right on target or better through the first lap. I'm in 2nd before the 1st lap is over, but I never really seem to gain on the lead car much after that. The best I can do is 2 sec. behind.

I just watched Daan's video and I seem to be in better shape exiting the 1st lap, but the seconds don't seem to match up. I can pass the 1st car lower on the hill section, but when the time flashes I'm very lucky if I'm in the 5 sec. range. I usually take the turn right too....

Three things that I think are key: 1)You have to brake in straight lines. 2)You have to drive three very clean laps; if you get stuck behind someone, start over. And 3)The Buick is very slow through the final sector. If you find a quick way through the chicane by the Kingdome and the chicane leading onto the front straight, that's how you will make up most of the time on the Buick. You musn't lose this time on the rest of the lap though.

Keep at it. This was the last 3 lap battle I passed, and is arguably the hardest.
Somehow I didn't find this hard at all. The Superbird's tendency to understeer was more than overcome by my driving style and I flew past the Buick before the beginning of the third lap.
This mission is very difficult because the car doesn't cooperate. It has lousy brakes and it can't compare in speed with Buick Special Edition '62. After getting used to this car (you have to break very early and prevent losing speed as much as possible), you can pass this mission between 1 and 2 hours. During the middle of the final lap, you will cath the Buick, so relax and prevent Buick from acquiring its top speed. On the final curve, you can make up a lot of time if you pass appropiately at +65mph, but you run the chance of getting a penalty. I had a nice advantage, and prefer to slow down a bit at this curve during the final lap (after all, it is the same to win by -0.354s like by -0.800s)

:cheers: As a reference, of how well you're doing, here I my Check Point Times:

0 lap Get ahead of Car 6 a little before the first checkpoint
______ +5.9 Pass Car 5 and 4 during the curves before the long straight
______ +5.3
1st lap +5.1 Get ahead of Stingray during the first hairpin
______ +3.7
______ +3.4
2nd lap +2.0
______ - 0.5 Pass Buick Special Edition during the set of corner curves
______ - 0.6 Prevent Buick from passing Plymouth by obstructing it.
3rd lap - 0.354 Relax a little to don't blow it all.

AI Time: 4'04.477
My Time: 4'04.123
i passed this first time i tried it. But still i hated it. The leading car is much much faster down the straights so as it was said above you need to make up time in all the corners which yes is hard becasue of the poor handling of the superbird.
I took a new try on this today, and now I'm confident that this isn't a hard mission. I could have passed the Buick in the left-hand hairpin before the back straight on the second lap but I blew it and took a penalty. Still, I passed him before the start/finish straight on the same lap.

The finishing time was 6'02.478.
i had a go at this mission about a month ago. i managed a 5'51.967, the secret is to stay in 3rd gear for the low corners, never drop it below third gear, as the TCS will kick in and slow ur exit speed substantially
yep the car has plennty of power low down so there's no need to drop to second anywhere other than the hairpin, even then you could stay in 3rd. At low revs it sounds like it has a flat tyre and doesn't feel as though it's picking up pace, but it is and staying in 3rd will also save time on the gear changes.

I did it last night and nailed it on the 4th or 5th go, in fact I passed the buick on the second lap and thought the race was over after crossing the finish line and almost got a 5sec penalty when I brushed the wall!
This was one of the toughest for me to pass, but I managed to complete it yesterday. Here's what I discovered:

1) Dude, somebody stole my brakes!

This car is heavy, it's old...what did you expect? Just brake about 50% sooner than expected. I found that the first set of overhead traffic lights you go under (it's the long black wire on poles across the width of the track) are an excellent braking point for the end of the start/finish straight.

As for the "jumps" or "The Seattle Staircase", just brake hard at the flat part before the final ascent which leads to the blind, 90-degree right-hander. Don't wait until you're already slightly uphill to brake or you'll say hello to the Armco.

For the chicane before the Start/Finish line, brake hard, to set yourself up for both runs, to get maximum speed and minimum damage. You can't take it as fast as the AI thinks it can take it...take note of how many times it messes up that section.

This should give you an idea for the other braking points. Just brake sooner than expected, and when you're done braking...

2) Don't underestimate the power of lift-throttle oversteer.

The Superbird is set-up for more understeer and oversteer, but it will gently twist the rear end of the car into the turns. This helps a lot because the car won't turn and it won't brake too well. This car can pointed in the right direction only when you're not on the throttle.

Use the throttle carefully when accelerating in a corner, because it understeers. Again, let the rear position the front of the car, then gun it. It won't spin out, fishtail, or get loose with all the traction control devices engaged.

3) The curbs are your friends...

Curbs destroy the handling of tightly-sprung, short-stroke suspensions (especially in the case mid-engined cars). But not with the Superbird! The curbs are great for aiming your car just how you want it, both on corner entry and curbing on corner exits. Say hello to the curbs, they are good friends with the Superbird.

4) ...But the walls are your enemies (well, except when they take out the AI).

It's quite obvious; don't hit the walls, and you'll pass this mission. Easier said than done, but if you drive clean, you'll do well. It just might take you 10-12 tries to get used to the car.

5) Avoid using the parking/emergency brake to aid in turning the car.

It works for many FR cars, but not as well with this one. You'll go faster and handle better using the lift-throttle oversteer method described above in Point 2. Avoid the E-brake, unless you know of a better way.

6) Don't drive like a madman to pass the AI.

The AI isn't very good here with those other 4 cars. Let them run wide, hit the walls. Drive defensively, rather than offensively, at times where you have to pass the non-Buicks. The Buick is another matter; it can't handle, but it's very fast on the straights. So don't worry if it dusts you, you can catch up a lot on it into and exiting the corners using the methods I described above.

Of course, a kamikaze move might work for passing the Buick in the last corner, but use your best judgement. Driving at 80-90% will do the trick. Trying at 100-110% will just frustrate you. Quite the clever mission test....
I hate the handling of this stupid car. Its like driving a freekin` boat! I was right beside em going into the last two turns on the third lap when i was passing up the inside and he came in on me and stuck me into the wall giving me a 5 second penalty! Anger...
hahahaha. I just had the sweetest run on this test. won with a 6:02.274 - by nearly *eight seconds*. I drove a nice first two laps and had already caught the Buick at the end of the second lap; I absolutely hate the final chicane, though, so I'd started driving it conservatively and hoping to get back the time through the rest of the test. So we were side by side going under the sign just before the chicane, I braked (that's what I mean by conservative :>) and he shot a half a car length ahead - but he didn't get all the way past me. I took the first left, swung the car back right and hit the gas, we were still side by side and he had utterly nowhere to go and smashed spectacularly into the wall of the right. I saw him in my rear view making a hash of getting back into the race too. After that he was five seconds behind me crossing the start line, so I just drove a nice conservative final lap (took the chicane *very* carefully :>) and never even saw him in the rear view. Nice pressure-free way to win! :P
I have a serious problem with this mission. I followed all the tips and advices that you guys gave but nothing helps. I've done all the previous driving missions and passed'em with a few trys but this one, no matter how much I try, I have no improvements. I can easily get to 2nd place by the beginning of the 3rd lap and I can hold this position but the Buick Special pulls away so fast that I can't catch up at all. Every lap, it gains 1 second on me which is impossible for me to catch up. By the time the third lap begins, I'm behind him 7 seconds and 8 seconds by the time the race ends. I've tried this almost 30 times already and I've made no improvements. I have never even got close to the Special at all and the closest I ever get to it is 5 seconds which is at the beginning of the race.
I have a serious problem with this mission. I followed all the tips and advices that you guys gave but nothing helps. I've done all the previous driving missions and passed'em with a few trys but this one, no matter how much I try, I have no improvements. I can easily get to 2nd place by the beginning of the 3rd lap and I can hold this position but the Buick Special pulls away so fast that I can't catch up at all. Every lap, it gains 1 second on me which is impossible for me to catch up. By the time the third lap begins, I'm behind him 7 seconds and 8 seconds by the time the race ends. I've tried this almost 30 times already and I've made no improvements. I have never even got close to the Special at all and the closest I ever get to it is 5 seconds which is at the beginning of the race.

Hard to swallow, but probably you should slow down sooner. If you brake late, you come out of the turn slower, which costs you on the whole straight. Late braking is not fast. You gain nothing (and lose everything) by trying to "preserve" speed till the last possible instant. Late braking is a passing maneuver, not a performance trick. Slow down in time to take the turn comfortably, and accelerate out of it. If you're struggling to even make the turn, then you're braking too late. Do NOT try to trail-brake this car. It just won't do it. With so much body roll, half your brakes are doing nothing, and the other half are overloaded, and the car goes even more unstable than it was to begin with! Exit speed wins this mission (and 34) (and 18) (and all the others). Get it whoa'd in time for the turn, so you can use some throttle out of the turn. That's where you pick up speed (and time).

BTW, in my run of this mission, I almost caught the Buick as we turned under the freeway at the end of lap two, but he pulled away. I got him under the freeway after the first hairpin, went inside him on the left bend that comes out from under the freeway, before the jumps. Once in front, it's easy to stay there, he won't pass unless you screw up.
I just spent some time going from seeming like I fall farther and farther behind the Buick to beating the Mission. Here are the things I figured out I was doing wrong, in this order:

1. Stay in 3rd/4th gear. Car pulls away faster from every corner in 3rd than in 2nd with time wasted shifting. The car barely has enough traction to use all the power in 2nd anyway.

2. Turn in early. I figured out pretty quickly I needed to brake early, but I discovered since the car is so sluggish in steering response, I had to turn the wheel sooner than normal, really aiming hard for that apex right against the wall. Turning in way early in turn 3 alone shaved 2.5 seconds off my time, and I was even able to hit +5.4 once by the first checkpoint.

3. Some of the turns need to be taken as wide as possible. One really critical example is the final left-right chicane - get all the way over to the right in pit lane, and when you get to that sequence the narrow gap between the two walls suddenly opens up.

4. Once the Buick is in sight, discipline yourself to continue to brake early and turn early, instead of charging towards it and excessive speed and botching a turn. I had the Buick in sight by the first turn of the 2nd lap. I had to remind myself that I had almost 2 full laps to fill in a visual distance, and I had plenty of time to get there. If I didn't tell myself that I found myself botching turns and falling behind again.

5. Once you get close to it, don't hit the Buick. The Buick slows WAY down for all the turns, and it can catch you by surprise when you've caught up and you're approaching a turn and all of a sudden it slams on the brakes. You have to start being a little creative with the racing line, and you better pass the Buick in a turn because it pulls away from you in the straight line.

This Mission seemed harder than all the previous ones at first but at the end I felt it was easier than 13, and I spent less time on it.
Well I attempted it again and meraculously I actually won but it was really really close and some luck involved. I did the usual and passed all the cars by the middle of the second lap and I dont' know what I did this time but I actually caught up with him 2 seconds in front of me by the middle section in the 3rd lap. Then I accidently hit him while turning into the straight so I got a 5 second penalty, I thought I was done but I still played on and I caught back up to him in the last turn before the chicane so I was right next to him and I pushed him into the wallwhile turning the chicane and I just stayed right in front of him making sure that he doenst' overtake me and I won. I must say, That is seriously one hard mission.
i read at the beginning that the car has lousy brakes, its not the brakes thats lousy, its that DAMN SUSPENSION!!!!, the stroke for these suspension are enough high to gives me problem when accel, braking and turning.
Well I attempted it again and meraculously I actually won but it was really really close and some luck involved. I did the usual and passed all the cars by the middle of the second lap and I dont' know what I did this time but I actually caught up with him 2 seconds in front of me by the middle section in the 3rd lap. Then I accidently hit him while turning into the straight so I got a 5 second penalty, I thought I was done but I still played on and I caught back up to him in the last turn before the chicane so I was right next to him and I pushed him into the wallwhile turning the chicane and I just stayed right in front of him making sure that he doenst' overtake me and I won. I must say, That is seriously one hard mission.

wait until M 34
I hate to sound like sour grapes, but having been around since the mid-'60s myself, I've driven a lot of cars from this vintage. PD has definitely screwed up the Superbird beyond all recognition. In a perverse way it's like the MGF in one of the early license tests - once it gets into a slide, no amount of control input will do anything until it kills enough speed. Even direct opposite control inputs have the same effect - braking causes understeer, but so does acceleration. It's like the MGF in that test - once the back end swings out, countersteering has no effect. Transferring weight to the back doesn't firm it up, and transferring weight to the front has no effect either. You just have to wait it out, and by then it's too late.

I've driven a large number of heavy '60s American iron IRL, and nothing, not even a plain jane Charger, handles as badly as that Superbird does. It's a crime.

Yes, these old cars have tons of suspension travel, minimal damping, and lots of body motion. But normally you can use that to pitch the car around the way you want to, and you can soak up bumps like nothing. PD's mandatory driver's "aids" (*bitter sardonic laughter here*) have just made the Superbird obstinate and unforgiving.
PD's mandatory driver's "aids" (*bitter sardonic laughter here*) have just made the Superbird obstinate and unforgiving.
That's probably the worst part about this mission. It's almost impossible to put in three perfect laps at Seattle with the Superbird, but little, easily-corrected mistakes are amplified 10-fold with the traction control and ASM (which were not around in the 60's :rolleyes:) destroying all momentum. If i remember, this mission was the 2nd to last one I finished (M34 being the last, of course).
I found this one pretty hard because the Buick Special is a faster car anyway in my opinion, it understeers quite alot and is hard to get round the hairpins and chicanes.

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Brake about two days early.
-Don't accelerate too quickly out of tight corners, as this will induce crippling understeer.
-The final chicane can make or break the mission. Practice this until you can get it right.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
I just passed it this morning, and one thing that particularly helped a lot is that, I stayed in 3rd on the 2 corners after the uphill jumps section.

I found that out after I did some practice with my mint Superbird that sits on my garage, on the same track, and 3rd is what flashes on those 2 corners. And yes, It somehow works too on the DM's Superbird, which feels much softer.

Another important thing is to brake sufficiently before a turn, drop the gears, turn in, then mash on the pedal for full corner exit speed. Also, be smooth and consistent on those 3 laps. Lastly, try not to look at the split times too much, as it will further intimidates you. :)