Mission 17 - ALMS at Sears Point, almost.

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Well if someone needs help they just need to ask and I'll try to help them but for the moment nobody seems to have difficulty with this one
Well, it took me an evening to get it. But I can believe the time you quote. That's only 5 seconds a lap better than a close win, after all.

The test is the one where you chase down a Bentley Speed 8 in an Audi R8, with various annoying slow cars getting in your way. I think in setting the goald time they allowed lots of time for you waiting behind slow cars for a good passing opportunity.

The big kicker seems to be the Bentley slows down dramatically at the end. I was seconds behind (more than 2 for sure, probably more) at the last checkpoint, and still passed it after the last hairpin, going to the finish line. You wouldn't be able to do that if it was racing in earnest.
I must be unlucky as the Bentley didn't slow down for me. We had a right drag race to the stripe after the last hairpin & I won by .039 of a second. This was my 5th attempt on this one. It takes me to 97.1% completion and a few tricky Missions left but I've enjoyed working on the Missions this week, they definately improve my skill. Next...
This mission was a lot of fun:D

Took me 2 tries to get it (well it took multiple tries but in those cases I kept on retrying because I was too agressive and not used to the car). The first time I was 8 tenths off becuase I totally fell apart on the last half of the lap, and the second time I won by about a second. It wasn't the best i've ever ran, but I still fought pretty hard for it.
man this was the easy'st by far of the first 17, did the VW and then this one found it was about braking points and the first left -right get it right and it fun
got the leader off the last corner, was ready to run to the line in second place and try again, but the leader just sat in that corner for ages.
I must be absolutely terrible at this game. I can't even get close to the Bentley. I'm on atleast my 20th try and I haven't been able to even come close. I can get up to like 8 seconds behind mid-way through the last lap. I would assume that I'm running decent laps but I have no comparison, so I must be terrible.

Any tips on how I can beat this awful, awful thing?

(First post FTW.)
Dusting off GT4 and having a go, I finished in 3'55", which works out to about an average of 1'18" per lap. The Bentley finished about 10 seconds behind, so if I were you, I'd shoot for laps in the 1'21" range.
15-is more tries and I still can't get a lap below 1'25".xxx. I think it's the first section of the course (between finish line and first checkpoint) that's killing me, especially the first uphill corner, I go all the way down to 2nd gear just to get my self around it without flying off. After the first hairpin, I seem to do okay.

If you could give me any tips on how you pull off a 1'18" lap I'd really appreciate it :bowdown:

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-The uphill section is the trickiest part. The second "S" is much faster than the first, even though they look similar when driving.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
I've found with most of the driving missions you have to not worry about failing and look to go as quick as you can (duh). But what im trying to say is if you are struggling to bring your time down your probably being overcautious through some of the corners. You really have to attack the track rather than just trying to edge your way through the corners

EDIT: Just ran it again and won by 6 seconds and that included a 5 second penalty.

Arkangel if your first lap reads as 1.25.xxx don't worry thats still a good lap. The timer starts with some time already on the clock
Holy Cow! I did it! I have no idea how, but I pulled it off! Although, I only won by .012 :crazy: How you get ahead by 10 seconds is beyond me.

Stinger surely helped me with the reminder that time starts with 6 seconds XD.

The map was great Kyle! I realized I was braking a bit to much in the first hairpin, I cut back and bam!

Thanks for all the help!
+rep, got anymore of those? I could sure use them.....

I don't have any others, but that one only took about 15 minutes to whip up. If anyone has any specific requests, send me a PM, and I can make one up, and post it in the appropriate thread. Still job-hunting, so I've got plenty of time on my hands :D

Disclaimer: Of course, I'm sure people would object to my driving style with witty comments like "u drive like my gramma, n00b!" and "u dont nead brakes, jus driftz!", but it might provide a good starting point for some people. After all, there's no such thing as bad free advice :P
Well, I'm not anticipating any problems at Sears Point (my favorite track), but if you feel like mapping the Peugot Rally Car at Paris Opera, I'd be greatly appreciative.
but if you feel like mapping the Peugot Rally Car at Paris Opera, I'd be greatly appreciative.

I'll second that, I was going to ask for all of them. Now that Duke's asked for one I feel less guilty.
Could I please have Monaco, and dare I ask :scared: ........Sarthe I, especially the return section after the long straight. I'm losing lots of time there. Brake too much in order to keep the car (LMPs) on the track.

Tell you what, if you map more than a few of them, we can post a sticky with links to the individual posts for each Mission. That would be a great contribution to the site.
Update: I'm making up maps for all of the 3-lap battles and 1-lap magic missions. Should be up sometime this weekend.

Edit: They're all up now. (Missions 11-20 and 25-34)
Update: I'm making up maps for all of the 3-lap battles and 1-lap magic missions. Should be up sometime this weekend.

Edit: They're all up now. (Missions 11-20 and 25-34)

As mentioned in the PM,
Excellent work.
Thx again 👍 👍 👍

Now off to print these and improve my driving "skills".

One of the poorest and easiest Missions in the Mission Hall :grumpy: . This Mission made no sense whatsoever. It was easier than some of the earlier passing Missions. Far worse than the Corvette at Infineon Mission or Ford GT LM at Laguna Seca. One of the best cars in the game, the Audi R8, should have been put to better use somehow. I thought it was a two lap race and it probably should have been.

Even though a sample video surely isn't needed to win this race, I still made it anyway (NTSC, DS2, MT):
i clicked this one by accident and was like "ahh crap" turns out, you can go way off track at the "highest point of the racetrack" right hander, hit the sand a few times, then fly (and yes, literally fly) into the door of an opposing car at the previously mentioned right hander and still win.

i beat it first try when i thought i had no chance lol. fun times
Beat it last nite. Came back after completing 29 I think. After all that practice with the Chevy driving the Audi was a snap. On the 2nd try. Best thing was not having to wait to start. Thanks to all in these forums. Your advice has been appreciated.