Mission 29 - Infineon Corvette Chevrolet

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Mission 29 Infineon Corvette Chevrolet

I just cant let these writeups go astray, so I'll try to save as many of them as I can.

Courtesy of Daan and Famine
The Locust
Can someone help me out and give me some advice on Mission 29? It's the Corvette One Lap Magic. Supposedly i'm always losing 2 seconds behind the C1; I've tried a lot, like not shifting to 2nd on the opening turns and letting it rev from 3rd. I think i'm losing the most time with the 180 turns (this is usually where I meet up with the C5 Z06).
Any advice is appreciated!
I guarantee you it's the first corner - the tight 2nd gear right.
You need to accelerate before you see the apex. Practise this corner a lot and you'll find the time just falls away.
You want to be seeing the Z06 as you're coming through the long downhill left hander and pass him before the braking zone for the two 90 degree rights. The Grand Sport should go before you exit these corners. Then it's past the next two before the bottom hairpin and past the C1 as you hit the dogleg before the line.
First corner with the Corvette one.
Accelerate before you've finished turning in. Before you've hit the crest of the hill. WELL before you even SEE the apex.
If you can pull that corner off you'll slice lumps off your time.
I also found that if you run a bit wide on the turn before the esses you can carry a lot more speed through there than the AI does cutting it shorter. Also the wide right before the final hairpin needs to be taken flat out or nearly without touching even a grain of gravel. :nervous:
i cant believe how annoyed i got at this. after doing the above i was flying through gaining time. and what do i do? run off at the turn before the hairpin one time, and the other i clip the blue Corvette on the way through the hairpin
I did this mission again last night, and realized that it is much more difficult than I remember. I only won by a couple tenths (I seem to remember being faster than that the first time I beat the mission). Anyway, the keys to this mission are the two sections of esses (duh! :dunce: ). The first set is that tricky uphill section right after start/finish. These corners are slower than they look, and a lot of time is lost if you drift off the track. Don't get on the gas too early at the tops of the hills, becuase both of these apexes are bumpy, and the inner curbing is no help. You also have to be careful not to unsettle the rear end under braking, or you WILL go off the track (Anyone see the ALMS race this year where the C5-R driven by Figge/Datziel ran into an R8 for this very reason?). The second set of esses on the back side of the circuit is more straight forward. However, the middle two turns can't be taken full throttle, and neither can the high-speed right-hander before the final hairpin. To make matters worse, you have other cars in the way. But you have to be smooth through here, regardless of whether you have to pass or not. If you don't keep a good line through these two parts of the circuit, you won't pass this mission. Practice by taking your fastest car out for a track meet, and get used to attacking this track with other cars on it.
I FINALLY beat this! I almsot punched a hole in the wall, i've been trying for about a year to beat this thing! I got a time around the low 2 14s and it wasn't the best I could've run. Wow, what a feeling:D...yesterday I golded B16, today I beat this:D

Doing the R8 Infineon mission made this mission much, much easier.
I too found this to be fairly easy. What I find to work for me at Infineon is almost the opposite of what you see in previews and replays. On the two corkscrew type turns at the beginning of the race I always approach them fast uphill staying to the left and making sure I am on the gas on the uphill part of the turn. I brake hard and glide through the exiting right keeping the right tire just on the rumple strip. Once the car is steady you get back on the gas ASAP. The AI cars seem to finese throught these turns but I always seem to do better with my technique.
Another part of the course to gain time on is at the last right before the pit entrance and the hairpin turn. Approaching this turn at speed and either braking or easing off(depending on the car), getting the right front tire right on the rumple and punching it as soon as you are on the rumple gets me a great gain(stay out of the sand!). You are thrown to the left on exit doing this and can get into trouble if you get too far off to the left, but if you can manage to stay on the pavement you can make your competition look like they are standing still if executed properly.
heh, won by 0.028 secs on my sixth try or so. I hate American cars. it can take the corners near to the speeds the LM and JGTC cars can but it just doesn't feel as 'under control' doing it...oh well. first corner's a lot easier in this thing than the R8. :D
This is driving me crazy the wait is my prob, had it won untill hairpin at the end hit the 2nd placed AI car when i didnt drift wide like every other time

finally won by a massive 0.029, thought the AI car got me.

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Brake smoothly in the uphill section. The Corvette likes to get squirrely through here.
-Be quick through the back section of esses. Cars may get in your way, but you can easily get by them.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
It has been said before. The key to this mission (and this track) is the S curves at the begining of the lap. You have to be on the gas before the apex.
I think you might be able to wallride the final hairpin.
I always liked Infineon and always considered it a track you can't lose at because of multiple cheats and such. I didn't cheat on this run, though. I just ran an easy clean run. (NTSC, DS2)

Basically, I shifted early and kept my speed up by not braking hard. There's a downhill lefthand curve that if you catch it properly you can get some good running speed. The only pain I had was the blue and white Vette getting in my way. I had to guess how fast he was going to make the turn since I couldn't see him till the last minute.

I just ran this race without any practice and put it on YouTube. It's a fairly decent video:
this one was mildly stressful but i still enjoyed it. took me about a half an hour but the ending made it all worth while. too bad my sister started talking to me and i forgot to save it :( im gonna go do it again just so i can save it

i love the one lap magics!
After two full hours of struggling, I finally beat this one...

And I Hate -- with a capital "H" -- Infineon. :yuck:
Why? It's such a great, flowing track, with absolutely great rhythm. At least it has landmarks for the blind corners, not like Suzuka, which has NO rhythm and no landmarks.
Some people do, and I'll never understand why. I kind of like the East short course, but I find the back 2/3 of Suzuka incredibly tedious and unsatsifying to drive. It's an excercise in rote-memorized timing, which I find very very dull. From Degner through to the Last curve, it's just terribly laid out and rhythmless.
I agree with Duke completely - East Short is a nice little course (though perhaps a bit too easy against the AI), but the second half of the full course does have a very odd pace/rhythm.

On the topic of this challenge... I rather like Infineon, but have had a devil of a time with the Corvette. After many tries a couple months ago I was able to breeze through the Cien mission (33?) and the three lap battle at Infineon, but still haven't passed 29. Probably about time to give it another dedicated session and see if I've improved at all.

Edit 8/24: So I didn't give it much of a go back in July, but came back to it a couple days ago - ran two tries and was still between .75 and a second off, but felt MUCH more in control of the vette and was hitting the right lines much better. Ran out of time that session, but went back to it yesterday and won it first time out. Wasn't anything tricky to it (so I don't have any useful feedback), just being a better driver, running Infineon more times in more cars, and getting some practice with faster, more precise cars (working on the GTWC).

Splits were +31.540, +14.400, -.248... not my best split at T1, but much better T1-T2. The last part of the course is just about positioning - if you're into third early enough to properly line up the fast right hander it's over - until my winning run I was always off the line on that curve trying to pass. With a clear run at it, you should pass into second before having to brake and line up the last turn.
I love Infineon, especially the first two chicanes :P

That's why this DM is fairly easy for me, completed it on 2nd try.

Oh, I love Suzuka too.


I hate the Ring =(
Anywhere in particular giving you trouble? I love Sears Point - maybe I can help. I will say that Sears Point is not a course that takes well to a banzai attack style - brake early, be in control, and you can carry a lot of speed around it.
Its not that I keep getting 5 sec. penaltys or I keep going off the track,its just I am always 1.3sec behind the c1 when we finish.

EDIT;I'll give that a try,I really want that 7.