Mission 8 - Siblings rivalry at the Mountain

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change to 3rd gear at 146 km/h over the hump...follow and ram the red car in tunnel...beat him over the line...just after 5second penalty
This may prompt a "Holy thread revival, Batman!" from someone, but hey, GT5 hasn't been released just yet. :sly: I'm posting to demonstrate the difference between PAL and NTSC on this mission, which is very apparent when two videos are watched side-by-side.

The only clean video I could find on Youtube by a PAL user:

My own video, which GTRP has ranked in first place (followed by two other NTSC players, who are both ahead of holl01, which makes the disparity obvious):

I think the game's developers imagined the flood of complaints saying "this mission is impossible" from PAL players and decided to have the lead car start much further back in the NTSC version. Not having to contend with the AI makes setting a fast time much easier!
Wow! I never noticed that. I just thought 24.395 was really bad... and I overtook on the inside!

Nice videos (I watched most of your new ones), but stidriver has managed 24.063 :P
Just completed the Mission now. AND i got the Delorian.
oh and indecently I have been trying to do this one for about....9 months and only just completed it. :(
OMG that mission is rock hard! Austin 343's 2nd video was amazing! It took me about 20 attempts and even then only because i hit the ia car so hard he couldn't regain control in time as i went over the line with a 5 sec pen lol!