I'm a fan of the Evo series in RL and a few friends drive them (although my own toy is a 300ZX) so naturally after collecting a few Evo's I decided to tune one up and do a few of the A-Spec races in it while the server was offline today.
Boy was I surprised. This thing is twitchy as hell. First of all, and I'm assuming that this is directly linked to the AYC, this car really loves to wobble all over the road as soon as I start to approach 90+ MPH. When I hit anywhere near 120+ the wobble is so bad I can't even approach turns accurately which usually throws off my whole entrance and exit strategy.
Second, the steering is extremely sensitive. If I move the wheel a fraction of an inch in a corner, the damn thing has a tendency to simply straighten out completely and careen into a barrier.
Last... where the hell is my LSD? I purchased one... it showed up in the drivetrain menu and then as soon as I decided to give the AYC a try and see how it performed, the damn LSD vanished and I can't find a way to get it back now that I have determined that the AYC is ****. Is there a way to bring it back?
Has anyone out there managed to tame this beast? If so, do you just never touch the AYC button in order to keep the LSD active or do you just turn the AYC down to minimum and deal with the wobble? Personally I find it un-drivable with the wobbling, but maybe someone has manged a tune that keeps it under control better than my own ad-hoc tune.
Boy was I surprised. This thing is twitchy as hell. First of all, and I'm assuming that this is directly linked to the AYC, this car really loves to wobble all over the road as soon as I start to approach 90+ MPH. When I hit anywhere near 120+ the wobble is so bad I can't even approach turns accurately which usually throws off my whole entrance and exit strategy.
Second, the steering is extremely sensitive. If I move the wheel a fraction of an inch in a corner, the damn thing has a tendency to simply straighten out completely and careen into a barrier.
Last... where the hell is my LSD? I purchased one... it showed up in the drivetrain menu and then as soon as I decided to give the AYC a try and see how it performed, the damn LSD vanished and I can't find a way to get it back now that I have determined that the AYC is ****. Is there a way to bring it back?
Has anyone out there managed to tame this beast? If so, do you just never touch the AYC button in order to keep the LSD active or do you just turn the AYC down to minimum and deal with the wobble? Personally I find it un-drivable with the wobbling, but maybe someone has manged a tune that keeps it under control better than my own ad-hoc tune.