Model Automotive Competition 33

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 33.

Week 32 Results!


Congratulations to NISM0_SKYLINE; We need more voters!

Thank you to all who voted, and for those who entered!

Winner: Week 31 - Theme chosen by LongbowX


THEME: In their words: "Bit of a flashback to the 2nd Competition: Two cars to be photographed in the same shot.

American & European
American & Japanese
European & Japanese "

-Editing -Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-Photographs must not be a 'snapshot' but must include some composition and effect - Base the photo on a studio shoot, or even use diorama/composition to create a realistic setting (you could position the model and camera in such a way in an outside setting so that it appears to be a 'real' car)
-No HDR shots
-Shots must be taken between January 2008 and the present day - exceptions can be made as long as the photograph has not been shown before the competition e.g. unposted work.
-Picture sizes - Must be no longer than 400px on the longest edge, full sized images must be no longer than 900px on the longest edge

-Deadline for each week will be 5pm GMT on a Wednesday, poll will be up by 5:30 pm GMT
-Voting will close on a Friday at 5:30pm GMT

The next competition will take place on Wednesday the 4th of November.
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Can't do the rules.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, however - I will do what I've been meaning to for a while: allow the same editing as the Auto Comp.

Actually, you might mean you can't do the combination of cars. I'm willing to accept any two cars, as long as they are from different countries.
It says you have to do a "photo shot" thing but I took the pic out side.
SVX, what the rules mean is that the shot can't just be a snapshot, as in just a shot taken without setting everything up and visualizing what you're going to do. Look at some of N_S's and Longbow's shots from previous comps and even the GT4 comps to help you with composition.
It says you have to do a "photo shot" thing but I took the pic out side.

SVX, what the rules mean is that the shot can't just be a snapshot, as in just a shot taken without setting everything up and visualizing what you're going to do. Look at some of N_S's and Longbow's shots from previous comps and even the GT4 comps to help you with composition.

Thanks for that, Minolta. ^^

Pretty much exactly what he said. There has to be some attempt to, you know, make it look nice - not just taking a second and snapping a photo of one of your models wherever it might be on display. Outside, or wherever you want to take it, is fine. I suggest taking Minolta's suggestion of looking at some of the previous competitions - they should give you an idea of what we mean.
No problem Chris. :)

Anyway, I'll see if I can enter. (My camera is crap, I'm looking to get a DSLR but I can't seem to find one cheap. Any help?) I'm not doing too well lately though, I have a terrible cough and the weather is terrible. Maybe I could enter though.

(Another thought, I need to get some more model cars; most of mine currently are messed up or aren't of very good quality, plus I'm broke ATM.)
No problem Chris. :)

Anyway, I'll see if I can enter. (My camera is crap, I'm looking to get a DSLR but I can't seem to find one cheap. Any help?) I'm not doing too well lately though, I have a terrible cough and the weather is terrible. Maybe I could enter though.

(Another thought, I need to get some more model cars; most of mine currently are messed up or aren't of very good quality, plus I'm broke ATM.)

Crap cameras can still take good shots, you just need to know what style the camera shoots in. Cheap DSLR's are not my specialty unfortunately. I'm not sure how cheap they can go. There are probably people on here who know more.

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well though, hope it's nothing serious. I've never seen a model photo in the rain, I don't think. Something to try with a lousy model... I hope you can enter, but if you don't feel up to it, don't worry about it.

I need to get some more model cars too. I have no space, though...
Heh. Messed up. Crashing them much? a few of mine are messed up pretty bad, I'll admit. But I've even used those ones sometimes. You can hide the quality of the model many ways. I have used a lot of cheap $20 models made over 10 years ago. Being broke doesn't help the model situation though. :ouch: Nor the camera. But I'm sure you can manage!
Look whos streak ended now :lol:. I'm actually in the same boat as Minolta, I'm looking into a DSLR camera too but I think I'm gonna wait a little bit until I get more money. Plus my camera now isn't too bad, it would just be nice to have one since I'm going into journalism or photojournalism.
Look whos streak ended now :lol:. I'm actually in the same boat as Minolta, I'm looking into a DSLR camera too but I think I'm gonna wait a little bit until I get more money. Plus my camera now isn't too bad, it would just be nice to have one since I'm going into journalism or photojournalism.

Believe me - I am glad I don't have to choose a theme. :sly:

I am going to lose every week when you get a DSLR. XD

Good luck on your journalistic endeavors as well.
Not too bad, but the chairs and table look a little weird. You need to provide a link to fullsize (~900px) too.

Anyway, I'll see if I can get a shot tomorrow. My folks are telling me not to go outside, but, hell, I'm already sick, how much worse can it get. I hope it rains again, the scattered yellow leaves and the reflections on the ground would be an interesting combination.

EDIT: I'm out. My computer won't read the memory card...when I put it in, it says it's not in there. Any help?
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Not too bad, but the chairs and table look a little weird. You need to provide a link to fullsize (~900px) too.

I think it's good as well. Minus the chairs and...whatever else is in there- it would be a great shot!

Anyway, I'll see if I can get a shot tomorrow. My folks are telling me not to go outside, but, hell, I'm already sick, how much worse can it get. I hope it rains again, the scattered yellow leaves and the reflections on the ground would be an interesting combination.

EDIT: I'm out. My computer won't read the memory card...when I put it in, it says it's not in there. Any help?

I bet it would be an interesting combination. As for the memory card - maybe try connecting the camera directly?
Oh yes, I forgot about doing that...problem is, I can't find the cord to connect them. Looks like I'll be doing some searching...

EDIT: Yes! I found just to get a shot. There's a place outside in front of a brick wall and at this time of day the lighting is fantastic. Hopefully I'll be able to get a good shot.
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Final Entry


I think I will delay this maybe Minolta seems intent on entering, and I am going to hold this open to see if he remembers. XD Feel free to change or submit until I close this. ^^
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Wow, so you made us wait a whole day for nothing?

:sly:, Just playin I don't care. Too bad though we could of had 4 entries this week, but 3 the most in a while.
I would like to enter, but I was busy yesterday and today and couldn't find time for shooting. So, as much as I'd like to enter, I can't.

That's alright, I hope I'll get to see you enter in future. ^^

Wow, so you made us wait a whole day for nothing?
:sly:, Just playin I don't care. Too bad though we could of had 4 entries this week, but 3 the most in a while.

You sly devil you. :lol: It would have been nice to have 4 entires, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Nice entry LongbowX!

Thanks. Appreciate it. ^^