Model Automotive Competition #4 CLOSED

  • Thread starter GBWH1991


Dundee, Scotland
Sinner Bopper
Colour - The brighter the colour the better. Maybe play with the contrast a little.


-Scale - between 1:32 and 1:18
-Editing - only levels, contrast and adding a boarder/watermark (keep it as stock as possible)
-Photographs must not be a 'snapshot' but must include some composition and effect - Base the photo on a studio shoot, or even use diorama/composition to create a realistic setting (you could position the model and camera in such a way in an outside setting so that it appears to be a 'real' car)
-No HDR shots
-Shots must be taken between January 2008 and the present day - exceptions can be made as long as the photograph has not been shown before the competition e.g. unposted work.
-Picture sizes - Must be no longer than 400px on the longest edge, full sized images must be no longer than 900px on the longest edge

-Deadline for each week will be 6pm GMT on a Wednesday, poll will be up by 6pm GMT
-Voting will close on a Friday at 6pm GMT

-If I am absent for reasons beyond my control, I will need someone to fill in for me in running the competition for that week.

The next competition will take place on Wednesday 4th February.

Congratulations Speedster502
Speedster502 - 4
Venom800tt - 2
NTX1982 - 2
LongbowX - 1
GBWH1991 - 0
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Thanks for all the votes guys! Intresting theme this week, although I'm wondering if any of the shots I was taking last night fit into this.
Roo I may be missing the point but wheres the model car? Unless its a paint job of a car/bike/whatever.
It's the roof panal of this Universal Hobbies Renault Clio Cup:


I didn't really know what to do for this week's theme, and whilst I felt it might violate the snapshot rule, I figured it's better to post it and have it overruled than not post it at all.
Ah, awesome! Now I know what is I can see what you mean. This theme in general is harder than most think, to be honest I've been experimenting with lighting to try and come up with something intresting. It just seems to be luck that your car there has a bright paint job, and now seeing the actual car it seems to be a pretty cool entry! And definately something different brought into the competition.
No problem clarifying it! It was quite lucky - I was reaching for my 787B for a similar shot, and the Clio was on the same shelf; I'd forgotten about it, which is odd as the absurd colour scheme was the only reason I bought it :)
That Clio reminds me so much of the BMW Art Cars. I wish I had a model of one of those to take pics of.
Actually I've just remembered I've got an Audi R8 Crocodile model. I'll see if I can get it down from the Attic but I'm not promising anything.
Sorry I did't do the last one but I couldn't think of anything. Now i'm back but I went a little different with color I'm trying all white so........
Final Entry

I kept to the warm colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, and the Browns (though not officially part of the colour wheel)

It is a hard theme's sort of vague, I think. Open to interpretation.

Lamborghini Murcielago and Gallardo.

Entries now closed, sorry I couldn't get a shot up - just gone back to college, and have a lot to do now I'm in my final part of the course...