Model Photography Competition 40

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 40.

Week 39 Results!


Congratulations to Me! If only there were more entries...

Thank you to all who voted, and for those who entered!

Winner: Week 38 - Theme chosen by Speedster502


THEME: In their words: "...Show me something inventive, something that hasn't been seen before. So essentially come up with a new interesting concept. "

-Editing -Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-Photographs must not be a 'snapshot' but must include some composition and effect - Base the photo on a studio shoot, or even use diorama/composition to create a realistic setting (you could position the model and camera in such a way in an outside setting so that it appears to be a 'real' car)
-No HDR shots
-Shots must be taken between January 2008 and the present day - exceptions can be made as long as the photograph has not been shown before the competition e.g. unposted work.
-Picture sizes - Must be no longer than 400px on the longest edge for the thumbnail image, (linked) full sized images must be no longer than 900px on the longest edge

-Deadline for each week will be 10pm GMT on a Wednesday, poll will be up by 10:30 pm GMT
-Voting will close on a Friday at 10:30pm GMT

The next competition will take place on Wednesday the 30th of December.
Well, we've never had a Fish Eye theme before. So here's my try at it :)

No we have not. Very interesting....

Ahh. I've always wanted one of those models, I even found one. But I really have no room for it. Would have to keep it in the box and have it never be seen...
The fisheye is fun to mess with, although I still don't have it down.

I love the 787B, we got it at Le Mans so it's a bonus. Overall though it's a nice model and has incredible detail.
The fisheye is fun to mess with, although I still don't have it down.

I love the 787B, we got it at Le Mans so it's a bonus. Overall though it's a nice model and has incredible detail.

Got it at Le Mans!?!

Me so jealous. :(


EDIT: This will close on the 31st instead, due to my unavailability during the time - the Auto Photo Competition will close then as well.
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Ehh. I couldn't come up with anything doable in the time allotted. So, I don't know. I thought about not entering at all. The one I wanted to use didn't look good

Maybe Final Entry

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Could you leave this open for a few more hours Longbow? I need some time to work out some memory card problems.

Ehh. Alright then, I'll be leaving and I don't know when I'll get back tonight. So I'll just leave it until then, I suppose. I'd likely come back 5-6 hours from now. Done and done. :dopey:


I can't stop :drool: at that shot, LongbowX. It looks great. 👍

Make sure to clean off your desk. And thank you. :sly:
Looks great Longbow, really like the effect on that. I haven't shot anything innovative yet it might be an idea to extend the deadline further just because of the past week or two being hetic (new year, and Christmas for those who celebrate it). I'll try to get something shot tommorrow if the deadline is extended. I did have an idea to use a shot I had done using a match as a light streak, then I saw I had done a shot with that technique before and entered it in the competition.
Looks great Longbow, really like the effect on that. I haven't shot anything innovative yet it might be an idea to extend the deadline further just because of the past week or two being hetic (new year, and Christmas for those who celebrate it). I'll try to get something shot tommorrow if the deadline is extended. I did have an idea to use a shot I had done using a match as a light streak, then I saw I had done a shot with that technique before and entered it in the competition.

Ahh. Well, I'm glad you like it, that took many attempts...

Yeah,'s better if I don't have to close this tonight. So...sure. Whenever you're done, I'll close it then, perhaps. I'll think about it some more.

That's a very cool idea though, I might have to do and offshoot of that sometime...