Monster Truck Madness 2 Photoshop

This game is sooo old. I think it came out in 1998. I'm a monster truck fan and I am a Tech Official for USHRA and have been part of a few race teams through the years.

This is about the only monster truck game worth messing with, in my opinion.
I edited a few pictures, trying to make the game look more realistic haha.

Here are a few...




For those that have never played the game, here is a shot of what it looks like, un-edited. It's quite boring looking. But it's fun, and it's old, cut it some slack haha.


I have a bunch more of edited ones, but I know this isn't exactly the "monster truck racing" forum, so I won't bother much. :dopey:

Just thought I'd share.
Thanks for looking!
I used to play the first one way back. Must have been 8 years or something. Can't really see what you've done as i don't know this game, but doens't look like a Photoshop. So iguess that's good :)
I only played a demo of the game, because it's on the same disc as Windows 98 SE.