More prize money or starter money.

I have earned my money in GT1, GT2, and GT3 by racing all the races, over and over, to get everything Ive wanted in those games. Ive EARNED my cars.

And PD's "generous" offer of a measely 100,000 credit transfer from GT3 pissed me off royaly. So I went out and bought a cheat disc with GT4 money code on it.

I dont care if its "cheating"...all I say is that Ive earned my right to "cheat" in 3 previous games over years of gameplay. Im not about to earn all my cars back again. Screw that.

So when GT5 comes out...I'll use another "cheat" disc. I dont have time to sit around and waste it on racing 85948509349 times anymore. Im done with that. Thanks anyway PD.

Money in the series is no longer an issue.
He's got a point, anybody who feels that way is pretty much entitled, though I won't do it, unless something happens where I have less time to play ie, (If I get a life) but I thought they gave you 20,000 cr in the beginning? or am I thinking of GT3?
Why more money? Just do all the missions and licenses first and then you'll get lots of prize cars and money and then you can buy a really nice car if needed or just spend all the money tuning your prize cars. It's fine how it's at now. Just do the things where the car is already provided to you first.
GT3 had problems in this department - according to most, I think - but GT4 is just fine.
In GT3, you had a very limited scope of options. Win a licence car, or buy one of the four or five you can afford at the start. Then race again and again and again and again to scrape up enough for that suspension upgrade, or stage 1 turbo, whatever. Then you step up to the next car, and do it again for a while before the whole game really starts to open up to you.
In GT4, there's a huge varity of (used) cars availible to you right from the start. Not only that, but we've gone back to the old GT2 system of absolutly burying you in prize cars. Sell them or use them, up to you. More money to start off is unnessicary, and increasing prize money is just silly. It's been stupidly easy to come up with cash in every GT game.

As many as it takes to what? Satisfy classic or annoy everyone who reads the forum? :P
Untill John or me or someone else beats him into submission with relentless sense-making.
I agree with comments about doing the licenses to get a car. I've restarted due to a corrupt memory card.. and if you choose carefully you cant loose.

Im 5% in, have 110,000creds due to buying a 95 Scooby - 4wd and Manufacturers. *SIMPLE*

Then go do the 2nd rally level (i think) and keep selling the toyota u win for 250,000+ creds....

In a way its ruined it how easily obtainable money is!

However i also acquired cheat disk and 85% complete.. phew!
In a way its ruined it how easily obtainable money is!

You mean YOU'VE ruined it by exploiting the prize structure. Just because you CAN do this doesn't mean you HAVE to.

SORRY for the EMPHAsis BUT I starTED and coulDN't stOP!
You mean YOU'VE ruined it by exploiting the prize structure. Just because you CAN do this doesn't mean you HAVE to.

SORRY for the EMPHAsis BUT I starTED and coulDN't stOP!

I see what you are saying 100%, but it wouldnt surprise me if many people didnt exploit it in one way or another!
Of course they will, but then they have no right to complain.

I disagree about less prize money being more of a challenge. Harder racing is more of a challenge, less prize money is just more racing.
I have a much better idea. You start with an old 93' Toyota Corolla and no money. Spend the first six months or so making enough stake to buy a decent car, winning $100 here, $500 here, and spending a lot of that to fix the car you're using, which will break drive axles, rust, get banged up... :lol:

Money has always been ridiculously easy in GT after the first two or three series you finish.
I have a much better idea. You start with an old 93' Toyota Corolla and no money. Spend the first six months or so making enough stake to buy a decent car, winning $100 here, $500 here, and spending a lot of that to fix the car you're using, which will break drive axles, rust, get banged up... :lol:

Money has always been ridiculously easy in GT after the first two or three series you finish.

It has the LOL face, so I think it's a joke. I also hope it's a joke too.

I think maybe we need to realize that no matter the prize money, people will still make it. We also need to realize that making starter money and prize money less, not only will it not make the game harder, but simply make you have to play more, we also need to realize that these forums are full of fanatics, or more hard-core fans, as for all those people giving PD money, that don't want/have 200 hours to spend on the game, will simply be pi$$ed off at the fact that they have to race the same races 25 times just to get started in the game, that is, if they make prize money less, and give less starter money.
Need I mention the fact that many of the good starter cars in real life, as of GT4, arent even in the game? Like a 93 Firebird or Camaro, that you can pick up for about 5 grand? there's not too many cars you can get that'll run with them (if any) for 5 grand or less, but they can't be had in GT4 unless you get a 97, which costs triple the price. And you don't have that much money to start anyway
^ You make some good points there, I think the prize car structure needs to be looked at more than the prize money. Having a prize car that can you can win and then sell for over 400k within half an hour of starting the game isn't ideal imo. The actual prize money though doesn't seem too bad. As you progress through the game you need to start earning stupid levels of money becasue how else will you ever buy one of thoes 4.5 mil cars, let alone all of them. But like I said, having a prize car so early that will make you so much, or even having a prize car that's just stupidly fast that you can win just as early (the Cadillac Cien) damages the balance of the game.
It has the LOL face, so I think it's a joke. I also hope it's a joke too.

Well... :lol: would make things interesting. But you have a point about other starter cars. Old Camaros, we definitely need more "cheap" Camaros and Mustangs, as well as BMW 3-series cars, old 325s and earlier generation M3s.

And yes, it is silly to give a stupid fast car as a prize very early on. The distribution of prize cars makes it not worth entering some of the more challenging series more than once.
Anyone with enough intelligence and a prize car/monies list can exploit it no matter how miserly it seems. The problem isn't that prize/starter money is too high or too low but that:

  • Tuning parts are too expensive - 1,500cr for a 3hp chip on a car that costs 15,000cr is ridiculous.
  • Race restrictions don't exist. Well, they may as well not. If I enter a 400hp car in a race with 150hp cars, of COURSE I'm going to win.
  • Races with restrictions are blighted - as is the whole game - by dumbass AI.

Even with all of these things sorted out, you'll still find an "easy" path to big bucks, if you're determined enough.

And Vonie has a point. Can you not just jot all of your ideas down and put them in ONE post?