Morgan are entering Le Mans.

  • Thread starter slip2rock
Intrested to read in the paper today that Morgan are entering a car in Le Mans, the report wasn't too specific about which year but presumably this year.

Hopefully the bloody thing will complete but if it's anything like my mums old 4/4 i imagine the driver(s) eyeballs will be bouncing by the time they finish the race.
heard about this a month, more or less, ago. and from a british car site. guess the general press aint too fast.
Originally posted by vat_man
So are the cars running wooden frames?

Oh god i hope not, I'd forgotten about all that. Anyway it's the Aero 8 the've entered.

I'm sure the web site will have the info -

This has been about fora month :eek: wow, must have been to caught up in GT3. I know i've hardly done any surfing since this game turned up....
Well, I snuck into the press section of Morgan's site and found a this thing ugly or is it just me? :eek: They'd really better work on the aerodynamics if they want to have a shot at winning Le Mans...


  • morgan.jpg
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It looks alot like a car that was in Rage Racer.
If you've ever played through the game, you'ed know the car.

Its not that bad lookin.
Yep the damn this is ugly, no two ways about it.

Seeing as it's from the official site i would have thought they'd have posted a more flattering pic. I think the new Aero 8 looked good when i saw it on the TV.

Oh well England shoots itself in the foot again..... :banghead:

Aren't there loads of different catagories in Le Mans? I know there's the big stuff that flies around at 200mph + but i'm sure they have about 5 or 6 other types racing at the same time.
That thing is TIGHT underneath the ugly body. Pick up last month's racecar engeneering. It has all the stuff on it, and yes it is this year that it is entering lemans.
ugly isn't the word. Not lemans material. Its not bad but it must be embarassing drving that thing at a lemans race
I think, that they should cut off all of the yellow part, and make it like an open wheeled car...that would look a tad better....
slip2rock: Man, I wish I knew - I know that there are a bunch of different categories, but offhand I could only say GT (resemblances to road cars {where BMW got nicked} with the requirements being that it has to be very similar to the road car) and the "big stuff that flies around at 200+ mph," including Audi and Bentley. Otherwise, I don't know about any other categories, but I *believe* there could be some.
Oh dear Morgan are gonna be laughed at if they enter Le mans with that thing...:lol:, looks like it should be sitting in some Racing Veterians garage being polished 24/7........
Considering the project only started in February, they've done pretty well - gotta laugh, though, most of the photos I've seen of the car have been of the back of the car!
Here we go, a shot from scrutineering!


Hey, at least it's not another 'look-a-like' prototype - or one of the fleet of Porsche GT3s....