Moscow woman arrested carrying severed child's head.

  • Thread starter Dennisch


Humongous member
Police in the Russian capital Moscow have arrested a woman on suspicion of murdering a child after she was found apparently carrying a severed head.

The woman, believed to be the victim's nanny, is suspected of killing the child before setting fire to its parents' apartment.

CCTV appears to show the woman, dressed in a hijab, walking near a metro station with a head in her hands.

A police officer then intercepts her and wrestles her to the ground.

The suspect has been placed in psychiatric care to determine whether she is capable of understanding her actions, the Moscow Investigative Committee said in a statement (in Russian).

A criminal investigation was launched after the discovery of the remains of a child aged three to four, whose body bore traces of a violent death, in a charred flat on Narodnoye Opolcheniye Street in north-western Moscow, it added.

"According to preliminary information, the child's nanny, a citizen of one of the Central Asian states born in 1977, waited for the parents and elder child to leave the flat and then, for reasons not established, murdered the infant, set fire to the flat and left the scene," it added in the statement.

Police sources told Russian news agencies that the victim had been decapitated and the head removed from the scene by the nanny.

'I am your death'
The suspect has been named by Russian media as Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, from the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan.

Russia's tabloid news website Life News, which specialises in crime coverage, reports that the victim was a little girl.

According to Life News, a policeman asked to see her identity documents outside Oktyabrskoye Polye metro station, at which point she pulled the head of the child out of a bag and began screaming that she would blow herself up.

No traces of explosives were found on the suspect after her arrest, the site adds.

Amateur video posted online shows a black-clad woman, apparently the suspect, outside a metro station shouting the Islamic phrase "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great).

"I am a terrorist," she cries. "I am your death."

Russian journalist Polina Nikolskaya witnessed the incident. She told Reuters: "I was on my way to the metro station from home. She was standing near the metro entrance and caught my attention because she was screaming Allahu Akbar.

"I saw that she had a bloodied head in her arms but I thought it was not real. People in the crowd said it was real."

Other witnesses says the woman walked up and down outside the metro station for some 20 minutes, shouting and brandishing the head.

The phrase "Allahu Akbar" has been trending on Russian social media, in a country with a recent history of violent Islamist militancy.

Horrible... (the link contains censored photos and video) says that one of the main versions is a conflict with her husband. It's not the first time a child is beheaded in Russia.

P.S. Alexander Bastrykin (the Head of The Investigative Committee.) said that last year 2062 children were killed from criminal hands.
Crappy news, sure. The state TV channels mostly ignored this (even LifeNews reported it only once), probably to avoid any anti-Muslim tensions in the society. But the internet is boiling. Many people call to bring the capital punishment back for criminals like this, and "remove kebab" voices are heard, too.

The most dramatic discussion is about how the police reacted to this, that it took 40 minutes to arrest that woman. "Our police is worthless!", people say. But, considering that she could be carrying a bomb (and, reportedly, she threatened to blow the place up), I think that all the cops could do safely and quickly was to secure the area, letting nobody close to her. And if they just shot her, there would be no one left to interrogate.
Reports are circling that the woman was diagnosed with schizophrenia fifteen years ago:
Funny how when it comes to some news you question the source but have no trouble posting something from a Russian tabloid known best for publishing bawdy headlines, caricatures and a fascination with the dirty laundry of celebrities. You also skipped failed to mention this part from your "source":

Another Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, which cited a close family friend, said the live-in nanny had recently become very religious, spent a lot of time online and had brought home a prayer mat.
You also skipped failed to mention this part from your "source":

Another Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, which cited a close family friend, said the live-in nanny had recently become very religious, spent a lot of time online and had brought home a prayer mat.

Two things appeared pretty obvious in every version of the story I've seen so far; the woman was a murderous psychopath and felt a religious affinity. Why mention non-germane points? It seems about as relevant as mentioning that she liked playing GTA.

EDIT: Add paranoid schizophrenia to the list, a voice from god told her to carry out the crime, she claims.
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Two things appeared pretty obvious in every version of the story I've seen so far; the woman was a murderous psychopath and felt a religious affinity. Why mention non-germane points? It seems about as relevant as mentioning that she liked playing GTA.

EDIT: Add paranoid schizophrenia to the list, a voice from god told her to carry out the crime, she claims.
Which are the non-germane points?
The ones you raised from Pravda, I think.
So the "source" being the equivalent of the Daily Mail or any other tabloid rag isn't relevant? I see sources discredited around here for the same reason on a regular basis, how is this one different?
So the "source" being the equivalent of the Daily Mail or any other tabloid rag isn't relevant?

I didn't say that. You seemed to imply that @prisonermonkeys should have included those facts and that he might have deliberately excluded them. They hardly seem relevant to a schizophrenic murderer, she could have bought a bag of cheese and onion crisps the day before and it would have been just as relevant.
I didn't say that. You seemed to imply that @prisonermonkeys should have included those facts and that he might have deliberately excluded them. They hardly seem relevant to a schizophrenic murderer, she could have bought a bag of cheese and onion crisps the day before and it would have been just as relevant.
How is it that we can draw the conclusion already as to what "facts" are relevant, whether she was schizophrenic or not, and how is that a tabloid rag is trusted for facts when similar sources are routinely dismissed?
How is it that we can draw the conclusion already as to what "facts" are relevant, whether she was schizophrenic or not, and how is that a tabloid rag is trusted for facts when similar sources are routinely dismissed?

You're presuming to know where I got my facts from, I think? It's been widely publicised via the Russian police that she claims to have been instructed in her actions by the voice of a god. You don't need a Masters to realise that she's schizophrenic and/or delusional after that revelation or, dare I say, even before that revelation... she was carrying a murdered child's head, after all.

That's why I was unsure about why you'd call PM out for "failing to mention" that she'd recently become very religious, was using the internet more and had bought a mat. In the face of the events portrayed in the OP I continue to feel that those are irrelevant facts.
You're presuming to know where I got my facts from, I think? It's been widely publicised via the Russian police that she claims to have been instructed in her actions by the voice of a god. You don't need a Masters to realise that she's schizophrenic and/or delusional after that revelation or, dare I say, even before that revelation... she was carrying a murdered child's head, after all.

That's why I was unsure about why you'd call PM out for "failing to mention" that she'd recently become very religious, was using the internet more and had bought a mat. In the face of the events portrayed in the OP I continue to feel that those are irrelevant facts.
I presume nothing. There's been one link posted so far so that's the one I'm talking about. If you're talking about something else you're keeping it a secret. One doesn't need to be delusional or schizophrenic to walk around carrying heads either, unless you're saying everyone fighting for ISIS is schizophrenic and/or delusional. And how can you so easily dismiss recently becoming more religious as irrelevant? Islamic radicalization is a thing in case you haven't noticed. Are you 100% certain she wasn't manipulated because of her alleged condition by some radical fundamentalist down at the local mosque? Do you think the police will simply dismiss that connection and not visit her place of worship?
Funny how when it comes to some news you question the source but have no trouble posting something from a Russian tabloid known best for publishing bawdy headlines,
We all know how much you want this crime to have been one driven by the perpetrator's faith, because then it's just further proof of what you believe, that Islam Is Bad. You're not fooling anyone.
We all know how much you want this crime to have been one driven by the perpetrator's faith, because then it's just further proof of what you believe, that Islam Is Bad. You're not fooling anyone.
So because I mention something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime, from a link you posted, that means I therefore want it to be driven by her faith? Leap to conclusions much? Apologies for not wanting to bury my head in the sand and look at all sides of the situation.
Well, she did mention that Allah told her to do it, so technically...
If you speak to god, you're religious.

If god speaks to you, you're crazy.

So because I mention something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime, from a link you posted, that means I therefore want it to be driven by her faith?
No, you mentioned something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime - but based on the link that I posted and your previous posts on the subject of Islam, I think your position is pretty clear. You were quick to dismiss the possibility of mental illness, but you never even considered this part of the article::
Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace."

She also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

"Hi to everyone," said the mother-of-three, waving at the crowd of journalists in the courtroom.
It doesn't strike you as odd how she bounces from a declaration of faith to complaining about her cell to an apparent lack of awareness about her situation?

Or, tellingly, this part:
Bobokulova has been undergoing psychiatric examinations since her detention over the murder of the girl
Clearly the Russian authorities felt that a psychiatric evaluation was necessary. You just went straight to faith-based crime.

Furthermore, there have been concerns about extremists recruiting people with mental illness because their conditions may make them more vulnerable to radicalisation.
So because I mention something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime, from a link you posted, that means I therefore want it to be driven by her faith? Leap to conclusions much? Apologies for not wanting to bury my head in the sand and look at all sides of the situation.

Don't you realize you should only pull the religion card around here if it's against Christianity? :lol:
If you speak to god, you're religious.

If god speaks to you, you're crazy.

No, you mentioned something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime - but based on the link that I posted and your previous posts on the subject of Islam, I think your position is pretty clear. You were quick to dismiss the possibility of mental illness, but you never even considered this part of the article::

It doesn't strike you as odd how she bounces from a declaration of faith to complaining about her cell to an apparent lack of awareness about her situation?

Or, tellingly, this part:

Clearly the Russian authorities felt that a psychiatric evaluation was necessary. You just went straight to faith-based crime.

Furthermore, there have been concerns about extremists recruiting people with mental illness because their conditions may make them more vulnerable to radicalisation.
You quoted a Russian tabloid as a source. It's the Russian equivalent of the Daily Mail. If someone quotes the Daily Mail it's routinely discredited off the top so why is this source any different? I didn't go straight to faith based crime at all. I just pointed out that you didn't choose to highlight that part of the article which to me is quite telling. I don't know of many cases where someone who is schizophrenic have cut off the heads of people although I'm sure there have been a few, but I do know of many cases, especially recently, of heads being cut off by people claiming the same religious affiliation as this woman, therefore it's potentially quite relevant to the crime. Before you leap to more unfounded conclusions, note the word, "potentially".
If you speak to god, you're religious.

If god speaks to you, you're crazy.

No, you mentioned something that might potentially be linked to the motive for this horrible crime - but based on the link that I posted and your previous posts on the subject of Islam, I think your position is pretty clear. You were quick to dismiss the possibility of mental illness, but you never even considered this part of the article::

It doesn't strike you as odd how she bounces from a declaration of faith to complaining about her cell to an apparent lack of awareness about her situation?

Or, tellingly, this part:

Clearly the Russian authorities felt that a psychiatric evaluation was necessary. You just went straight to faith-based crime.

Furthermore, there have been concerns about extremists recruiting people with mental illness because their conditions may make them more vulnerable to radicalisation.
Forgot this earlier. Please show me where I dismissed mental illness as a possible contributing factor.
When you dismissed the reports of her being diagnosed with schizophrenia, neglected the sections of the article that pointed out that she had been referred for a psychiatric evaluation, and focused solely on the role her faith played in the crime. Taken individually, any one of those three might be excuseable, but not all three at once. You might not have ruled it out, but you made no effort to rule it in, either - and in light of your other posts on the subject, it makes you look like you have an agenda. So you're either ignorant of the facts of the story, or wilfully misrepresenting them. Neither is a good look, but whichever one is the case, you're a hypocrite because you feel free to disregard previous statements on the subject in other threads, but you will hold other people to their word based on previous discussions.

Whatever the case, you need to get your story straight.
When you dismissed the reports of her being diagnosed with schizophrenia, neglected the sections of the article that pointed out that she had been referred for a psychiatric evaluation, and focused solely on the role her faith played in the crime. Taken individually, any one of those three might be excuseable, but not all three at once. You might not have ruled it out, but you made no effort to rule it in, either - and in light of your other posts on the subject, it makes you look like you have an agenda. So you're either ignorant of the facts of the story, or wilfully misrepresenting them. Neither is a good look, but whichever one is the case, you're a hypocrite because you feel free to disregard previous statements on the subject in other threads, but you will hold other people to their word based on previous discussions.

Whatever the case, you need to get your story straight.
You're straight out just making things up now. I never dismissed anything in the story at any point, least of all her alleged mental illness, all I did was question the source, a Russian tabloid and your selective quoting. As I've said repeatedly, it's the Russian equivalent of the Daily Mail and if someone quoted a story from the Daily Mail you'd be all over them about the source, I fail to see why my point is any different. If the source is dubious why would I draw conclusions about the information contained?

The beast has revealed her motive for this heinous crime, according to Reuters:
In video footage posted online on Thursday and circulated by several prominent bloggers, the woman, 38-year-old Gulchekhra Bobokulova of Muslim-majority Uzbekistan, gave her first detailed explanation of an incident which state TV channels chose not to report.

"I took revenge against those who spilled blood," Bobokulova told someone asking her questions off camera. "Putin spilled blood, planes carried out bombings. Why are Muslims being killed? They also want to live."