Mother Knows Best??!?


I went out to eat the other night at an Mexican Restaurant with my Mom and her boyfriend (My parents are divorced) and we were talking and having a good time when all of a sudden Gran Turismo 5 comes up, because they might get me a PS3 for my birthday, after all, which is six months away. Anyway, my Mom made a very good point which may turn out to be true. She said:

Gran Turismo 5, that game will come out two years after they originally said it's going to!

She was joking, of course, but does she have a point here? after all GT4 was originally supposed to come out on January 1, 2004, and ended up coming out (in the US, that is) on February 2, 2005!! Now, from what I heard from amar212 the game (the full game, that is, not Prologue) is supposed to come out in Japan by the end of this year, which means we may not see it until, i don't know the middle of 2009?!!?:scared::scared::crazy::crazy:

Again, does she have a point?
That was a pretty agonizing wait for the GT4.

I didn't know that it was going to be that long before GT5 was released. If the estimated release is fourth quarter of 2008 in Japan, the earliest I'd expect to see it released in the States would be first quarter of '09. But yes, personally, I wouldn't expect to see it before the second quarter of that year.
That was a pretty agonizing wait for the GT4.

I didn't know that it was going to be that long before GT5 was released. If the estimated release is fourth quarter of 2008 in Japan, the earliest I'd expect to see it released in the States would be first quarter of '09. But yes, personally, I wouldn't expect to see it before the second quarter of that year.

If i had to guess it would be japan Q2 2009 and end of 09 for NA, we all know that Polyphony are perfectionists which i dont mind because at least the games come out great
We might be pretty much on schedule here, because GT5 will feature online upgrades. That means they can finish the "core" of the game, put the cars and tracks which are done at the time in and then constantly feed us with new stuff afterwards. Still, I doubt that GT5 will be released within 2008 anywhere in the world, I'd bet on 2009.
I'd like to meet your mother, I have a great appriciation towards woman who are knowledgeable about GT games release dates.
I'd like to meet your mother, I have a great appreciation towards woman who are knowledgeable about GT games release dates.

Well, my mom understands that I love the GT series more than anyone that knows me, and she know how much I love the GT series, and she knows how long I had to wait for GT4, just like everybody else in North America, so....
I'd like to see any SONY source for a GT4 date other than what we really saw, Dec 2004. The only announced delay was the September(?) one for removing the on-line section and other unfinished stuff. Any other was imaginary.

As mentioned, GT5 should be on schedule (as was reported to be on schedule) for the December 2008 Japanese release. Because of the Internet updating system, I can't see SONY holding it back, except for extreme reasons.


Personally, i could wait til '09 because i know once i get it, ill never need another game again. Delays would just give me time to play something else for a while :P
We might be pretty much on schedule here, because GT5 will feature online upgrades. That means they can finish the "core" of the game, put the cars and tracks which are done at the time in and then constantly feed us with new stuff afterwards. Still, I doubt that GT5 will be released within 2008 anywhere in the world, I'd bet on 2009.

Anyone know if PD will have the posebility to ad new gameplay features like they obviesly didn't do in Forza 2? Something to prolong the game or somebody gets a great idea 3 days after release.
I went out to eat the other night at an Mexican Restaurant with my Mom and her boyfriend (My parents are divorced) and we were talking and having a good time when all of a sudden Gran Turismo 5 comes up, because they might get me a PS3 for my birthday, after all, which is six months away. Anyway, my Mom made a very good point which may turn out to be true. She said:

She was joking, of course, but does she have a point here? after all GT4 was originally supposed to come out on January 1, 2004, and ended up coming out (in the US, that is) on February 2, 2005!! Now, from what I heard from amar212 the game (the full game, that is, not Prologue) is supposed to come out in Japan by the end of this year, which means we may not see it until, i don't know the middle of 2009?!!?:scared::scared::crazy::crazy:

Again, does she have a point?
Funny, I remember this very thread being made in the lead-up to GT4: someone's mother commenting that the game won't come out until two years after it was intially supposed to ...
Anyone know if PD will have the posebility to ad new gameplay features like they obviesly didn't do in Forza 2? Something to prolong the game or somebody gets a great idea 3 days after release.
I think they can. As far as I know, there are at least plans to add damage and weather effects one day, so GT5 will have to be majorly upgradeable.

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