Mouth problem. Need answers.

  • Thread starter Pyle_PMG


A Real Homer
Hello guys, um well this is tough to explain... Um I thought I had a stie in my left eye and it never really swelled up, which I found odd. Now to the important part. In the back of the bottom part of my mouth on the left side behind my molars my gums have swollen up, and when I push down on them it feels like maybe there is a tooth under it. On the right side it feels like there is a tooth coming in too. So are just my wisdom teeth coming in? Or should I be worried about this? Because my lower jaw hurts like hell. And I'm freaking out.
I could be wisdom teeth. They can take any where from weeks to years to come through and could cause lots of pain or relatively little. I've never had a problem with mine, came through and that was that. If you're really in pain/worries go see a dentist.
Thanks for that shem. I just took some extra-strength Tylenol. And I'm hoping it'll help. My face hurts then turns numb, then hurts, then turns numb.
If your wisdom teeth are coming out, I strongly recommend seeing a dentist. Depending on the circumstances, they might "push" the rest of your teeth outward as they slowly come out, de-aligning (can't think of another way to say this in english) your teeth.

If this is the case, they might need to be surgically removed. Dentist's call.
How old are you? If you're around 17, like me, the above posts are probably correct, your wisdom teeth are coming in. Get them out ASAP, especially if you have already had dental work done, because they 🤬 up your mouth.
Hello guys, um well this is tough to explain... Um I thought I had a stie in my left eye and it never really swelled up, which I found odd. Now to the important part. In the back of the bottom part of my mouth on the left side behind my molars my gums have swollen up, and when I push down on them it feels like maybe there is a tooth under it. On the right side it feels like there is a tooth coming in too. So are just my wisdom teeth coming in? Or should I be worried about this? Because my lower jaw hurts like hell. And I'm freaking out.

I'm no dentist, but it sounds to me a lot like myxomatosis.
Make an appointment with an orthodontist or a dentist, or even your GP (family doctor). There's not much they won't be able to tell you that someone on the internet will...

I'm no dentist, but it sounds to me a lot like myxomatosis.

.. except that :lol:
Yeah, if it is painful to the point of needing strong pain killers the wisdom teeth might be impacting (I believe that is the pro dentistry term FYI :D) against your existing teeth.

Get to a dentist or that and they will probably X Ray your mouth to make sure it comes up without problem.
My last wisdom tooth is just coming through and I have experienced pain with every single other one that came through.

My wisdom teeth haven't impacted at all but I did have a flap of skin over the tooth which became infected causing soreness in the jaw and surrounding area. I used Bonjela and Corsodyl mouth wash daily which kept the infection at bay.

If the wisdom teeth aren't impacting (growing at the wrong angle into other teeth) then you should be fine. You may just have to put up with the pain for a while.
I have a wisdom tooth on the right side that's present, but no pain at all.

My dentist said I can remove them, but it's not necessary.

You should go see a dentist to get the best opinion on the matter.