move and/or rotate q

  • Thread starter DTHolm
United States
United States
I just bought a Thrustmaster wheelset and in Scape to Move it tells me to use L and I know how with my controller but what about the wheel same for Rotate (R) foot pedals do nothing. Do I ned to use the controller for Scape?
I just bought a Thrustmaster wheelset and in Scape to Move it tells me to use L and I know how with my controller but what about the wheel same for Rotate (R) foot pedals do nothing. Do I ned to use the controller for Scape?
The move/rotate controls are the thumbsticks on a controller - also known as L3 and R3 (though this refers to the fact they have additional buttons that you click by pushing them into the housing). Your pedals are not thumbsticks; they only have on/off states, not the ability to move freely in two dimensions.

If your "Thrustmaster wheelset" has thumbsticks (like the T-GT, which does), you can use them. If not (like the T300), you have to use a controller, yes.
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