Moved from Thrustmaster T-GT to Fanatec GT DD Pro

  • Thread starter Krypton78
I'm strongly considering one of the two, either the T-GT II or the GT DD, at some point. It's just that finding actual, based on experience and non-biased, opinions about their differences seems to be nearly impossible.

The general view seems to be that the T-GT II went from great to crap in one night because it has the belt drive - obviously not true, I have no doubts about it still being a great piece of kit. With a leather wheel and three pedals at the same price as the GT DD's rubber wheel and two pedals, to be exact. Also the GT DD is now praised as the better option by default as it has direct drive - it has the chance of being better, I'll give it that. But it doesn't automatically make it better, it just gives it the technical advantage but tells absolutely nothing about the actual feedback experience as @Ske notes above.
As written in earlier posts, I have currently the TGT + TLCM and the GT DD + V3 Pedals. If the V3 Pedals werent there, I wouldnt use the second combination, which I currently do. For Gran Turismo the TGT+TLCM is just simply the best combination, but I want to get used to the other because I expect them to be better in GT7.
And also TGT+T3PA would be better then GT DD+ their standard pedals. As said, if things will change with GT7, we will see.

In other games its no question that GTDD is much better than TGT.
Just as said in opening post, I strongly recommend to wait until GT7 release. If the vibration feature is still suported like in GTS, I would say go for TGT if in same time GT DD is not better in his FFB like now in GTS. Because I think (and hope) the GT DD will be provided with more detailed FFB information in GT7. So dont buy anything now and look what the situation is when the game comes out.
I ended up returning the T300 and switching back to using my Accuforce with a PS4 Pro via GIMX. Its the best set up I can possibly do.
After 4 weeks of testing and getting used to the new wheel I got the feeling that I was maybe to critical to the GT DD. The lack of the rumble mode which I had at TGT was probably to much irritating me.
As said, after getting used to the new wheel and re-compared especially the FFB with the one from TGT I have to say that the GT DD is clear better regarding this, which is the most important in the end. Its more detailed, so, that you want more and more of it. Meanwhile I made the strength 10/10 in Game. If you raise the FFB on the TGT, it simply gets more difficult to steer but at the DD there its more detailed.

Sorry I just recognize that my english is to weak to explain it better :) but what I want to say after all is that the GT DD is a very good wheel and for sure not worse in Gran Turismo then the TGT, even there is no rumble vibration.
@Krypton78 hey Man, Tell me please, is there a way to get the T LCMs‘ to work with the DDPro Base?!
Maybe with an Adapter?!
I‘m also looking to get me that Base and Gift my old Setup to my Son.
But I’m definitely not willing to give up on my T LCM Pedals, I’m not that rich to buy everything from Scratch.
I‘m fine with my T300 + TLCM + Open Wheel Add-On including a 3drap magnetic Paddle Shifter Mod.
From what I’ve read from you, I get the feeling that the dd Pro might be overkill for GTS.
Though, if GT7 might get a proper FFB Update which let’s say goes into the direction of PC2 which I think has the best FFB on Console or at least on my PS5, I might spend some over Shifts at work to get me the few extra Euros.
I really hope that GT7 gets an overwork regarding the FFB.
It’s so dull and lifeless compared to PC2.
Anyway, you still remember my Question 😅
Hey Pirovac nice to hear from you 🙂
No, as far as I know there is not such an adapter to use TLCM on Fanatec. But maybe I'm wrong. At least I never saw it anywhere. Thing is, components from different manufacturers doesnt work with each other well sometimes also.
If you really want to go a step further then wait for the GT DD Base to be sold alone. I was unpatient and wasted money for the pedals I knew I wouldnt use because they were in the package.
GT DD Base + V3 Pedals are the best combination currently I can think of for PS. The GT DD wheel is not perfect, there are other better wheels in Fanatec ecosystem with metal connection to the base. The FFB is even more unfiltered then they say but for me the standard Wheel is ok. But anyway, if you buy the Base alone you could buy a better open wheel if you want.
Of course you are right with money aspect, but the DD will be in PC2 and other games much more better compared to T300 then as the difference currently is on Gran Turismo I think.
So, my suggestion is: wait until the GT7 comes out and also the DD base, and how much it will cost.
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@Krypton78 hey Man, Tell me please, is there a way to get the T LCMs‘ to work with the DDPro Base?!
Maybe with an Adapter?!
I‘m also looking to get me that Base and Gift my old Setup to my Son.
But I’m definitely not willing to give up on my T LCM Pedals, I’m not that rich to buy everything from Scratch.
I‘m fine with my T300 + TLCM + Open Wheel Add-On including a 3drap magnetic Paddle Shifter Mod.
From what I’ve read from you, I get the feeling that the dd Pro might be overkill for GTS.
Though, if GT7 might get a proper FFB Update which let’s say goes into the direction of PC2 which I think has the best FFB on Console or at least on my PS5, I might spend some over Shifts at work to get me the few extra Euros.
I really hope that GT7 gets an overwork regarding the FFB.
It’s so dull and lifeless compared to PC2.
Anyway, you still remember my Question 😅
You can through Drivehub. It will cost you 100$ more or less
Update 16.02.2022 (as in the opening post):
Meanwhile I have purchased the Boost Kit for the DD Pro since yesterday. What should I say, the difference is so huge that you think its a totally different wheel. Not only the FFB is stronger, its more importantly much more detailed. Without Boost Kit its so limitied and feels simply weak and num. I surely would have not missed the Thrustmaster T-GT and opened this thread if I had the Boost Kit from the begining. Now I have the feeling that I bought a DD.
So its obvious that I recommend the Boost Kit to everyone. The price 150 € feels unfair tbh, but without it the wheel is just too limited
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Hey @Krypton78 thats some good News.
You know, when I ordered my DD Pro Bundle a few days ago, I went straight for the Premium Bundle including the 8NM Power Pack Supply.
Your response instantly reminded me of my younger self and the experience I made when I bought my first big 600cc Bike.
I was not allowed, due to law Regulations, to use its full potential/Power and therefore had to cut it down in order to be allowed to drive it.
Instead of using its full 90ish hp, I was restricted to 34hp.
But the satisfying knowledge and being aware that this was just a glimpse of its full Power Range made me eager to finally unravel its full Potential.
So yes, for me at least, it was a no Brainer to immediately jump in Full Beans in order to be able to extract and get the most possible out of my new Toy.
And by the way, I was given a 20€ Discount on the 8NM Pack when I ordered the Premium Bundle.
Happy driving my Friend and enjoy yourself :cheers:
Hey @PirovacBoy 👋
Thank you my friend. Yes it was a very good idea to order the Premium Bundle - I know the other way 🥴😄

Waht are you going to do with the brakes? Did you find a way to connect your TLCM with the DD?
Well, I had to bite the Bullet and in the End after taking all in account, I decided to sell my whole Racing Equipment.
I ordered everything from Scratch.
Not that it was necessary by any means, I was very pleased with my Setup. But as you might imagine, we all only live once, and if you want something and can afford it just go for it and don’t look back.
The Future lies in front of us.
And I was thinking like ok, this DD is the Future of Sim Racing, so why not :D
I still haven’t received my DD yet.
Fanatec Homepage says that it‘ll be available on March 14th.
My McLaren GT3 V2 Wheel was delivered today, awesome Wheel I’m already lovin‘ it.
My all new Playseat Trophy will be delivered tomorrow so actually it’s just a matter of staying Busy with my other Hobbies. It won’t get boring, a good Wife, 3 Kids, my Motorcycle… ah,and yes my Job :lol:
Hi, wondering how gt7 performs with DD Pro? I have and have had my T-GT from Sports launch. I love the rumble and if DD Pro doesn't I thinking of T-GTii. Please share your feelings. Thx

I purchased the Fanatec GT DD Pro (5 Nm) and aslo buyed the V3 pedals, because I knew I wouldnt like the standard pedals. I play Gran Tursmo Sport and used until now a Thrustmaster T-GT with T-LCM Loadcell pedals.

With all this, I was afraid that I would miss the rumble effect of the T-GT, and as it went out I even underestimated this. The FFB of the GT DD is very nice, its smooth and you feel in cornering sections the forces without any interrupts.

But as said, the extra rumble vibration from T-GT is simply just not to replaceable with an wheel which hasn't this function, even its a DD. The rumble is always on and you can feel the grip of the tyres very good, especially when understeering. The vibration gives you a feeling od actually driving a car.

I tested the GT DD also in Asseto Corza Competitione and there the Feedback of the surface and vibrations are way much better and you get an idea what a direct drive can do. Its not like the rumble effect but its much more sensitive then in Gran Turismo Sport and gives you a way better feeling.

So I post this because I would like to know if someone has similair experiences. And the other reaason is, if you're thinking abot going to DD but have already the T-GT and play only Gran Turismo, then dont do it now and wait for Gran Turismo 7. Because my hope is, they will improve the FFB on the GT DD to get out more of the wheel. Well, at least I hope it, since its the official wheel of the game.

Update 16.02.2022:
Meanwhile I have purchased the Boost Kit for the DD Pro since yesterday. What should I say, the difference is so huge that you think its a totally different wheel. Not only the FFB is stronger, its more importantly much more detailed. Without Boost Kit its so limitied and feels simply weak and num. I surely would have not missed the Thrustmaster T-GT and opened this thread if I had the Boost Kit from the begining. Now I have the feeling that I bought a DD.
So its obvious that I recommend the Boost Kit to everyone. The price 150 € feels unfair tbh, but without it the wheel is just too limited.

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