Mozilla Problems

Is anyone else's Mozilla acting funny? When I start mine's up, an error message pops up, but I think I can still surf the web using Mozilla as my browser. This is what the error message says:

The file or directory /Document and Settings/Administrator/Application date/Mozilla/Profiles/default/hapzqiby.slt/booksmarks.html.moztmp is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdslutility.

I'm not too sure what it means nor do I know how to fix it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I tried reinstalling. I've even updated my mozilla to 1.5.

How do I do a disk scan? Or do you mean Defragmenting and Scan Disking (where it scans the tnrei C drive)?

What's this Firebird you speak of?
Originally posted by quicksilver1122
I tried reinstalling. I've even updated my mozilla to 1.5.

How do I do a disk scan? Or do you mean Defragmenting and Scan Disking (where it scans the tnrei C drive)?

What's this Firebird you speak of?
Firebird is like a Mozilla hybrid. It's built off mozilla but has way faster rendering and uploading speeds.
yep, chkdsk is the DOS version of windows Scan Disk

Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Scandisk

choose the disk you wanna scan and choose normal and check 'automatically fix errors'

this might sort your problem...

else its a case of reinstaling mozilla....

try a scanreg if you have windows 98 too before the reinstallation...