BUT, like all the other guides I've seen, it confuses real-life physics with GT4 physics. As much as we would all like to think that would work, I think we all know by now that it doesn't. I decided not to apply any of the suspension tuning in this guide as soon as I read the part where it says "Remember, softer springs = more grip on that end". One absolute firm fact we know about GT4 tuning is that the the stiffer end gets more grip, not the softer end. Did the author even bother to try that? If that most basic aspect of the guide is wrong, how much of the rest of it can be trusted?
Someone with plenty of time still needs to write a concise GT4 tuning guide that *totally ignores real life physics*, it is the only way we'll ever completely figure out GT4 suspension tuning.
We really do need a GT4-only tuning guide...
Anyone? Anyone?