Multiple PSP users, data transfer to GT5


Vinyl Addict
United States
My daughter got a PSP for Christmas. If I get GT-PSP and I play it on her PSP, will there be any problems when it comes to transferring the data over to GT5? I thought someone said something about specific user account restrictions?
I've never heard about user account restrictions in regards to the GT PSP to GT5 PS3 data transfer (not that it couldn't be true). There is a restriction that only allows you to load save data from the PSP version of Gran Turismo on the same PSP that the save was originally created on.
Just discovered a snag. Downloaded a bunch of demos under my PSN account. When I tried to copy them to her PSP it said that I need to log into the PSP. So, I got into her PSN account and tried to copy a demo to the PSP. A message said, "you are not the owner of this content".

So, this means only the person who has the account on the PSP can download from the PSN Store and play that content?

Is the PSP really this stupid?
I wish I could test it for you, but I don't have a PSN account... sorry.

Maybe someone with some more personal experience in this area will chime in on this very subject.
What you got to do is sign in to your daughters psp with your ps3 account so that demos and games will work from your ps3 to her psp and if you already have a different account on her psp reset it in the psp settings and sign in to yours. That should work with the games and the data transfer.
It's pretty lame that accounts have to be deleted just so someone else can use the PSP's full functionality.