music played on behalf of gt videos

  • Thread starter Chubby
I want to know the name of the song in this video. It is made by the Digital Portal Productions and is called gt3_tribute. It's a song with all beats and tunes without no singing. It has a piano in the background. For more clues, it has a supra starting out and a ruf car doing 300+mph on the test course at the end of the video.
In Europe version of GT3 I got the same music on the replays. But I don't know if you hear the same music that I do :)
Anyway; I could rip the music from the game, becouse I have PS2 connected on TV Tunner on PC. I guess the quality won't be CD quality.:(
Originally posted by Chubby
I want to know the name of the song in this video. It is made by the Digital Portal Productions and is called gt3_tribute. It's a song with all beats and tunes without no singing. It has a piano in the background. For more clues, it has a supra starting out and a ruf car doing 300+mph on the test course at the end of the video.
That video was made by a friend of mine and he's also a member of the forums. AE86Driver
You can find the answer to ur questions in this thread...not that hard of a search but o well.

He said it was Matrix II Trance or something liek that (not related to the movie in any way)

BTW, the CTR2 was going 387 km/h not mp/h
That is the Matrix II song. My friend got it for me from kazaa. I have it on a cd. I usually make a cool drift video on the wet track and watch the replay while listening to that song. I am a good drifter but there are guys on these forums that are just amazing.
AE86Driver made a nice drifting video. It is called (gt3 drifting tribute). Download it, it is very good.