My attempt at recreating the Porsche Cayman GT4 RS - Work in progress, but we're close!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51


United States
United States

So immediately after we got the Cayman GT4 I started attempting to recreate not only the GT4 RS, but to match Porsche's official Nurburgring lap time of 7:09 (long course). My first attempt put the car at the proper power level, curb weight, and sport soft tires. I managed a 7:13 time. The car did not feel like it had another 4 seconds in it. Fast forward to after the recent physics update, I figured I would try it again. I ended up switching back to the stock differential, adjusted the downforce a little and adjusted the weight balance and somehow managed a 6:58. I highly doubt those minor changes resulted in me picking up nearly 15 seconds, so the physics adjustment likely made the biggest difference.

With that result, my next plan was to slow the car down. I switched to Sport Medium tires and got nerdy with the weight of the car. If I was trying to match the real life car, I needed to have more weight than just the car itself. So I took the official curb weight of 3,227lbs and added 180lbs for a typical driver. Then, given that all of the cars in GT have a 100 liter fuel tank by default, I found the typical weight of a liter of fuel and subtracted the difference from the GT tank and the real tank which is 54 liters. That gave me a final weight of 3,333lbs or 1,511kg. Now if we want to get really nerdy, I doubt Porsche had a full tank of fuel in the car for their lap, so I could find out how much I need for a single lap and subtrack the rest, but I may try that later. Also I have found a different spec from Porsche for the weight (1,415kg with fuel) so that will come into play.

With how the car is setup at this very moment, I can get very close lap times (within 1 second) but there's some back and forth between me and the real footage because my car doesn't turn as well but it has faster acceleration. So as you will see in the video below, it's close at the start and then as the lap goes on he pulls away slightly, and I make up some time on the last straight. (even after making a mistake at Kleines Karussell) I pretty much maxed out the downforce to help with turning but also to slow the car down on the straights. It helped some, but not as much as I would like. Suspension setup could probably use some tweaking, the springs rates are a bit stiff so the car bounces around. I will mess with this a bit more soon.

Here is the current setup on the car. The gear ratios are identical to the real car for gears 1-4, then I extended 5-6 to get a better top speed as the real car has a 7-speed. Final drive is the same. Real specs HERE.


I appologize for the quality of the video, I do not have a capture card so I used a manual screen capture program to grab both straight off of YouTube. And trying to get both of them on screen without cutting much off was difficult. If do this again, next time I will put the GT7 replay in bumper cam which should help.

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