My B-Spec Driver is an Idiot!

United States
Green Bay, WI
So, I have a driver that I've gotten up to level 38. He's happy. But when I try to run him in the 650pp race at Côte d'Azur in the seasonal events he ALWAYS hits the wall when trying to pass. And then he gets hung up and falls too far behind to catch up. Any thoughts?

He's in good cars (Furai, Zonda, etc). Should I try a different car? Level up a different driver? This is driving me crazy because it's the only B-Spec race I can't get past.
Just make sure you don't push him too hard! Keep him in the middle zone of his temp, if he's too hot he'll screw up, too cold he'll fall behind. DON'T push him on the straight right after the tunnel, he'll get too hot and hit the wall. Most (if not all) passing should be right after the first corner and before the hair pin, this will give him time to cool off before the S curve after the tunnel. All in all, control his temp!
They always hit the wall at Cote D'Azur, Its something thats annoying, I was doing FGT in b spec and my driver on mediums got up to 2nd and crashed back to 6th, up to 2nd, crashed to 6th, then I decided to gamble and give him soft tyres for the last 8 laps, he didn't crash at all and sailed past everybody to take the lead, then spin straight away, dropping him to 2nd, but he we regained the lead in seconds and with a grip advantage he pulled away 20 seconds in 2 laps to win, the trick is to keep him cool, if he push him, he will outbrake himself and start making errors.

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