My Big Nür Project-GT6 vs REAL vs REPLICA

  • Thread starter 2_FAST_4_U
United States
I've been working on a new project and have narrowed down and selected my favorite and the most notable "24" cars with former real history at the Nürburgring 24Hr and Nordschleife. I have been working on a collection of these GT6 cars and purchasing many replica cars and as compared to the real deal cars in photos. My first example is posted below and I will continue follow up in this same thread over time with many of the other "24" favorite cars of my collection...

Audi Sport R8 LMS Ultra #3 Team Phoenix '12-Winner At Nürburgring 24Hr 2012:
GT6 Car Photo
Real Car Photo
Replica Car Photo

Audi Sport R8 LMS Ultra #3 Team Phoenix '12-Winner At Nürburgring 24Hr 2012-15.jpg
Audi Sport R8 LMS Ultra #3 Team Phoenix '12-Real Car Winner At Nürburgring 24Hr 2012 (1).jpg
Audi OEM R8 LMS Ultra Team Phoenix Racing #3 Nürburgring 24Hr Winner 2012 1.18 (1).JPG

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Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nür (R34) '02 Millennium Jade (M):
GT6 Car Photo
Real Car Photo
Replica Car Photo

Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nür (R34) '02 Millennium Jade (M) Stock-At Gemasolar.jpg
4-Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nür (R34) '02 Millennium Jade (M) Stock-Real.jpg
AutoArt DieCast One Of 1000 1.18-18.JPG

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Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R34) '99 Midnight Purple II:
GT6 Car Photo
Real Car Photo
Replica Car Photo

Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R34) '99 Midnight Purple II-At Syracuse.jpg
2-Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R34) '99 Midnight Purple II-Real.JPG
AutoArt DieCast Special Midnight Purple 1.18-5.jpg

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1)Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 N24 Schulze Motorsport '13
2)Nissan GT-R N24 GT Academy (R35) '12
3)Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (R35) '11
GT6 Car Photos (3)
Real Car Photos (3)
Replica Car Photo (1)

Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 N24 Schulze Motorsport '13-At City of Arts and Sciences Night.jpg
Nissan GT-R N24 GT Academy (R35) '12-At Syracuse Night.jpg
Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (R35) '11-At City of Arts and Sciences Night.jpg
30-Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 N24 Schulze Motorsport '13-Real.jpg
13-Nissan GT-R N24 GT Academy (R35) '12-Real.JPG
15-Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (R35) '11-Real.jpg
TARMAC WORKS Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 Nurburgring 24Hr 2013 #123 K.Yamauchi 1.64-3.jpg

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Thanks nos... I don't follow the corporation so can't tell ya more there. Been collecting only the models from several years back when quality wasn't at such a premium like it is now. Prices are going through the roof of recent cause it seems that many of the replica cars are following the real cars as they get auctioned off by the big auction houses like Barrett Jackson etc. I only collect replicas though that are either in GT4-5-6... Thread Continued...

Nissan GT-R NISMO (R35) '14:
GT6 Car Photo
Real Car Photo
Replica Car Photo

Nissan GT-R NISMO (R35) '14-At Ronda.jpg
21-Nissan GT-R NISMO (R35) '14.jpg
GT Spirit Nissan GT-R R35 Nismo White Resin 1.18-3.jpg
