My Custom Circuits - Help required - REWARD OFFERED

  • Thread starter Smuttysy
United Kingdom
Bristol, England
See final post for the bad news,,,

This is a collection of my tracks which I have created and are all available for share by request. Please specify which track it is you would like in your friend request.
First up is Badlands Pass

(Unfortunately all the video qualities are not that great, as I've got no other capture device than my phone)

More to follow,,,
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Here's a sneak peak of two tracks I have already made and will be putting up for share by request:

The Rampant Rabbit
Named for reasons which will become obvious.

Fuji Apocolypse
I called it Fuji Apocolypse (I know, I spelt it wrong, nobody's perfect) because the layout looks similar to a mirrored version of the Fuji circuit when you look at the flat map. However, on track it's a completely different ball game!

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Some more track previews

(Track image coming soon)

Bootlegger's Causeway
(Track image coming soon)

Badlands Playground

Outback Nascar LUMPY
(Track image coming soon)
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Badlands Pass' music is Cygnus X - Superstring from the cd single I have. All the other preview videos are my own creations.

Thanks, I've been looking for trance compilations, without much joy, a lot of the albums I find are full of rubbish.
Most trance albums are complete garbage, plus I have the mixing gear anyway, so I've only ever really bought the singles or albums that aren't pre-mixed or "bargain bin" stuff. They tend to be full of padding tracks, which bear only a small resemblance to what I would call trance. Ministry and all the other "club" albums are the worst though, with some questionable DJ work too.
Most trance albums are complete garbage, plus I have the mixing gear anyway, so I've only ever really bought the singles or albums that aren't pre-mixed or "bargain bin" stuff. They tend to be full of padding tracks, which bear only a small resemblance to what I would call trance. Ministry and all the other "club" albums are the worst though, with some questionable DJ work too.

I remeber having a few good ones in the late 90's early 00's, cannot remember the titles though. New "classic" albums are not it.
New circuit available by request

Badlands Pass 2
(Track image coming soon)
A larger, more relaxed desert drive for this one. It's a joy to push hard around this one for a magical 2:30s lap, but it really does make for a great cruise circuit too. Watch the sun go down and drive into the night with some good music on for company.

SNEAK PEAK -The Red Lion

(Video coming soon)
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My whole system went mental recently, and I lost everything except an externally backed up copy of my save file. Does anyone still have any of these tracks I can grab back from them? If you have, please let me know, FR me on psn and put the track on share.

SUCCESS REWARD - Fully restored to zero miles car of your choice from anything I have that can be traded upon successful transfers.