My DIY replacement for the conical brake mod on T3PA Gt pedals

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United States

Since I have my pedals off my rig at the moment trying figure out how to switch the brake and clutch pedal mappings

(see this thread if you might be able to help as I've not figured it out yet

I thought I would share the brake mod I did in case anyone might want to try it and see if they like it. I never really liked the conical mod since it either gave too much travel before I got some resistance or too much resistance with too little travel. I wanted there to be progressive resistance through the entire range of motion.

After some experimentation this is what I came up with, it's just some flexible pipe I found in the plumbing dept. at Lowe's and attached with some zip ties along with the mounting bracket for the conical mod and a regular bolt. I tried also mounting it by drilling a hole in the pipe and attaching it to the bracket with the bolt. That gave about a centimeter of free movement before I felt some resistance, and some might prefer that.

You can also adjust the bolt forward more to change the feel.

Anyhow, I just thought I would share and make my small contribution to the community. Also please see my other thread if you know what I can do to make my pedals work.

Thanks and let me know how you like this idea if you give it a go.


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Nice work!

Be interesting to see how this lasts over time - my hunch is it might end up being flattened with the two sides of the pipe touching each other. Let us know in a few months time.
Nice work!

Be interesting to see how this lasts over time - my hunch is it might end up being flattened with the two sides of the pipe touching each other. Let us know in a few months time.
The one you see here I've been using for 2 years or more now :) Seems to have held up pretty well. It's a very heavy-duty kind of pipe and has some fibers or mesh running through the rubber as well. Since it only came in about 2' long pieces cutting another 1" piece if it does get worn down and attaching the new piece with a few zip ties is trivial.
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