Originally posted by ViperConcept
The two car illustrations alex just posted are what I can not stand. What the 🤬 is up with that? The stupid extending tires and rims and ****. It is absolutly just stupid. Every damn illustrator on the net does that. It's plain stupid in my opinion. :roilleyes:
Originally posted by alexy2k
Ok :viper:Concept I respect your opinions but:
Cartoons are usually exaggerated and unrealistic right? Like Cats running about with Mallets etc... so cars are bound to be the same? Car art is a drawing of the car as it is those were Car, 'Cartoons', see?
Originally posted by milefile
They sorta rmind me of T-shirts I wanted when I was a kid in the seventies.
Anybody remember those? Lots'a muscle cars especially Trans-Ams and Camaros with huge blowers bulging out of the hoods and exaggerated wheels spewing clouds of smoke...
Cool man.