My first ever graphic!

Hey guys! This is my first ever graphic! I'd just like to point out I'm using Macromedia Fireworks MX Version 6, not that Adobe Photoshop i hear about lot.

I started off with a pic I took on GT4 and then cut the two cars out of the picture. This was the hardest bit as the Magic Wand tool kept trying to cut parts of the car off so I had to use the eraser. Not easy lol. I then put a background to it and the splodge at the top. I took a while looking for an effect i like. And then poof, here it is :P. Took a couple of hours to make. I think i may need a newer program to make better graphics though...

Tell me what you think and any advice on how i could improve it. :)


  • racerboyjamie.jpg
    53.5 KB · Views: 43
Try pictures that aren't blurring, and Use the Pen tool rather than the wand, the wand is simply a lazyman's tool IMO and with the pen you get what you want selected.