i thought this thread was a joke at first, but now i can see that it's serious. i can only see the first photoshop; the bmw, because of loading issues. i really don't know what to tell you other than to take a step back, and look at the finished product. it's pretty obvious what's wrong (bottom of the wheels, mspaint paintjob, your terrible lowering job, etc.)
Mate, the thread is three years old. I used to photoshop cars rather well if I do say so myself. This is a first attempt and if this thread was current and I was that bad, I would be pretty upset at you calling my work terrible.i thought you were kidding at first too
I used to muck around with photoshop when i was younger and sorry but that looks terrible even for your first attempt.
With photoshop you should be able to lower the car and put on new rims and it will look REAL. You need to use the magnetic lassoo to get a clean cut of the cars body.
Google photoshop car tutorials and you'll get it