My Games on my home built computer run to slow.?

United States
Paperorplastic/ manherollen
I have built my pc from the ground up, I know what has high potential and what does not, But i have been coming across a problem, My computer wont run any game smoothely, From GTAIV to test drive unlimited, its just slow and boggy...and i just dont know why, the graphics card has been updatted, along with everything else, Can some one help me?

System specs.
Windows Vista home basic.
Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.33GHz, ~3.3GHz
Memory: 1022 MB RAM
DirectX 10
NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 1241MB DDR3

Appreciate the help if answered, thank you.
Needs more RAM. It can never be good when your graphics card has more ram than your system.
Needs way more RAM. I'm astonished Vista will even run on (a hair less than) 1Gb, let alone anything else as well.
Needs over nine thousand RAM, even :lol:

You should also do yourself a favour and ditch Vista, upgrading to 7 instead. That alone will make your games run a little bit better ;)
You can shove 8 gigs in to 32-bit machines, it just won't recognise it. That said, not many apps will use 8 gigs on a 64-bit system. Oh and if you don't know what the system is, it's 32-bit.
The RAM will definitely give you an instant performance boost. 4GB would only really be needed

The CPU would be the next upgrade I would make if there's still performance issues - Celeron D's are pretty old now. Could be costly though... so I'd leave it unless you really had to.
Apart from what others have said - i'd also consider going back to XP if your running that processor.
Apart from what others have said - i'd also consider going back to XP if your running that processor.
Or upgrade the processor. Unfortunately, with a Celery he'll likely need a new motherboard, too.

By the way, how long ago did you build the PC?
you can open the system to recognize all ran in 32-bit system. Kind of easy with the right tools / programs.
'cause win (i think 2000 and up) are 36bit system. so they are able to handel more than 16 gigs but that won't fit in your mobo
RAM defo but that CPU is ancient as well. You've got a real bottleneck there. That GPU in that system is like putting a BlueRay drive on a Gameboy, it'll never be able to utilise it.

Either upgrade both or get a new higher spec PC and put the GPU in there.
Things you need to upgrade

CPU, at the very least a pentium dual core, preferably a core 2 duo

Moar RAM, 3-4GB at least

You might want to upgrade to 7 as well, run circles around vista in terms of performance and reliability.

I couldnt imagine playing GTA on a single core with 1GB of RAM on Vista....
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I know from experience TDU will benefit massively from a dual core CPU opposed to a single core. But it's of no use if you don't add RAM as well.
You'll want 3 gigs of ram and the gpu you have is alright, but not really built for gaming. It's more of a multimedia gpu rather than an fps crysis-crusher.
the processor first, I believe, while the celeron processor you have is 3 ghz, it only has 512 k of level 2 cache, that is the area that the processor stores info to process next, by comparison, my e8400 has 6 mb of lvl 2 cache, and its only a cheepie dual core. so although its the same ghz rating, mine will out perform yours because of the technology inside, the celeron has no Hyper-Threading Technology, also only 533 mhz fsb, interesting, it has support for 64bit, but goodluck finding a mb that has more than 4 ram slots,

so, in otherwords, like opendriver who posted earlier,

new mb, new cpu, new ram, you'll probably new new power supply as well, but thats the only way your going to get games to run smooth,

oh, you can get away with 2 mb ram, but only if your are using win 7.
Torque, as others have pointed out, you need to upgrade several components on your system. I'll list them in order of importance (from most to least ;))

1. You need to upgrade your operating system. I would recommend the 64 bit version of Windows 7 Home Premium.

2. The reason I have a 64 bit OS as the #1 priortiy is that by upgrading, you can take advantage of more than 3GB of RAM--which will definitely benefit you in gaming (as well as general computer usage). As others have stated, 4 GB should be more than enough right now. You MIGHT be able to get by with 3GB and keep your Vista Home Basic 32 bit, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you just can't find room in your budget to upgrade to Windows 7. Also, as others have mentioned, Windows 7 is just better all around than Vista--not just for gaming, but for general usage as well.

3. You really need to upgrade to at least a dual core processor as was mentioned earlier. In fact, I would strongly recommend that you go with no less than a triple-core processor--preferably a quad core. I just don't see any point in buying a new processor now unless you go for at least 3 or 4 cores. You can get very good AMD triple core processors starting at $72, and a very good AMD quad core starting at around $90. GTA IV is a very CPU-dependent game--meaning that the quality of the gameplay/graphics are more dependent on the quality/speed of your processor than on the quality of your graphics card--it's usually the other way around. That game runs best with triple/quad core processors, although you could probably get by on a Core 2 Duo with a frequency of 3.0ghz or above. Also, if you were to upgrade your CPU/RAM/GPU, you might as well consider upgrading your motherboard as well.

4. Lastly, you could definitely stand to upgrade your graphics card. The 220 is more of a HTPC/Media Center graphics card, and is not really ideal for gaming at high resolutions. I'd recommend buying at least a ATI 5750, and preferably going with an ATI 5770 or above. The 5770 is a much better value currently, as it sells for only about $15 to $20 more than the 5750, and it offers significant performance improvements. If your monitor resolution is 1680x1050 or lower, the 5770 should perform very well for you in most games.

To summarize, in order to make these kind of upgrades you are looking at the following expenses:

$104 for Windows 7
$100 for 4GB of RAM
$70--$100 for CPU
$125--$155 for graphics card

You need to figure on spending at least $400--$460 to make the kind of upgrade you will need. And this is not factoring in the cost of a good motherboard (~$80--$100) or the cost of a reliable new power supply. A good 500 watt PSU should be enough, but you don't want to buy just any brand. You want to get at least a Tier 2 PSU. You could use this list as a guide: Plan on spending at least $50--$60 for a good 500 watt from a brand like Corsair, Antec, or OCZ. Hope that helps.
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Before i run out and buy a new processor, Will a Intel pentium dual core processor work with a 32 bit operating system, or do i need to upgrade, I went out earllier and bought a "2" pack 1gb each bundle of ram, (Fired up GTAiv, it actually ran...Quite good, and this is On a Single core dated processor, getting 25-30 FPS (Used fraps) on medium setting, reflect high, shadow medium, water very high, traffic density 100, detail distance 60, at the highest resolution 1720x768, i was impressed, and it never dropped below 20 FPS, Now TDU, ran flawless, Every thing high, 4x anti alysing, HDR and High level detail, it was 40-45 FPS, So i thought ok im done now, problem solved...Wrong. i fired up GTAiv again and decided to go only, it got 20FPS easy...then my screen turned black and a litte message came up saying, Sorry your system does not have enough power to run this game. (So off to get a new processor, But before i do, will the above stated intel run on my 32 bit operating system.

PSU is rated at 400 watts it is as ATX PS

Mother board is a Micro ATX Desktop P4

New 2GB rams are memory masters, ( Made a huge difference)

..So now all i need is my processor, But will it run on windows 32 bit.

Not upgrading the Graphics card yet, in my eyes, the GT 220 is actually pretty good, Plus i just got it, i mean i just upgraded from a ATI RADEON 4650 HD, im still climbing up the ladder, You have to start small... Especially when your pouring money into your car..
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If you want to spend as less money as possible, keep the current Vista you have, but turn down all the fancy graphic bits. Not only will it be faster, it will also consume a lot less memory. And yes: 64-bit processors run fine with your 32-bit OS.

Second: reuse the motherboard, you haven't told the exact brand/type yet, but since there's a Celeron D on it, it's an LGA775 socket. For that particular socket, there are plenty of cheap dual and quad cores available, and the best part is that all of them are LOTS, LOTS, LOTS faster than what you have now.

I'd stick with the graphics card for now; even though it's not the fastest, it should run the games you mentioned without problems. And you can always upgrade it later.

The CPU is the main bottleneck, so that should be addressed first. When getting a new processor, keep in mind that your PSU might not be powerful enough.

With the prices mentioned by cpp214, a new CPU and PSU should cost you around 130 dollars.
If you want to spend as less money as possible, keep the current Vista you have, but turn down all the fancy graphic bits. Not only will it be faster, it will also consume a lot less memory. And yes: 64-bit processors run fine with your 32-bit OS.

Second: reuse the motherboard, you haven't told the exact brand/type yet, but since there's a Celeron D on it, it's an LGA775 socket. For that particular socket, there are plenty of cheap dual and quad cores available, and the best part is that all of them are LOTS, LOTS, LOTS faster than what you have now.

I'd stick with the graphics card for now; even though it's not the fastest, it should run the games you mentioned without problems. And you can always upgrade it later.

The CPU is the main bottleneck, so that should be addressed first. When getting a new processor, keep in mind that your PSU might not be powerful enough.

With the prices mentioned by cpp214, a new CPU and PSU should cost you around 130 dollars.


If you want don't want to spend too much, the CPU should be the next upgrade.

But we will need more information on the motherboard, mainly the model. A program like CPU-Z can help with that. If you install it, the information will be under the mainboard tab.
Next upgrade: CPU- at the very least, a pentium dual core. Core 2 duo recommended.

GTA IV is a very demanding game. I was able to play 20-40fps with a E7200 and an 8800GT @ 1440x900, and right now I still have my C2D and just have it overclocked to 3.2 and leave it there.

As for the video card, it is more of an HTPC card if anything. Yes, you can game with it, but you wont get a decent frame rate. You should be able to run an 88/9800GT on that PSU, and that would be a nice improvement form the GT 220.

You might want to check you BIOS manufactures website to see if the MB actually supports dual core processors, before you go out buy and install whatever you may get.
You might want to check you BIOS manufactures website to see if the MB actually supports dual core processors, before you go out buy and install whatever you may get.
I suspect it will not be an issue, but it might require a BIOS update. Which you must do before installing the new CPU. ;)