- 2,801
- Porto
- Burnout_PT
I've played GT from the first iteration.
I got a G25 on the PS3 and grew up to love and worship the franchise.
I only played GT Sport as a coping device, while waiting to get the "real" GT experience with GT7
I got a G29 and used it a bit in the last weeks with Sport prior to getting GT7
I've been away from the forum (as an active poster) but I still read through it frequently.
Day one of GT7:
I was unsurprisingly pleased with it. All I wanted and expected was and is there.
Great visual experience, loads of events and progression to look for, and good drivability with the wheel to start off at least.
Digging deep:
After a while I found I could actually leave the game alone and go... do normal and "more important things". Food, family, wife, sleep, work. Guess I'm just more mature now. Never happened to me before. But I was recently hooked on other games. Hum...
After a day of playing I felt under and over steer was really exaggerated (for a GT game) and was a bit suspicious, but hey. Still enjoying a new GT! Two gold licenses and a hand full of events done, car collection growing.
48h in I decided, nah... I don't care that much for this curated experience and progression. I got a Subaru BRZ, I'm gonna just drive and enjoy "the real driving simulator" and then it started to sink in.
Current state:
I can't drive a FWD car in this game franchise, it was never its strong point. But regardless, preliminary testing says it is worst than ever. I know FWD cars suck to be raced or pushed. I've been driving them for 30 years. I own a pretty good and surprisingly rewarding FWD that should never handle this good. And all cars in GT7 so far, like in previous releases, feel worst than an MPV. Even the "sporty" ones. They just throw lift off over steer at you to somehow compensate the fact they can't turn in realistically.
Worst part is that I now loath how RWD cars handle in this game. This was one of the series strong points. You could push. And depending on how you pushed it, just like in real life, you'd get understeer, oversteer, and if you had a good car and knew how to sling it around, a delicious rolling around the corner neutral balance you could modulate with wheel and throttle. A hard and fine art to master but a treat to do. And I could do it with a "pressure sensitive controller X button" for throttle back in the day! Just like you can IRL. This was less doable with the triggers in the PS4. And there was really a lot less of this in GT Sport. And I honestly was hopping GT7 would bring it back, and steer away from the "curated" handling of the latter.
I have 3 RWD cars, 2 with open diffs that can be thrown a bit but will eventually fall short (in wet conditions, otherwise they're not that powerful) and leave you grabbing a slide with a slap or letting it go to far and spin, and 1 soft heavy one (again it shouldn't handle like this) with a30% LSD that will drift controllably around (wet) roundabouts. I for the love of God can't feel a RWD car in GT7 handle realistically in any way.
Additional note: The offroad. Well let's just not even dare to go down that "path" shall we?
The BRZ experience:
Going back to the BRZ, I found the thing power slides out of the box like no car does. I may be wrong but the 86/BRZ duo is a sling-able rwd car than can do some easy to catch limited drifts that either end up straight or doing the "one wheel peel" (like mine).
So I went on to settings and it had a standard 80% LSD. OK then... not what I expected and yeah... hard tyres... almost a welded diff... lets fix this.
I got a fully customisable diff and set it to all open (minimum 5 in all setting). The same if not worst. Touch the gas and oversteer, tankslappers etc at any speed and gear.
Let's do the opposite then... can't get any worst. 60 max on all 3 settings (remember, original was 80 on gas) and lo and behold it works better. It should handle like a tetris brick. Either going straight on and not turning, or spinning when it decides to "turn" after you turn the wheel. I'm baffled. Maybe it's a tuning system problem.
So in a - very preliminary conclusion - I really am NOT enjoying the new "real driving experience" part of GT7. Which is the most important to me.
I will continue to play it, and probably it's just me that's not fully adapted to the new physics. But hell, I can adapt to any physics IRL, on 2, 4 or 10 wheels, in the dry, in the dirt or in the wet. Pretty sure this shouldn't be so hard to get a handle on for an experienced GT fan (and driver).
It IS great, especially while you're lost in the eye candy and the awe of a real new GT, but once you start to get serious, it's really a game for the market, to please all 13 year olds all over the world that where banging on forza, lately turned 15 or 16, and are looking for something supposedly more serious and mature.
But for ME, if it's curated events and unrealist handling this has to offer to ME, then I may just go play FH5 with a controller. And stop wasting long annoying and irritating hours complaining how it sucks as I try to push this "SIM" with a wheel. Hey, maybe the problem is really ME.
Anyway, long story short, guess this was a "never meet your heroes kind of moment".
If you have felt the same and "fixed it" or have any tips for me, just drop them on a comment, I really would appreciate it.
(note: both basic hate and fanboyish comms will be ignored, please be constructive and polite)
I've played GT from the first iteration.
I got a G25 on the PS3 and grew up to love and worship the franchise.
I only played GT Sport as a coping device, while waiting to get the "real" GT experience with GT7
I got a G29 and used it a bit in the last weeks with Sport prior to getting GT7
I've been away from the forum (as an active poster) but I still read through it frequently.
Day one of GT7:
I was unsurprisingly pleased with it. All I wanted and expected was and is there.
Great visual experience, loads of events and progression to look for, and good drivability with the wheel to start off at least.
Digging deep:
After a while I found I could actually leave the game alone and go... do normal and "more important things". Food, family, wife, sleep, work. Guess I'm just more mature now. Never happened to me before. But I was recently hooked on other games. Hum...
After a day of playing I felt under and over steer was really exaggerated (for a GT game) and was a bit suspicious, but hey. Still enjoying a new GT! Two gold licenses and a hand full of events done, car collection growing.
48h in I decided, nah... I don't care that much for this curated experience and progression. I got a Subaru BRZ, I'm gonna just drive and enjoy "the real driving simulator" and then it started to sink in.
Current state:
I can't drive a FWD car in this game franchise, it was never its strong point. But regardless, preliminary testing says it is worst than ever. I know FWD cars suck to be raced or pushed. I've been driving them for 30 years. I own a pretty good and surprisingly rewarding FWD that should never handle this good. And all cars in GT7 so far, like in previous releases, feel worst than an MPV. Even the "sporty" ones. They just throw lift off over steer at you to somehow compensate the fact they can't turn in realistically.
Worst part is that I now loath how RWD cars handle in this game. This was one of the series strong points. You could push. And depending on how you pushed it, just like in real life, you'd get understeer, oversteer, and if you had a good car and knew how to sling it around, a delicious rolling around the corner neutral balance you could modulate with wheel and throttle. A hard and fine art to master but a treat to do. And I could do it with a "pressure sensitive controller X button" for throttle back in the day! Just like you can IRL. This was less doable with the triggers in the PS4. And there was really a lot less of this in GT Sport. And I honestly was hopping GT7 would bring it back, and steer away from the "curated" handling of the latter.
I have 3 RWD cars, 2 with open diffs that can be thrown a bit but will eventually fall short (in wet conditions, otherwise they're not that powerful) and leave you grabbing a slide with a slap or letting it go to far and spin, and 1 soft heavy one (again it shouldn't handle like this) with a30% LSD that will drift controllably around (wet) roundabouts. I for the love of God can't feel a RWD car in GT7 handle realistically in any way.
Additional note: The offroad. Well let's just not even dare to go down that "path" shall we?
The BRZ experience:
Going back to the BRZ, I found the thing power slides out of the box like no car does. I may be wrong but the 86/BRZ duo is a sling-able rwd car than can do some easy to catch limited drifts that either end up straight or doing the "one wheel peel" (like mine).
So I went on to settings and it had a standard 80% LSD. OK then... not what I expected and yeah... hard tyres... almost a welded diff... lets fix this.
I got a fully customisable diff and set it to all open (minimum 5 in all setting). The same if not worst. Touch the gas and oversteer, tankslappers etc at any speed and gear.
Let's do the opposite then... can't get any worst. 60 max on all 3 settings (remember, original was 80 on gas) and lo and behold it works better. It should handle like a tetris brick. Either going straight on and not turning, or spinning when it decides to "turn" after you turn the wheel. I'm baffled. Maybe it's a tuning system problem.
So in a - very preliminary conclusion - I really am NOT enjoying the new "real driving experience" part of GT7. Which is the most important to me.
I will continue to play it, and probably it's just me that's not fully adapted to the new physics. But hell, I can adapt to any physics IRL, on 2, 4 or 10 wheels, in the dry, in the dirt or in the wet. Pretty sure this shouldn't be so hard to get a handle on for an experienced GT fan (and driver).
It IS great, especially while you're lost in the eye candy and the awe of a real new GT, but once you start to get serious, it's really a game for the market, to please all 13 year olds all over the world that where banging on forza, lately turned 15 or 16, and are looking for something supposedly more serious and mature.
But for ME, if it's curated events and unrealist handling this has to offer to ME, then I may just go play FH5 with a controller. And stop wasting long annoying and irritating hours complaining how it sucks as I try to push this "SIM" with a wheel. Hey, maybe the problem is really ME.
Anyway, long story short, guess this was a "never meet your heroes kind of moment".
If you have felt the same and "fixed it" or have any tips for me, just drop them on a comment, I really would appreciate it.
(note: both basic hate and fanboyish comms will be ignored, please be constructive and polite)
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