My GT5 is dead!!!!

My game wont load. It says insufficent free space on hard disk drive. It's always been online and the updates were downloaded when released. Played last night and it worked fine. Turn on my system now and this happens. I deleted game data and reloaded and still get this error. My system says I have 198 GB/232 GB free space. I have a PS3 with 250gb and only two other games loaded on it. Just tried to play a different game and it worked fine. Just having problem with GT5. Any ideas what to do? My game data says play time 1274 days. Could this start happening to more players? Game was bought and loaded on 11-24-10. Man this sucks. :mad:
Hmmmm, let's see... Could you try uploading some other file (music, image, doesn't matter) to the system to see if it fails? Could be some hard disk failure or something, never ran into that, though :/

Oh, and try deleting the game's files. DON'T do this from outside the game. Load up the game, there's some option in the settings to clear the game cache or something, can't remember correctly where, though.

If everything else fails, than you could try deleting all the GT5 files (not the save!). It's found under Game>Game Data Utility.

Hope it helps, and sorry if you already tried all this.
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Pretty sure there is a thread already floating around about this same error and the fix for it.

Search is your friend
I did delete game file and reloaded it and still got the error. Will try to install new game I haven't loaded to see what happens.
Pretty sure there is a thread already floating around about this same error and the fix for it.

Search is your friend

I did read it. This is different from those. Has nothing to do with the update. The update was downloaded and never had any problems with that. The game has always been online since day one.
Make this the 4th thread on the same topic. It's caused by V1.05 update without installed data. The museum cards were saved on your save file instead of the HDD. Game failed to start when the save file gets bigger than the file size limit 4100KB... Same problem as LBP at launch.

The solution is to delete game data (not your save data), install game, then update to V1.05.
Make this the 4th thread on the same topic. It's caused by V1.05 update without installed data. The museum cards were saved on your save file instead of the HDD. Game failed to start when the save file gets bigger than the file size limit 4100KB... Same problem as LBP at launch.

The solution is to delete game data (not your save data), install game, then update to V1.05.

Okay maybe you didn't read my whole post. My game always had the V1.05 update installed and never had a problem. You were almost right about part of the problem. My game file was actually over 7000KB. I deleted it and reinstalled the game. It now says it's at 615MB on Game Date Utility file. Now my Save Data Utility file is at 4165KB. Is deleting my save file the only anwser? If I delete that I lose all my cars and work I've put into the game. Plus I can't get back my DLC car GT-R GT500 Stealth car back.
Sounds like your hard drive doesn't have enough space. What happened when you deleted non GT5 game content on the hard drive?
You're right familyforce, what you and i are experiencing and what these others are experiencing are two distinct problems. I think they are being confused because they result in the same error message. Just like you, I have had the game up and running (and installed!) since day 1, had downloaded the update 1.05 the day it was put up, and had no problems until about 5 days ago. Now, I get the insufficient free space error message when my game save is on the hard drive and my game data utility file includes the update 1.05. Additionally, if my game save is on the hard drive and I decline the 1.05 update, I can get into GT mode, but once the GT life page loads, the cursor stays as a clock face (as it does when it is doing work), indefinitely.

The theory that museum cards were saved to the game save data and inflated it's size past 4100 K/MB, is pretty plausible. My currently unusable game save data is indeed 4165 K/MB, so perhaps that is it. HOWEVER, don't let these people with the other problem tell you there is a fix for ours, as there IS NOT. I have been emailing back and forth with playstation consumer services for the past 5 days and even they have no idea what I'm talking about.

I also have a bit of a problem with the logic behind the suggested fix for our problem. If the problem is that the game save data file size is too large, and they're suggesting the fix is to delete the game data utility, re-install it, then redownload the update 1.05, how does this shrink the size of my game save?!

Sorry, I'm losing it a bit. I just want to be able to use my save again. And to have everyone with the other problem to stop preaching that our problem's been solved. There's always 1.06 :|
Okay maybe you didn't read my whole post. My game always had the V1.05 update installed and never had a problem. You were almost right about part of the problem. My game file was actually over 7000KB. I deleted it and reinstalled the game. It now says it's at 615MB on Game Date Utility file. Now my Save Data Utility file is at 4165KB. Is deleting my save file the only anwser? If I delete that I lose all my cars and work I've put into the game. Plus I can't get back my DLC car GT-R GT500 Stealth car back.

You will get your DLC car back you just need to redownload from Account Management. If you have a way to back up your game save either by USB or external Hard Drive you should not have any trouble. I hope this helps
My game always had the V1.05 update installed and never had a problem.

The file was introduced by 1.05. But you get only 5-10 museum cards every day so your save file doesn't get bloated overnight. It's same problem as the same other 3 threads.
Sounds like your hard drive doesn't have enough space. What happened when you deleted non GT5 game content on the hard drive?

There was only two other games on there besides GT5. Tiger Woods 11 and COD MW2. After I deleted and reinstalled GT5 it still has the same error come up. So install COD Black OPS and it installed with no problem.
If it's the same problem as the other 3 threads, then why doesn't mine work yet? I delete the game data utility from the XMB, fire up the game, decline the 1.05 (so that i can get to the in-game options menu to install the frequently used data), download the update 1.05 on my way back into the game, and still get the insufficient free space error? Am I missing something when you say 'install the game' or something here? Help me out :) I want them to be the same problem, believe me, I do!
Well. The problem is the save file size limit is 41xxKB, right? After you reinstall and upgrade to V1.05, your save file will shrink.

Little Big Planet has the same problem at launch. An update move part of the save data to HDD and solved the problem. If your save file is still over the limit after the method above. Your only option is a backup save, new game, or wait for a fix from PD.
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I know this will sound crazy but can you create another user and then

1. Send the Save Data to the newly created User
2. Then send back to main file and overwrite

This seems to change the Save Data size at times.

PS their is no need to create a PSN account as you are only using for storage
You're right familyforce, what you and i are experiencing and what these others are experiencing are two distinct problems. I think they are being confused because they result in the same error message. Just like you, I have had the game up and running (and installed!) since day 1, had downloaded the update 1.05 the day it was put up, and had no problems until about 5 days ago. Now, I get the insufficient free space error message when my game save is on the hard drive and my game data utility file includes the update 1.05. Additionally, if my game save is on the hard drive and I decline the 1.05 update, I can get into GT mode, but once the GT life page loads, the cursor stays as a clock face (as it does when it is doing work), indefinitely.

The theory that museum cards were saved to the game save data and inflated it's size past 4100 K/MB, is pretty plausible. My currently unusable game save data is indeed 4165 K/MB, so perhaps that is it. HOWEVER, don't let these people with the other problem tell you there is a fix for ours, as there IS NOT. I have been emailing back and forth with playstation consumer services for the past 5 days and even they have no idea what I'm talking about.

I also have a bit of a problem with the logic behind the suggested fix for our problem. If the problem is that the game save data file size is too large, and they're suggesting the fix is to delete the game data utility, re-install it, then redownload the update 1.05, how does this shrink the size of my game save?!

Sorry, I'm losing it a bit. I just want to be able to use my save again. And to have everyone with the other problem to stop preaching that our problem's been solved. There's always 1.06 :|
It kind of scares me about 1.06 though. If they have no idea they have a problem then will 1.06 actually fix it. Just glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. Love the game and actually defended that it wasn't as bad as others had said. Has been like the only game I've played since it's release. I was almost at the 1000 car trophy. Now that I have a game that doesn't even work I'm kinda leaning on the side that the game does indeed suck.
There was only two other games on there besides GT5. Tiger Woods 11 and COD MW2. After I deleted and reinstalled GT5 it still has the same error come up. So install COD Black OPS and it installed with no problem.

Perhaps GT5 is in need of more space. Since deleting GT5 and reinstalling GT5 didn't solve it perhaps deleting the other games will help. You said there was about 30 gigs of space left on your hard drive, is that all from TW11, MW2, GT5 & BLops?
i will try that right now mr. lopez! by the way i loved you on pacific blue

Not that Lopez.

The save data consists of five files

GT5.0 - Contains Cars, Card and ETC about 1.80MB or less
ICON0 - Icon never changes size
PARAM.PFD - Have no Idea never changes size though
PARAM.SF0 - This is the one that is constantly changing sizes and is were the protection and info for the data is located
PIC1 - Pic never changes

PARAM.SFO is constantly changing its content and I believe is what is giving you the problem when you send this file to a Sec account it will change all its info and size to prevent another user from using it.

Once you send it back to your main it will read the PSN associated to the account and give you access to it.
could it be that you uploaded to the new version of GT?

my advice is back up your save game, delete the GT5 data on your PS3 HDD and do a re install and then see it it works again.

Good Luck!
mr. lopez: i tried it, but the file stayed 4165. everythihg is worth a try at this point.

familyforce: i was the same, haven't played anything else since gt5 came out, and defended it when i could actually play it, but now am forced to take a step back and really evaluate. who are we kidding though. give us our saves back and we're right back in there. great game. poor game save data infrastructure.
Well before the game wouldn't even reinstall. Since I changed my user name per Mario's advice the game is now reinstalling. Will find out in about 20 minutes if I can now play with my old user name or move my save data to my new user name. Thanks Mario!!! Will let everyone know what happens. One question though. What's everyone's save file size? Is it 4165kb like mine and tallguy45's?
Okay now the install is done it says I have to sign up for playstation network again under my new user name. I have to create a new account? I don't have another email address. It'll let me play under my new name just not online. It also wont let me send save file to my new user name. So I can play the game but not online and without any cars from my other user name. Is there anyway to reduce my GT5 save file without losing my cars? The game still wont load under my old user name. I guess people should keep an eye on their file size and get rid of any museum cards.
The museum cards are fine as long as you DON'T open it until a fix is available. See the word "Saving..." when you access the museum? It's GT5 caching with your save file data.

I have 800 cars, 1500 paints, 600 museum cards. Save file is about 1700KB.
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mr. lopez: i tried it, but the file stayed 4165. everythihg is worth a try at this point.

familyforce: i was the same, haven't played anything else since gt5 came out, and defended it when i could actually play it, but now am forced to take a step back and really evaluate. who are we kidding though. give us our saves back and we're right back in there. great game. poor game save data infrastructure.

I tried the share file and it stayed the same size as well. I think are only option is to delete our save files and start over. Almost 3 months of playing and getting this far for nothing. Now starting out I'll have even less to start out with since I'll lose my DLC car. I don't think I'll be playing GT5 anytime soon. I'll hold out deleting my file atleast until the next update.
This bug has manifested on all PS3 related forums so PD should be aware of it. Hold on to your save file until a fix is available.

As for your DLC, you don't lose them. Go to the PSN store and look at your download (purchased) history, you can download them again.