V victorb81 80 VicDamone81 Jan 4, 2011 #1 Here's a few I've messed around with learning how to use photomode. I'm sure they will get a little better as time goes on.
Here's a few I've messed around with learning how to use photomode. I'm sure they will get a little better as time goes on.
stig's helmet 1,851 GTP_karlos Jan 4, 2011 #2 They're pretty good so far mate Feel free to check my update, mclaren f1
V victorb81 80 VicDamone81 Jan 5, 2011 #3 thanks! its fun trying to figure different angles, focal points, etc. I'll post more later.
gtuned 4,771 New York GO6DoRiFUt0 gtun3d Jan 5, 2011 #4 You really have alot of potential. That Challenger shot is great.
Northstar The Original Party Worm Premium 24,636 Anoka, MN Jan 5, 2011 #5 Nice pics, although I would raise the camera a tad on the Ferrari shot so the reflections aren't so blurry.
Nice pics, although I would raise the camera a tad on the Ferrari shot so the reflections aren't so blurry.
V victorb81 80 VicDamone81 Jan 6, 2011 #6 Gtuned You really have alot of potential. That Challenger shot is great. Click to expand... thank you! I have a few shots of my Audi R8 I'll be posting tomorrow.
Gtuned You really have alot of potential. That Challenger shot is great. Click to expand... thank you! I have a few shots of my Audi R8 I'll be posting tomorrow.
V victorb81 80 VicDamone81 Jan 8, 2011 #7 Audi R8 Chromeline and Ford GT still working on being creative with my angles, and focal points. The Ford GT is probably my favorite car in the game, so expect to see it more in the future when I learn more about taking photos in game
Audi R8 Chromeline and Ford GT still working on being creative with my angles, and focal points. The Ford GT is probably my favorite car in the game, so expect to see it more in the future when I learn more about taking photos in game