31. To achieve this Principle in action, the ISPs must ensure the following:
Those ISPs using technologies such as DSL for which the access line speed can be lower than the headline speed should:
Have a robust process for identifying whether the problem relates to a slower than expected access line speed;
Log the problem as a technical fault if diagnostics indicate that this is appropriate;
If it appears from the diagnostics that the problem is likely to have resulted from factors within the customer's control, e.g. internal wiring, the ISP should advise the customer of that fact and how such problems could be eased;
If, after following the procedures i, ii and iii above, the customer continues to receive an access line speed significantly lower than the estimate provided at point of sale the ISPs should offer the customer with an alternative broadband package. This measure only applies where the ISPs offer their subscribers a lower speed package than that originally signed up to. Consumers should not incur any change of package penalty in order to migrate onto a different broadband package under these circumstances other than those charges that would have applied had they signed up to that lower package in the first instance.