My town's paper is decent. It usually has a better sports section because they report about local minor hockey, baseball, soccer, etc. teams that won a championship, rather than talk about the pros.
The biggest problem with my newspaper is the "sound off" where residents call in to the paper and talk about something important to the paper. It is hilarious how pathetic what people complain about is. The town is small, around 6000 people, and every Friday 13th, (motorcycles) bikers from all over North America come to the town. (A few years ago, the population of the town went from 6000 to 100000 in one day, then back to 6000 again the next day
). So naturally, since the town is also a tourist town, and most people come for the beautiful lake, bikers also come in fairly large numbers on nice summer days.
Back to the Sound Off, the paper comes out on wednesdays, so you always get the people complaining about the noise of the bikers and that they're a "bad influence". Get real. The friggin people come from Toronto to retire here, then just criticize every damn thing about the town.
We have a foghorn, they whine about that "It's too loud and I can't sleep at night". The town has geese migrating over it in late summer/ fall, and believe it or not, they whine about that "these geese are pooping all over my lawn". The bikers, they whine about them, while forgetting that having the population of the town go from 6k to 80-100k provides an insane economic boost, and a fantastic fundraising opportunity.
There are kids in the town, they whine about the "unruly teenagers out as late as 10 PM!" The town has a lift bridge, to allow tall ships into the marina, THEY WHINE ABOUT WAITING 3 MINUTES FOR A BOAT TO PASS!
Then there's the police bashers. It goes back, yet again to the bikers. These people used to living in a silent city suburb complain that the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) don't "do their job" properly because they don't stop bikers for being "too loud".
Uggh. I'm sorry i did so much whining there, but it just annoys the hell out of me that these people come into our town and then criticize everything about it.