My loved one is fading away...

  • Thread starter squishydk
I fell alove with you the very first time i saw you.
It was all too good to be true.
you took me to many a new place,
and that with an imense pace.

It took a long time to progress with you.
It was all too good to be true.
We spend hours and years together,
I thought it would never be better.

But i was wrong when i met a new version of you.
It was all too good to be true.
Years past, amount of time spend was vast.
Noone can ever be like you, youre my last.

In the horisont i can see the next version of you.
This time...i hope its to good to be true.
Youre my one and only racing game to play
GT MODE i hope you dont fade away

I know, English isn't my language... but i just love GT Mode. And recently there has been vague hints a lot of places, that GT Mode will be less than the previous ones. Mainly due to the high demand of online content. Online is good no doubt about that. But GT Mode is the CORE of GT.

I dont want it fast and easy, i want a long struggle, in crappy cars. Doing sunday cups, and bitch about driver license and what not. I want to yell at the stupid game when i need to drive the same track for the millionth time, in a lousy car, just to move on... cause i LOVE it. Its for me, what seperates GT from other cargames. I can get better sim games, i can get better Gfx in oter games (not for ps though), but i cant get GT Mode...

So please... please leave my GT Mode alone, making it lesser would ruin the core of the game.....
Agreed. It took a lot of the fun out the Forza for me when I was unlocking cars left right and centre.

Yeah like you complete a couple races and you kept getting expensive cars... It was like they were hand feeding me all the cars in the game
It will be a great shame if its truly gone or less than it once was.

But as Prologue proved to me, I can easily create my own fun now we have online functionality, so I'm not hugely bothered.
Just as long as we get the full tuning options of GT4 back.

I would be happy just with:
Slightly improved Prologue physics
Most if not all the GT4 courses
200 or so new cars (along with the 800 or so we have already had in previous GT games).
Online mode with lobbies and custom options
Full tuning options

But without GT mode, I guess its not Gran Turismo anymore, so I will be sad momentarily, before I get stuck into some fierce online competition here on GTPlanet. Games have moved on since 1998, no longer is it so important to provide such an in-depth single player experience. Sure I miss those days as I don't always want to play online with the idiots, but at the same time the AI has always been horrible and isn't likely to improve much. I'd rather race real people with real spacial awareness and racing ettiquette.

It would be good if they somehow created an online verison of GT mode though, like organised quick-match races that are stuctured in a similar way to the Sunday Cup, etc.
I just want to drive awesome photo-realistc cars around beautiful tracks.

Everything else is padding to me.

Pretty much. I mean.. the fun in GT unlike other games is literally the feel of driving. I downloaded unlocks to get all the vehicles for prologue. And of course, it took me a few months to finally be able to drive the F1 at any decent time (20,000th on suzuka short lol). But I think its because im an Adult now. Grinding to unlock a car is more tedious. Yea it feels great, but the bigger challenge to me has always been the actual driving and getting your laptimes down, then racing friends with tuned vehicles.

If GT is shipped with a easier single player "campaign" i will not hesitate to buy a bundled PS3/GT combo. Not in the slightest.

I haven't finished a single damn GT, yet Im always buying them day 1. I love racing, love the feel and challenge of GT. The appeal is definitely the sim more than how I unlock vehicles to get to the sim. Without a doubt, GT is one of the main reasons I'm into gaming.

Everything else is just padding.

I've been playing prologue since launch of it. Doesn't seem to require a campaign in order for me to enjoy the cars.
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I think the fact that you can unlock as many cars as you want pre-release, via GT PSP pretty much covers the people who haven't got the time or patience to go through GT Mode, I consider myself a bit of a GT fanatic, my room is built around my cockpit if you know what I mean ! But even I wouldn't have the time to go through the old GT Mode to get the cars I really want to drive.

This is even more of an issue now that driving a different car has so much more meaning than before (in car view).

To sum up, hopefully GT Mode remains as in depth if not more so than before, and GT PSP will keep people like me who don't have the time to spend on GT Mode get the cars they really wan't to drive.
Yeah I agree, GT mode must be even bigger than the GT4 GT mode... The sunday cups with the slow cars were even more fun to me to finish than that Le mans cars in GT4...
Oh FFS, the melodramatics around this game are getting beyond a joke. If GT5 has more cars, more tracks, a bit more customisation, and at least equivalent graphics and physics compared to Prologue, I'll be happy. What does it matter if you are racing around Trial Mountain in a single race, or Trial Mountain as part of a race series? There is no difference, as DiRT 2 kindly demonstrated with its masses of different race series, yet huge amount of repetition.
Yeah! Exacly.
Gran Turismo without GT MODE is not a Gran Turismo.
I hate the PSP version for that we don't have the whole map with challenges.
Game without is boring, especially on PSP.

And I hope guys in PD knows that, and they will make the biggest GT MODE that was ever made in Gran Turismo that we can spend there a lot of hours.
Other than taking away from the number of events, GT Mode wasn't that elaborate to begin with, what could make it "lesser"?:odd: So long as we get the usual dealerships, modifications from GT4 with maybe some added mod features, and the ability to buy 2nd hand cars it should be fine.
lol at the crazy melodramatics, but I do agree: If it were up to me I'd make GT mode at least as slow as any previous game, even though I'm an adult now and have less time. The cars lose their special value if they're very easily acquired.
I will spend 95% in GTMode lake always.... I can image that they can rued GTmode and make it stupid as Prologue... Sorry for my English.:bowdown:
GT mode in Gran Turismo 5 is confirmed. I do not know why you people are scared that it might not make it in.
I think they're scared that it's gonna be too easy...

I think the first 50% of it will be easy, rest will be much harder..
Then again, this time we can choose PHYSICS, Arcade pr Pro, maybe now we will have Simulation Physics... So I do not worry at all..

But as long they will give us Even Creator with hand pick cars, I would be in heaven.
I'm not worried either. It's ridiculous to worry about such things. I've always thought a game is as long/deep as you want it to be.
If Kaz is truly worried about gamers losing interest in GT5 because they don't have the enough time to devote to it, I think he should have changed the formula for ARCADE mode, and not GT mode. Maybe beef up the arcade mode with some goals and objectives so it is a legitimate game in it's own right, and leave GT mode for the players who aren't in any rush to complete the game. I absolutely loved the depth of GT4's GT mode - and knowing that I was only 25% complete strangely brought some level satisfaction - there was so much more ahead.

For the people that say "All I want is beautiful cars, beautiful tracks and good physics...' you're missing out. All you're really asking for is prologue x10. I want a game that I can think about even when I'm not playing - where I carefully need to choose my next car and its setup for the 1000 miles event at Nurburgring. That my friends, is Gran Turismo.
I'm not worried either. It's ridiculous to worry about such things. I've always thought a game is as long/deep as you want it to be.

Exacly. Some people say its easy.. Well maybe because they bring a 400 HP car into a 200HP race!?

Sometimes I run couple of setups for the 2-4 hour endurance races and try to come up with the closest setup possible, that way it will be a challenge to pass the AI.
Exacly. Some people say its easy.. Well maybe because they bring a 400 HP car into a 200HP race!?

Sometimes I run couple of setups for the 2-4 hour endurance races and try to come up with the closest setup possible, that way it will be a challenge to pass the AI.

For me, the idea of doing that is ridiculous... I did do it. But only when I got desperate to try and extract some kind of challenge from GT.

And the fact that you aren't limited, is also a joke. Of course people get lazy, it's inevitable. It's having all weapons unlocked on the easiest missions of a FPS and saying "well of course it's easy if you use the good guns! duh!! I personally spend hours learning what guns the enemies use and how much health they have and I find how to make it hard like that"
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