My Mom Has Cancer! (Need Advice)!

  • Thread starter Chris30
United States
United States
Hey guys, I have some questions to ask about this difficult situation, I am distraught about it! My mom went to the doctor Friday morning and they did some CT scans and tests and found two big masses in her stomach/bladder, one was 5-inches and the other was a little smaller than that, turns out she has Stage 4 prostate cancer which is serious. I read that 50-60% of people survive after the diagnosis/surgery and the other percentage don't. I hope nothing happens to her, she has raised me and taught me everything she has known to train me to take on the real world( living on my own). The truth is my grandparents refused to give her money to get medical treatment, she begged them starting in 2006 and they said no, we need to get a job. We have significant health issues now, and her's are way worse than mine.

So, that's the gist of this thread. Have you all or any of your family/friends experienced any cancer? I'd like to research as much as I can to help maybe guide her to healing. Please pray/meditate that things will go smoothly and my mother will recover 100%, I don't want her to die, I'm so upset, I've been up almost 2 days. 😢

She has taught me so much over the past two decades I don't want her to leave this planet. I hope the doctors and nurses can help her recover from this major surgery. Maybe I should get ready for bed soon and calm down. This was a very unexpected surprise at the end of my birthday week, I turned 33 on Monday.

If and I hope this does not happen, but if my mom dies, who do you recommend I should stay with. I don't want to go to a group home. And I don't want to stay with my abusive family members. So idk what to do.

*I'm writing this a letter so I hope you read it that way.

Firstly this is very very sad news. Secondly this is massively sad news.

There is a lot to deal with for you right now and I'd suggest you speak to your moms doctor, he will be able to point you to people to talk to.

It devastates me to hear about your mom as she was such large part of your life.

I want you to know all of us here are thinks of you both and if you need any help or to off load we are all here. Or individually as a collective. The way that helps the most mate is to ask for help.

Thoughts and prayers my friend.
Chris, so sorry to read this! Can’t imagine what you’re going through, sending strength from the UK and I am sure I talk for the community when I say we’re all here if you need us!

Hugs brother 🫶
So sorry to hear this. What exactly is the cancer - perhaps you misheard "prostate"?

The important thing right now is to be there for your mum. I have never had cancer, but I can recommend a short book called Falling Leaves and Flying Butterflies that could help your mum in processing this news as well as giving suggestions on the subsequent journey.

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