My own non-professional review on GT6, and GT in general

  • Thread starter Ragnaroky
Hi everyone.
I'm new here as you can see, but I decided to give my 2 cents on the game, despite probably being ignored and not meaning anything. What got me to write this were the pros and cons of the game. Well, more like the cons really, because I feel like they hold GT6 back a lot from a fan's point of view, which imo is the one that should matter (over reviewers, who's opinions these days are worth nothing...)

Before starting... I've been a fan of GT games ever since the start. I feel that each and every game has its own "thing", its own value, even after years. Despite not owning any of the concept or prologue games (and 3, but I will never own it because it only has like 200 cars or something and that makes me mad) I still own GT1, 2, 4, 5 and now 6.

I bought GT6 a week ago. Decided to buy it because it looks like its a straight up evolution from GT5 in every single way, and theres a lot about GT5 that makes me want to stab the TV as many times as I can. So I ended up buying an aniversary edition that was still available at my local GAME store. Pricey, but worth it imo.
The game has improved quite a lot since GT5. A LOT.
The menus alone make me morphine levels of happy, since going through the menus of GT5 was extremely painful both for eyes, ears and even mind. The long loading times inside more loading times coupled together with somewhat maze-like menus arranged in a (imo) not really friendly fashion AND with annoying soundwork made the whole task unnerving to me.
This has changed in GT6. Menus now are arranged in a MUCH better manner, without annoying sounds, and with every little thing in its own little and neat place. No more cramped menus next to other cramped menus or anything of the sort that you got in GT6. Loading times are also much smaller.

Something that almost alone makes this an insta-buy for me though?... THE USED DEALERSHIP IS GONE. And gone forever I damn well hope.
I'm very sorry to say this, because it might sound extremely harsh and aggressive, but whoever thought of having 3 seperate used dealers (1 in GT5, but that was even WORSE) with random lists of cars should had been fired a long time ago, and I do not care if you were trying to simulate real life dealerships or anything.
It only got worse in GT5. You could BARELY find anything you wanted.
Luckily, PD, you learned from that mistake, axed the whole thing, and now we got each and every car available displayed on its own dealership. Just for the record, I decided that I would buy GT6 as soon as I saw a "preview" of the dealerships on youtube, you don't imagine how happy I was knowing that I could actually see all the cars there were available to me from the get-go.
The only con about this is that it all feels a bit too simple...
GT4's dealerships were FANTASTIC. Each placed on their side of the map, in their own country, and when you opened them, you would have each thing in its own place. Your new cars are here, the special versions are there, the tuning section is there, and then you have some events over here. All displayed with a nice poster-like image of something related to the brand.
I get it that now things are much more simplified, but you simplified with GT5 and it ended a mess. At least here its tidy, but now it just feels like a huge storage house with aisles and aisles of shelves and a big list with buttons at the entrance saying where is what, and when you push a button, it brings its cars to you from the shelf.
This isn't a huge deal, but it was a very nice thing I liked about the dealership menus. I'm glad you axed the used dealerships, and thats good enough.

Races and the whole process of passing to the next level and earning stars have been greatly improved, although I don't know if I miss or not the boatload of licenses to do... I'll go with "no".
I like how there are about 10 different main events in each level, and to add up to that, you get the one maker races, missions (think licenses, but more fun and rewarding imo) and the coffee break challenge is back, although thats really not my cup of.... tea. (hu hu hu hu)
And in the end, you must do the final "exams" to pass to the next level, which imo is a much better way to implement the licenses. And speaking of races, you get quite a lot of events now. Goodwood is pretty fun, despite being always the same time attack track. I don't know, it's just fun to go for it in different cars and achieve gold. (Screw the RedBull 2011 though)
What I've been trying to find however, is where did the power testing options go?
GT5 had an absolutely wonderful power testing mode, displaying top speed, seconds for 0-100kmh, how many Gs done and so on. Where is all that? Did you remove it? If so, why? That was pretty useful you know...
And what did happen to B-Spec?
It was extremely useful in GT4. Giving someone the ability to do a race with A or B spec was a great freedom, and the fact that you could speed it up was, imo, absolutely wonderful. Not everyone has the patience to go through the 24 hour races, and that gave us a way out. The way B-Spec was presented was also extremely good. Sure it made it somewhat of a grind if you really wanted it to be a grind, but it was useful.
GT5's B-Spec however was horrible.
It's like you're at the boxes saying "Listen up, I want you to do X, BUT ONLY FOR 10 SECONDS, then you can do whatever you please"
What the hell is up with that? GT4 had it right. "Listen, I want you to drive like this, until I say otherwise."
Constantly giving orders to your driver was an extremely boring task, to the point of me falling asleep a few times. You also couldn't speed up the action, so you'd actually have to sit through those 5 lap races in somewhat big tracks during the first hours of the game, with cars that barely reached 200hp. Bonus points for your driver being a complete IDIOT and not being able to overtake ANYONE or be a little more "corageous" unless it had a car with 200hp more than everyone else, and to add up to all that, if you didn't pay attention, he would "cool down", and the AI could easily bypass him. You do the math on how much time I could sleep during B-spec if there was a 50/50 chance of me doing it...
Also, what's the deal with the Arcade mode? It's just tacked on. GT5's arcade mode was tacked on, and so is this one.
Would be nice to have something like GT4's arcade mode, but don't spend too much time in it if you don't want to, just a little side thing. It's mainly useful for when you have a buddy with you.

Oh, and the AI is crazy.
They either step aside and make mad swerves, almost veering off the track, or they actually nudge you from the side, police interceptor style, and mess you up.

And what do we need for all those events? Tracks.
And this time, there are so.many.tracks. You really went all out... BUT, I don't know why you removed some of the old ones... More is always better. I liked Midfield quite a lot you know, and some of the tracks in GT2 also deserved some love (yes yes I know its been a long time, but I'd like to see the Tahiti courses back, for example), and why did you remove the Top Gear track? Contracts?
Although, as many have said before, some of the tracks are easy to cut through corners. Too easy...

But let's talk about the thing that pisses me off the most...
The cars and car related paraphernalia.

We got 1200+ cars this time around, and let me tell you: congrats on that. An extremely good evolution from GT5, and apparently, some of the cars that didn't have interiors in GT5 now finally have detailed interiors. That's very nice, despite there still being a lot of cars that imo really need to have detailed interiors. Not even asking for interiors for every single car.
Also, car damage. I won't say anything else about this because I bet every single person bitches about this. And with reason, but I'm fine with it, because I feel like there are more pressing matters related to the vehicles...

There is Opel, and there is Vauxhall. But explain this to me...
Why do both brands have the EXACT same cars? And why aren't both those lists updated ever since GT4?
Do note, I know Vauxhall is basically "UK's Opel", but why the hell do both lists have the exact same cars? Why isn't there any Astra/Corsa OPC/Nurburgring Edition? (funny thing, the Nurburgring's start line in GT5 had OPC sponsorship on the wall next to the pits, yet not a single OPC car is to be found in the game)
Why isn't there a BMW M4 or the new M3? Or even the M3 GTS? Better yet, why is there an '05 M5 and a '08 M5, but no next gen M5?
Why isn't there a Saxo VTS like there used to be in GT2? Or a Corsa Sport? Or a 106 XSi? Or a Punto GT? Or a Citro DS3?
Why aren't there any Black Series Mercs or any kind of newer Merc other than the SLS, and theres only one of the '10 AMG models, and to our bad luck, its the 4 door saloon version?
Why aren't there almost any S models by Audi? Where's the A5 platform? Wheres the RS4 non-wagon model? Where are any newer models?
Where is the original Diablo? Where is the Sesto Elemento or any of the other concept cars? Wheres the Huracan or the Gallardo SuperLeggera?
Where are the newer Ferraris? Where did their F1 cars go?
Wheres the new Mp4-12c? Wheres the P1?
Wheres Porsche? (No need to tell me where it is, just liked to remind you of it, but I know it isn't your fault)
Where is the Focus RS 500? Why is there only 1 RS from 10 years ago?
Where is Koeniggsegg?
Why is there only 1 Maseratti?
Where are the rest of the Golf GTI?
Where is the Zonda Cinque?

Where are soo many great(and not so great) cars that deserve to be in Gran Turismo but aren't? Cars that would be great virtual driving experiences for people of all ages and tastes...
Instead, we get 30 Skylines.

Mr.Kazunori, I do get that you absolutely love Skylines.And so do I. If I had a Skyline, I would treasure it and keep it as imaculate as possible, even with daily use. I also understand that you are a japanese developer and that there are contracts to be made with car brands to be able to use their cars and how its easier to keep track of japanese manufacturers and so on. But it's extremely disappointing to see almost only japanese brands evolving in GT6, while so many other brands evolve maybe even more in real life, but get no recognition whatsoever in this game? For god's sake, you put in every single version of the 3000GT and the GTO. What is even the difference between the 3000GT and the GTO?!
I used to think of GT as "the game with all the cars plus the ones I don't even dream of". But, thats the thing... "I used to think.."

But that also makes me question...
Where is my RallyArt VIII MR FQ400?! How could you NOT put this car into the game?! It's a Murcielago killer for god's sake!
And why is the IX GSR one of the weakest versions of the IX generation?
I love Evos, and thats a big black mark there...

I understand there are limitations to everything and nothing can be how everyone wants, but I feel like with just a little more of effort, the game could have not had many of the cons I listed here.
It's an amazing game, despite showing that it is indeed outdated and overtaken by other competitors, but that's not what's bothering me...
What bothers me is how so many of the things listed get a pass when they shouldn't, and the things that need one don't.
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Good review, but just one thing that bothers me being a GT fan since I first rented Gran Turismo when it came out an eventually buying it.

Only because Gran Turismo 3 had a small amount of cars you did not buy it. I feel that you missed out on a huge hit in the Gran Turismo series. I was let down coming from the amount of cars in GT2, but at the time Gran Turismo 3 was on top of the world with console racing games. I really do think you should reconsider your thoughts on GT3.
Good review, but just one thing that bothers me being a GT fan since I first rented Gran Turismo when it came out an eventually buying it.

Only because Gran Turismo 3 had a small amount of cars you did not buy it. I feel that you missed out on a huge hit in the Gran Turismo series. I was let down coming from the amount of cars in GT2, but at the time Gran Turismo 3 was on top of the world with console racing games. I really do think you should reconsider your thoughts on GT3.
Thanks! It's far from great, I feel like I missed a few points(in fact, I'm sure I did) and it somewhat turned into a rant in the end(which was sort of the reason why I wanted to share my 2 cents)

Reason why that happened was because I got a PS2 very late (always get the old gen when new gen shows up lol), I think the PS3 was already released or about to be released (around the time PS2's cost like 150€) so I was able to finally get one. By that time, GT3 was already gone from the stores, and I think GT4 was almost freshly released, so I went with GT4 and never looked back. Truth is, it isn't that big of a reason for me to not get it. It only became somewhat of a big deal when I started seeing how many cars sit out of the franchise for no apparent reason, but even so, its more of those ideas where you go "ah it has less cars, lets just not buy it". It's more about me being lazy honestly. I'd have to look around for a second hand copy and its always a tricky process.

Although... What makes GT3 so good?
I hear a lot of praise about it, and people say its even better than GT4. Hell, the best there is even. Why is that?
Although... What makes GT3 so good?
I hear a lot of praise about it, and people say its even better than GT4. Hell, the best there is even. Why is that?
It was the first GT game for many including me. I did get the first two later on. But GT 3 is the first that brings those cars not only to drive but also to just look at, even without any photomode. As for comparing to GT4, I always thought the menus are way ahead of the second PS2 attempt.
The M4 and some Lambo Diablo are here.
"Why this XXXXX car not included?" : Don't forget that they can't make everybody happy. They made their own choice. I can myself make a huge list of "must have in GT", everybody can, but sometimes the wishlist is impossible to satisfy
"funny thing, the Nurburgring's start line in GT5 had OPC sponsorship on the wall next to the pits, yet not a single OPC car is to be found in the game" Same as Porsche Sign in Le Mans : Part as licencing for the track
"and why did you remove the Top Gear track" Forza got the licence if I remember well
"But it's extremely disappointing to see almost only japanese brands evolving in GT6" They made some effort with the cars added for GT6.
It was the first GT game for many including me. I did get the first two later on. But GT 3 is the first that brings those cars not only to drive but also to just look at, even without any photomode. As for comparing to GT4, I always thought the menus are way ahead of the second PS2 attempt.
Hm true I guess.
You mean comparing which game to GT4? GT6? It's not that they are bad, but it seems like they simplified things a bit too much. As said, it doesn't feels like as if you went to an actual dealership, it just feels like going to a huge warehouse with all the cars in the shelves. It's not bad, but it feels like it lacks something which I can't quite name right now.

The M4 and some Lambo Diablo are here.
"Why this XXXXX car not included?" : Don't forget that they can't make everybody happy. They made their own choice. I can myself make a huge list of "must have in GT", everybody can, but sometimes the wishlist is impossible to satisfy
"funny thing, the Nurburgring's start line in GT5 had OPC sponsorship on the wall next to the pits, yet not a single OPC car is to be found in the game" Same as Porsche Sign in Le Mans : Part as licencing for the track
"and why did you remove the Top Gear track" Forza got the licence if I remember well
"But it's extremely disappointing to see almost only japanese brands evolving in GT6" They made some effort with the cars added for GT6.

What? The M4? Are you sure? Maybe I missed it?...

I know they can't make everyone happy, but I find it weird how they have so many other choices that some people never even heard of but don't have others.

The licensing business pisses me off really...
What? The M4? Are you sure? Maybe I missed it?...

I know they can't make everyone happy, but I find it weird how they have so many other choices that some people never even heard of but don't have others.

The licensing business pisses me off really... =) (It was part of an update in December)
Sometimes they make weird choice, but I find the recently added cars (and the one added between GT5 and GT6) decent (Nismo GTR, TS030, the Senna Cars, M4...)
And yes, the licensing business pisses me off too (I want Porsche!!!! :( )
Hm true I guess.
You mean comparing which game to GT4?
I meant the menus of Gran Turismo 3, while not perfect, are better than the "map" and some other odd choices in GT4.

At least the Diablo - in GT6 - is RWD. 👍 =) (It was part of an update in December)
Sometimes they make weird choice, but I find the recently added cars (and the one added between GT5 and GT6) decent (Nismo GTR, TS030, the Senna Cars, M4...)
And yes, the licensing business pisses me off too (I want Porsche!!!! :( )
Completely missed the M4. It was there, I just didn't see it o.o
At least for that. I do enjoy the fact that they are giving us free content updates, and pretty good ones aswell.
I meant the menus of Gran Turismo 3, while not perfect, are better than the "map" and some other odd choices in GT4.

At least the Diablo - in GT6 - is RWD. 👍
I quite liked the map actually. From what I see, GT3's menus look weird.
Completely missed the M4. It was there, I just didn't see it o.o
At least for that. I do enjoy the fact that they are giving us free content updates, and pretty good ones aswell.
Yes, something nice about that game is the fact that every update is free (for now) : 2 tracks and like 12 cars
Its interesting seeing different people's pros and cons.

I liked the Used Car Dealerships in the older games. Remember when the used cars were in their own section within each dealership? and some dealerships didn't have used cars. I was actually dissappointed to not have used cars in GT6 but it wouldn't really suit the simplicity approach now anyway.

I've always been a fan of Japanese cars, but I'm annoyed by the same silly things they've done.
-30+ skylines with heaps of duplicates, but missing some key models like the GTSTs etc.
-heaps of Mitsubishi GTOs, again heaps of duplicates, but missing that older model with the popup headlights?
-heaps of RX7s and duplicates, but missing the older GT turbo '83 from GT2. Why why why???
-missing this car, missing that car, missing my favorites
-etc. etc. etc.

The simplified and cut-down career mode sucks. Short enough that B-Spec is not even necessary anyway, and easy enough that modifying and tuning is hardly necessary either.

I found I still loved the game for the first few weeks, even despite the annoyances, but eventually I realised the things I craved like a drug for in the older GTs (1-4 since I never owned 5) are just not there in GT6, so I never got 'addicted' to it this time.

I think its really designed to cater for a different crowd now - not as appealing to the fans of GT1 - GT4. more for online racing.
I think they've cut down single player a lot, to encourage people to login more and do seasonal events / online racing etc.

At least it was cheap to buy, even when new, but I think they're making more money off advertising / promoting car manufacturer stuff now - hence the focus on the VGTs, and also the reason they want people to login more often so they have a big audience for the advertising.