My personal BGM isn't working. Why?

  • Thread starter KM964
United States
DFW Area
I have a GT6 playlist on my PS3, and no matter what, it will either play the same song I selected to start the playlist, or it will play nothing (I deleted the songs from the Gallery racing playlist). I have custom BGM on just for races; menu and replay BGM are still the defaults. I have shuffle on, and the repeat folder option on, yet it still plays the same song every race. The only way I can change songs is either restart the race or go select another song in the options. It's infuriating. Is there any fix for it?
Another problem you'll eventually encounter is the game's BGM playing instead of yours, but that's fixed by restarting the race as well. Also, if you noticed the slight lag at the start of the race and when you cross the finish line. That's caused by the custom BGM as well.
Another problem you'll eventually encounter is the game's BGM playing instead of yours, but that's fixed by restarting the race as well.
I encountered that actually. That's what prompted me to delete all of the songs in the racing playlist in the Gallery.
Yeah it's borked.

You need to delete all the game bgm from the race section of the gallery to make sure it only plays your bgm.

Next, if you're getting the same song over and over(If it even plays one to begin with), it's because if you finish a race before the song itself finishes, it will play that same song again for the next race.

The only way around this is to either play a race longer than the song, or as soon as the race begins, select restart race and it will shuffle it to a different song.

Sucks but until they patch it that's the only way to deal with it.