My Plans for an 8020 Rig


Automobile Enthusiast
So I'm planning a new rig, to be made from 8020 extrusion (mostly 1010). I want to mount a T500RS to it and have triple 40" tvs's. this is what I have for a design to start from. I'm considering redoing it though, I've seen a couple of 8020 rigs that are fairly triangular and look pretty sturdy with the same wheel.
Trying to be helpful here;

I don't know if the wheel deck will provide adequate support the way you have designed it using 1010.

Check out this 80/20 rig by to get a perspective on the relative size of 1010.

How do you intend to make all the right angle connections?

If you go with fastening plates, that quickly adds up cost-wise.

Anchor-bolts are cheaper, but will require serious machining.

Seems as if you have serious fabrication skills by your rig's photos on your rig thread.

Might be a lot cheaper to build the new rig that way.
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I won't have access to a welder in Hamilton. Also my old rig is heavier than an elephant and isn't adjustable at all! I downloaded 8020's tech tools program which let me calculate how much the pieces would flex in relation to the length of the piece and the amount of weight that is placed on that piece. At the most it will flex 1/8 of an inch and thats without the gussets at the base of the wheel mount
Ok, I understand now, same reason I did mine in 80/20, no access to fabrication stuff.

I guess what I was trying to say was in regards to the upper front part of the wheel deck.

You may want to consider gusseting that too, or adding a couple more vertical supports for the front of the wheel deck.

An awful lot of force is exerted there on the front of the wheel deck where the wheel is mounted.
I sent my plans to 8020, its cost is estimated at $1400 for just the frame. I'm going to have to kill this plan. I've been looking at the Obutto R3volution and it will cost is 1100 for everything! As cool as it would be, cost is a factor

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