Alright guys, it's not really a dilemma, but I'm planning on getting another steering wheel, and I need help on choosing which one. I am an owner of both a G25 and DFP, and I'm looking to get another wheel and playseat evo so I could play 2 players with my bro or with friends of mine when they come over. I'm very happy with the G25, it feels smooth, pedals feel solid, a big upgrade from the DFP, although I was still happy with the DFP when I had it. But the thing was, I went to Best Buy today and I saw a DFGT with a price selling for $100.00, which is quite the bargain. It is a pretty neat wheel with the controls at the tip of your fingers, and I've heard it's as smooth, if not smoother than the G25. But now that I've felt really solid pedals with the G25, the DFGT pedals are sort of questionable to me now. Now should I play it safe, but with a hefty price and go with the G25, or should I go with variety and get the DFGT? Or if anything, is there any other wheels out there that are good with a decent price I havent heard of? G25 and DFGT owners, please give me some advice! Thank you!