My thoughts about what should be in GT5

  • Thread starter dylansan


United States
Here are my views on how carrer/arcade mode should possibly be in GT5. Keep in mind that this is all just oppinion.

-First, I go into training, previously known as lisences. I start off on the first level, braking. The game starts me off at 60MPH, and just before the time to hit the brakes, the screen shows up with the words get ready to brake... then counts down, 3... 2... 1... BRAKE!!! I slam the brakes and end up in the checkerboard area. I repeat the excercize several times, paying attention to the road lines and scenery, so I know exactly where I should be hitting the brakes. I press start and select 'try on your own' Now I have to brake without any guides and land in the zone. Once I can do it near perfectly, the game says "well done" and I move on to the next lesson at 100MPH. For the next lessons, there are cornering techniques and what not, braking on hills, controlling understeer, oversteer, etc. Finally I have completed the training and have a feeling that I will now be able to drive anything.

-After all of these training mission, I am beat, so I take a break and enter arcade mode. I go to single player and pick out Laguna Seca, setting laps to 3. Next I take a look at the menu similar to GT4's car select screen, and pick out all the cars I would consider driving, then hit start. Now I am in a virtual garage with all of the chosen cars inside. I am in the mood for a nice fun race with cars that may not be much faster than a lotus elise, when they are tuned that is. A bright blue Minicooper S catches my eye, so I take it. Of course, it won't be blue for long.:sly:

-In the arcade mode garage, there are many things I can do, including adding some racing bodykits to increase downforce and aerodynamics, paint features, and inside-of-the-car features, like engine and suspension stuff. I add a nice front spoiler, which slightly resembles a cross between an RX8 and pagani zonda bumper. :confused: Anyway, I look at the downforce meter which displays a bar that is 1/4 filled with green. "I don't need much downforce for a Mini anyway," I think to my self, so I install it. I find some matching sideskirts, but don't add them because they don't seem to look right on the car. I do however add a rear spoiler from the same brand, with the same amount of downforce as the front one, and the body is almost complete. All that's left is removing all unneccicary parts from the interior. The screen displays a list of all parts inside the Mini and all of the parts have checkmarks in them, and a few checks are grey. Looking through the manual, I see that this means they cannot be removed, and apparently with good reason! Looking at these parts I notice "steering wheel," "front driver's seat," etc, but I do notice passenger seats. Well what good are they? I remove them along with carpeting, and cup holders. :D

-Now for a fresh coat of paint. I could paint it with awesome details and a lot of other cool paterns, but I decide to go more traditional and make it a bright red with the two stripes down the bonnet and a british flag on the roof. (you know what it looks like!)
Now I'm ready for all the internal junk and stuff. All I do is add a supercharger and some racing brakes, and then decide to boost the HP with a port polish. Now, despite not adding much, my car now has 287HP and I am thinking I should add more downforce. Oh well, it'll be more of a challenge.

-Speaking of the challengers, I set the difficulty to 3 and press generate opponents. Whoops! I forgot to press the "Use lower performance cars but make them into race cars" button (If they do include this, it better have a better name ;)) Now I am up against 4 Civic and 3 206 race cars among 18 others, with just a bit better performance than me. I start the race and drive to my full potential. The training paid off, because I came in 5th, with an Eclipse in 1st, a Civic in 2nd, two Puegeots in 3rd and 4th. I still think I could have done better, but I can always save everything about the race as a race file, so I can load it up another time and maybe change some details so that I have a better chance of winning.

Career mode is coming soon or tomorrow. Feel free to post your thoughts about what it should be like, or what you agree/disagree with in my post.

Oh, and I tried to search, but I didn't know what to search for. I could have sworn JohnBM01 had a thread like this, but now I have no clue where it is, or what it said.
Whell,i like your idea for that multiple car selecting for one race testing,it's like driving some of your cars on a truck to the race track.And that about tuning of yours is good,but some people will say that is too much need for speedish,but i think it's not!
Everyone has to have their own Career Mode thread. Just kidding. ;)

I do hope that we're doing some good educated guessing, because if half of our notions make it into Gran Turismo 5 in one form or other, it'll be one heck of a game.
Yeah, just look at the car list! :scared:
Even if half the cars in there make it into the game, I will be happy.

Now for my first day of career mode. (real days, not game days)

-With all that training under my belt, I feel I can concur anything. I head to the used car dealership and again, pick cars I would consider buying, then press start. Among all the cars in the garage, a Focus catches my eye. Looking at the price: $13,000, I realize I don't have enough. Then I spot a bright orange Lotus Elise that happens to cost $9,500. "I wonder how an elise cold cost less than a focus. :confused:" Then I realize it is in bad shape. It has scratches all over the left door and fenders, and there is a big dent on the left of the front bumper. The car is also fairly dirty, and looking underneath, rusty as well. "Maybe another time, because right now I don't have enough money to fix it up." I continue looking and see a Jaguar XJ220. "Yeah, right" That's when I saw it, a beautiful celica staring right at me. Dare I look at the price? "Of course!" Just $6,000! I look at the damage and it isn't really that bad. I ask the owner why it's so cheap, and he says it's suspension is tweaked. Now that I look at it, the camber on the wheels probably wasn't on purpose, and the right side is a bit higher than the left. "I can fix that later." I say, and I now have a nice Toyota Celica GT-Four '88. "Well, I've got $4,000 left, so I'll buy a racing exhaust." Hmm, now I've got a sweet car, and it's time to race!

-I enter the begginers cup (You know, the one that is almost always first?) Well anyway, I enter at Fuji, and the grid shows 6 Beetles, 4 Minis, 2 Civics, A CRX, 3 Nissan Marches, 4 Ford Kas(?), 5 Jettas, and me of course.
I'm in no mood to qualify, as I just want to race. I hit X and the race begins.

-I rev the engine for a few seconds, listening to how real it sounds, and when I see the green light I slowly press on the gas pedal and shift into First. By the end of the long strait I am in 7th, and need to make up for my car's understeer. I take the first corner slowly, because despite GT5 having damage, this is not the time to experience it. Halfway through the turn I feel and hear a car grinding against my right side, and slow down to let him pass. As it turns out, it's the CRX, but I'll pass him later. Now it's a left hand sweeper, and I use every inch of the track to pass the CRX along with a Civic and Ka. On the right bend I pass another Civic but go too fast and hit a Beetle. "Oh great, now I have even more suspension damage. :grumpy: " In the next hairpin, I hear grinding when I turn the wheel all the way, so I have to slow down more to make the turn without killing the car. I see the beetle's exhaust pipe dragging on the ground, and feel sorry for him seeing as it was my fault. "Oh well, it's just a game." I pass him in the next right sweeper because of more power, and I am now in third, I think. I ask the pit crew and they say I'm in third. "Hey! I was right! :dopey: "

-On the next lap, I pass the three cars on the strait, but the Ka passes me back because I have trouble turning. Now it's an all out battle between me and the Ka. We passed each other 11 times since the first corner, but I ended up winning! :D

Now you may think I'm done, but I will be posting a bunch more posts about each individual race in career and arcade mode - Kind of like a race report, only about the entire game, and i don't know if this will even be possible in GT5. :dunce:
your idea for the arcade mode sounds alot like Forza, with the extensive body mods, which isnt a bad idea cuz thats the one thing i loved about that game, that you could do ALOT to the cars appearance, if GT5 takes anything from that game i hope its that.
i hope they gonna remove the 24 hours race, that's really too long for game, i know it's a race simulator but 24 hour it's too long, 5 hours it's ok, maximum 10 hours ( on b-spec when i sleep lol ) and i want a F1 more accessible, i dont want need to do a race of 24 hours just for the F1 and , if they can have the liscence, ferrari, lamborghini, bugatti

P.S sorry if my english is bad, i'm a french canadien loll
My take on the f1 cars is that they should be able to use more than just medium tires, im guessing thats their way of sort of leveling the playing feild but its frustrating on long races, plus ive said it before and ill say it again, there are alot of different classes of racing vehicles in this game, IE - jgtc or supergt 300 and 500, group c, modern LM cars, fantasy LM cars, all of which should not be in the same races, kinda takes the simulation element from the game.
My take on the f1 cars is that they should be able to use more than just medium tires, im guessing thats their way of sort of leveling the playing feild but its frustrating on long races, plus ive said it before and ill say it again, there are alot of different classes of racing vehicles in this game, IE - jgtc or supergt 300 and 500, group c, modern LM cars, fantasy LM cars, all of which should not be in the same races, kinda takes the simulation element from the game.

Yes, the FGT ('05?) should definately be fully customizable.

OK, I don't know about other people, but I loved the missions in GT4, so I thought of a way to implement them into GT5's arcade mode. I go to 'Single Player' then choose the race I want.

The Pass: To set up 'The Pass' missions, I first select the number of opponents, 1. Ten I choose my car, a Chevrolet Corvette C6 '06, and my opponent, a Ford Mustang GT '05. Now I pick the Track, the Nurburgring, and the part of the track to race on. To choose the section of the track, you use a way similar to the analyzer screen in GT4, where you move left or right to move to a different location on the track, and can make the length longer or shorter. I choose near the end of the strait as the start, and the Startline in GT4 as the finish. Now The Start Screen comes up, and I drive and win. If you do find the race too hard, you just go to the select menu, and choose what you want to change.

3 Lap Battle: First choose a car, a Fenomenon Stratos, and my opponents, an Alfa Romeo Brera Coupe 3.2 V6 '06, a Subaru Impreza WRX STi Spec C '06, a Toyota Celica GT-S '05, an Audi TT Quattro Sport '06, and a Volkswagon Eos '07. Now I select the track, El Capitan, and press calculate. The game then comes up with a random position of cars that are set up so that you will just be able to beat the lead car, but pass all the other cars seperately, on different laps. If you want to be more specific and make sure every time you set up this race (like for the WRS, or other competition) it will always be the same, you can adjust the order of the cars.

Slipstream Battle: You can choose the test track, Nurburgring srait, or the Sarthe strait to battle on, and then pick your car and opponents. You can select to have all cars the same, or pick your own opponents. Now you select the laps and distance from each other and start the race.

1 Lap Magic: My favorite of all missions. You select a track first, I picked Fuji 2005 GT, and then chose all the cars. I chose to do a Nissan battle, and created this lineup:

1:Nissan Cube
2:Nissan Elegrand
3:Nissan Stagea
4:Nissan Fairlady Z Version S (Z33)
5:Nissan Skyline GT-R V-SpecII Nur (R32)
And me, 6:Nissan R390 GT1 (Race Car)

I press calculate and the game creates the race. I start and decide to skip the countdown. Now I race my butt off and everyone finishes at around the same time, with me in first.
The game stores all AI lap times for all tracks, and uses them to calculate the races.

So, what do you think?
I love to be able to customize a car ie add larger engines not meant to go in
diff suspensions ie corvette on a ford (not really im just making xample)
maybe even front cuts ie bmw on a civic.
chip upgrade; be able to play with the chip settings
really id love to be able to make a new part on pc and bring it in, even new cars
and not just on a PC, playstationX/ xbox too.
The ability to choose the number of opponents would be a great feature - imagine the fun & games in taking out your favourite machine and pitting it against a dozen (or 3 dozen) opponents. Be a bit like the Nascar races, only not just going around an oval track - oh, my mouth waters thinking of a Paris-Dakar rally style race against countless other cars, bikes & trucks!