My thoughts on racing games and it's fans...

  • Thread starter amaterasu
United States
I know I'm new to GTPlanet, but I've been around racing games for over 20 years, and I've seen a lot of different niches. And throughout those 20+ years, I've come across the same, multi-generational problem of fans obsessing over one series and shunning all others, or fans picking on one specific series because it doesn't meet their perfected ideas. This is my personal opinion, and I'm by no means saying that anyone has to agree with me, but if you are to the point of turning a series into your personal effigy, you aren't a very true fan of the genre. I have yet come across a racing series that hasn't brought something to the table. So why are we bashing on these games. Behind each game is a studio, with workers trying everything they can to support themselves while doing what they've dreamed of doing. I'm not saying love every game like it's the Holy Grail, but come on! At least try to accept that they are doing everything they can to revitalize a repetitive genre. There isn't a racing game out there that is perfect, but there isn't a racing game exactly like the others. Each one is unique, and that in itself requires my respect.
And you're ranting about this because...?

What triggered you?
You try the one where the dog does a back flip then jumps over a fents?

And you're ranting about this because...?

What triggered you?
Not necessarily ranting, just putting two cents in. What triggered it? Browsing through different web forums and seeing the hate fans are displaying towards other games while going and protecting their own like it's a religious shrine.
Ok, it may require your respect. But it doesn't require mine. Must we respect Need for Speed Underground? Or its sequel?
Oh boy, you've bit the bullet. Not many survive, just letting you know.
And I'll take what I get. I laid my opinion out there. People can do as they please. I just want to see if there's people that have a similar state of mind.
I'm just gonna whistle and walk away from this one.
Fair enough. If I may inquire, which ones do require one's respect?

Each list will differ, though. That's the thing. :)
If we're going on a base of respect, I'd go and say that respect at least the starts of the series we have. They were innovative when they debuted, no matter where they are now. And each list will definitely be different based on what you want in a utopian racing game. Mine just happens to be a very broad, impossible idea, which is how almost every single series started.
@amaterasu I do see what you are saying but I think I have found different types of people.

You have the fan boys who, like you said, slate off every other title because their title is the absolute best and that is the word of law. They irk me big time and you get them in every aspect of consumer markets (Android vs Apple anyone?)

Then you have the fan boys in denial. These are ones who will tell everyone that their title is the best thing since sliced bread but amongst themselves they do have doubts about it. GT6 Forum seems to have some of these.

You also have the realist fans, who admit they love a racing game because of xyz but admit it sucks in abc. Most of the GT fans are in ths category I believe.

Lastly I believe you have the reviewers. These guys usually have played a bunch of racing games and scored them up with as little bias as possible. They see what is good for what audience or situation and judge the game on that. Usually I find these are the fairest bunch and I'd like to say I am part of this bunch now, having made the move from "realist fan" a couple of years ago. Don't get me wrong, we all have favourites and for me GT will always be my favourite but we can accept it isn't the best and has things wrong with it that other games/sims do right.

Where people lose respect for a series though is when they say one thing but it turns out to be something quite different in practise. Hard to respect a series like that!

I intended to put in my tuppance, ended up putting in a whole shilling. XD
You'll find this attitude amongst some in just about any field. The vi/emacs holy wars come to mind. Or Cubs/White Sox. Or Mac/Windows. Or Ford/Chevy. Or... you get the idea.

Because fanbois, that's why.
You'll find this attitude amongst some in just about any field. The vi/emacs holy wars come to mind. Or Cubs/White Sox. Or Mac/Windows. Or Ford/Chevy. Or... you get the idea.

Because fanbois, that's why.


@amaterasu If you're going to get riled up over people being unreasonable on the internet, you'll have a whole life time of being riled up. Just chill, and ignore the opinions of whomever you think is being unreasonable/douche/deeck. It doesn't make you right or them wrong, but it beats getting into discussions that don't lead anywhere, because there's at least one side unwilling to compromise in anything.

You'll thank me later.
I know I'm new to GTPlanet, but I've been around racing games for over 20 years, and I've seen a lot of different niches. And throughout those 20+ years, I've come across the same, multi-generational problem of fans obsessing over one series and shunning all others, or fans picking on one specific series because it doesn't meet their perfected ideas. This is my personal opinion, and I'm by no means saying that anyone has to agree with me, but if you are to the point of turning a series into your personal effigy, you aren't a very true fan of the genre. I have yet come across a racing series that hasn't brought something to the table. So why are we bashing on these games. Behind each game is a studio, with workers trying everything they can to support themselves while doing what they've dreamed of doing. I'm not saying love every game like it's the Holy Grail, but come on! At least try to accept that they are doing everything they can to revitalize a repetitive genre. There isn't a racing game out there that is perfect, but there isn't a racing game exactly like the others. Each one is unique, and that in itself requires my respect.
Think bigger.

Think PS vs XBox...
Think PC vs Console...
PC vs Mac
Sega vs Nintendo
Amiga vs Atari ST
C64 vs ZX Spectrum
Viper vs Corvette
Ford vs Chevrolet - or Vauxhall, or Holden
Domestic vs Import
Liverpool vs Everton

The word "fan" itself is a contraction of "fanatic". This is how fanaticism manifests. It's Them vs Us...
It's because people spend their money on something and they want to show that they have the better thing.

Think about cars. I see this everyday in my class. We have a guy who drives an Audi, and he likes to disrespect me because I have a Mazda 'which is a 🤬 cheap china 🤬' compared to his Audi.

And why does he do this? Because he paid too much for his A3. And I got my Mazda from my family with damage (rust, standing in the garden for 2,5 years) and repaired it, and learned so much about working with cars, more than in school (automotive eng. here ;)).

You know what? I am nowhere better. Although I have a friend who is an absolute Audi fanatic (and who helped me with my Mazda!!!) I bash on Audi every time he (the Audi guy in my class) is around.

Discriminating and disrespecting other humans has always been around. This time we are doing it inside a consumer society.
That all seems pretty fair. 👍

So why are we bashing on these games. Behind each game is a studio, with workers trying everything they can to support themselves while doing what they've dreamed of doing.

Emotionally invested. Not everyone, obviously, and not an excuse for some of the vitriol we see, but it's a factor.

Taking Gran Turismo as an example, for me it's the series I grew up with. I played it from the start through to today and it's at the point where I feel obligated with it. I wouldn't yet consider buying into another franchise permanently in the same way I do with GT, so to me it feels right to love it, but to also be hypercritical of it.
I'm not at all mad with it. Being mad at someone being passionate is a waste. As I said, I'm just putting my two cents in because I want to see if there are like minded people, which there currently is not.
I'm not at all mad with it. Being mad at someone being passionate is a waste. As I said, I'm just putting my two cents in because I want to see if there are like minded people, which there currently is not.
I am actually, but it seems you got my previous post wrong ;)
It's Them vs Us...


@amaterasu - It happens. It's unfortunate, but it does. You'll find people who swear by a particular series, treating it like some sort of marriage, where they can't "cheat" on it with others. It's very bizarre, but I don't think it's a stretch to say that it's simply an extension of our own habits of preference.

I grew up on GT. It's had a huge impact on my life, in many ways (covering a year's tuition, providing the main reason for a trip, meeting multiple people), but considering the wealth of racing games available to us these days - with 2015 shaping up to be one of the best years I can remember for the genre - it just seems silly to stay "loyal" to any one game.

I have a feeling you've come to the right place though. Welcome aboard!

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