My Trip to Bejing China!

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz


But why is the Rum gone??
QLD, Australia
Well, as some of you may know I recently went to Bejing China for business. I sell IBM Tivoli software for a business partner (Computer Merchants) and IBM was hosting a "Top Gun" sales training course on the products from the 18th to the 22nd and I organized it with my company and IBM to attend. So considering all my flights and accommodation was to be taken care of I decided to push the trip out a few days before hand to also go sight seeing. 13 Australian IBM'ers were also going and most decided to fly out earlier and do the same. So after 4 movies, 3 plane flights and quite a few rum and cokes I arrived in China at 12am Saturday morning!.

I purposely didn't sleep on the plane so I could then go straight to the hotel and sleep properly and get up at a reasonable hour.

Saturday morning I went to the Forbidden City on my own (some IBM guys were flying in that afternoon).

The place was huge and I took quite a few pictures, which can be found in that China Album.

After walking around for a few hours I found myself out the other side and managed to negotiate a tour through the old China slums? These places were 600 - 700 years old and filled with narrow streets.

Once that was complete I returned to the hotel (Hilton Bejing) to meet up with my fellow IBM'ers whom had just flown over night.

We ended up going to the silk markets for shopping and spent a good 3-4 hours haggling and exploring 6 levels of crazy Chinese markets.

Eventually we got out and found out that a few other guys where at "hooters", so we promptly began our journey of "attempting" to find this place.

After an hour of walking and a few 10mins phone calls, we jumped on a bus and traveled further down the street, Its not so simple as jumping in a Taxi as one, the taxi drivers never speak English and I dont know how to say hooters in Chinese and two, taxi drives never stop for us westerners anyway, even if nobody is in and they have their light on.

Finally!! our mission was complete and we could now enjoy Chinese Hooters (Tweeters IMHO)

After plenty of shots and even a few from something local that tasted like Rocket fuel we were ready to explore further.

We ended up stumbling into a German Beer bar in China... and one of our group members (who is 6'4) decided to grab the mic and turn it into karaoke. He belted out hits ranging from ACDC - Highway to hell, You shook me all night long to Robbie Williams - Angel. However once Men at Work - Land down under came on, we all promptly joined in! Look out China, the Aussies are in town :lol:

At some stage that night we decided it was time to head back as we had booked a tour of the Great Wall and Ming Tombs the next day...

After some negotiating upfront we were (hopefully) on our way back to the hotel. As it turns out our mini bus only had enough seats for 4 of us, yet we were a group of 5... No problem, our lead singer volunteers for the back section. I must add in at this point it took us 40mins and the driver stopped no less than 4 times to get out the car and have a random conversation with other Chinese people about how to get to the Hilton. Finally one of us recognized a local landmark and we directed our distressed chap to the hotel. He promptly tried to squeeze more money out of us since we took the scenic route home, but we pointed out that it was his fault and only the original money exchanged hands (well after sign language and some commotion)

The next day arrived far to quickly and we were being hurtled into a minibus ready to conquer the great wall and Ming Tombs. In total I think we had about 10 - 11 of us. Our fearless tour guide "Jackie" was a crazy Chinese dude who just never shut up, was full of heaps of laughs and information. His broken English really added to it and made the whole trip a blast. Not to mention when ever we were separated he would stop and start clapping and yelling his name out the top of his lungs for us all to group back up and join him. This method served extremely useful throughout the trip as on other days out exploring (our group mostly stuck together) one of us would start the Jackie chant for everyone else to group up :lol:

Tour also included a stop over at a Jade Factory and also a Pottery Factory with lessons on how it was made as well.

Now it was Great Wall Time!!

After climbing a zillion steps I was totally 🤬

I had started all the way down in that car park..

Last stop was a Tea tasting factory

That concluded our Tour and the rest of the trip we just went out after our training for dinner. I ended up scoring in the top 10% and got the "Top Gun" award, of which my boss and IBM were very happy with. So not only was the trip fun from a social and sight seeing side but also very succesful from a business side too.

Many times we went out I was not even sure what I was eating :lol:, but the company and adventure made it all worth while. I will include a few more random pictures of our various nights out.

We did see a Shaolin Theatre Story thingo which was nice as well

Went to some market

Final night out after we had completed our course. After dinner we returned to the hotel bar and I kicked on till 3am...

And my final drink in China Airport as I awaited my plane out.. had enough money on me to get 2 shots of Vodka and a Rum and Coke

Anyway, was a brilliant time and had a lot of fun rubbing shoulders with IBM bigwigs and seeing some amazing sights and experiences.

Followed it up with 3 days in Melbourne at another IBM software event (this time customer related) and was out till 2am Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Melbourne Crown Casino with work colleagues, customers and IBM.

Awesome last 2 weeks :lol:

Full China Album can be found here
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Couldn't help but notice that Green Murcielago. :sly:

Did you bring home a ton of cheap merchandise?

The large images make it very difficult to scroll :(
Well it took me 3 attempts to load this thread, but I got there in the end :)

Looks like you had a good time, I'd love to go there one day as well.
Looks like you had a great time Dion, great to see you got to see things and were not stuck in the city or hotel the whole time. 👍
Thanks guys!!

I was hoping photobucket would resize my images but it didnt.. Oops..

It was a great trip indeed :D
Looks like you had great fun Dion! 👍 Great to see you did your part in defending against the Mongolian invasion. :D

I'm really jealous. I've been meaning to go to Beijing for so long but never get around to it.

FYI, that 'rocket fuel' looks to me suspiciously like baijiu (read: white alcohol; rice wine) and is very lethal in large doses.
Looks like a cool trip, and you got a lot squeezed in 👍

How bonkers is the Silk Market. Can pick up some good bargains though on things like t-shirts, ties and backpacks in my experience :D
Looks like you had great fun Dion! 👍 Great to see you did your part in defending against the Mongolian invasion. :D

It was very tough work!! I cant imagine actually carrying the bricks up that thing :crazy:

Looks like a cool trip, and you got a lot squeezed in 👍

How bonkers is the Silk Market. Can pick up some good bargains though on things like t-shirts, ties and backpacks in my experience :D

Silk Market was just mental and I must admit, I had a lot of fun bargaining and bartering with the market people. Things start at 1 for 200 and you end up getting 3 or 4 for like 150 :lol:

Also, because it was next to impossible to get a taxi I braved the subway for one adventure with my group and it was just mental. I was literally squashed right up against people and the door shut and almost took off my arse in the process!! Never experienced being so packed on a train before. Though considering it costs like 30 cents to ride anywhere in the city, I dont blame people for using it!

@ Shem, that stuff was crazy!! ended up having 2 shots of it and could almost breath fire!!
Sounded like a great trip Dion. Well done on the "Top Gun" award.

You must have missed my request in the infield that while you where in Melbourne to pop around and gold the Vettel challenge for me. :grumpy::sly:

Cheers Shaun.
Great story and photos, Dion. 👍

BTW, in this picture you look like you just found out she is a he. :D :lol:

Also, because it was next to impossible to get a taxi I braved the subway

Oh yea, I had to do that too as taxi's were ignoring me. None of the subway ticket machines were in English, and then as you say, its like sardines in a tin! Whatsmore, everybody in the train carriage then had their eye glued to the 6'5" whiteman - like I was some sort of alien from another world!

Did you manage to have Peking Duck over there?
Great pics Dion, watched them all! Thanks for sharing 👍

The only thing that's missing is a video of you singing 'Land down under' :sly:
Oh yea, I had to do that too as taxi's were ignoring me. None of the subway ticket machines were in English, and then as you say, its like sardines in a tin! Whatsmore, everybody in the train carriage then had their eye glued to the 6'5" whiteman - like I was some sort of alien from another world!

Did you manage to have Peking Duck over there?
I had it 3 nights or so :lol: It was very nice!! had it with some sauce and these wrap thingos... No idea what its called :lol:

Great pics Dion, watched them all! Thanks for sharing 👍

The only thing that's missing is a video of you singing 'Land down under' :sly:
Funny you mention that... at that German bar we sung it and I just happened to record it... :lol:
Look at the things I miss when I am gone for a while.

Go to China, end up in Hooters.

Australian thing to do, eh?
I'm really jealous. I've been meaning to go to Beijing for so long but never get around to it.

FYI, that 'rocket fuel' looks to me suspiciously like baijiu (read: white alcohol; rice wine) and is very lethal in large doses.

Grave digging because I was curious if you have tried this before?

Also since this post I have learned about your decent experience with alcohol* and Chinese culture so figured your opinion on my trip would be interesting.

* Understatement of the year
Is it an image as it's not displaying on my PC?

I tend to have varied experiences with booze depending on what my pills are making me do.
Oh, sorry. I drink the devil juice on occasions but it really isn't something I enjoy. In fact the cheaper it is the better it tastes.

There are other drinks made in a similar way which use plum or something that taste really good but they are still really strong and it's easy to drink too much without realising because the alcohol is masked by the fruity flavour.

It's also customary at weddings to drink a glass with the groom so I try to get a few beers in first to help warm up for the shock it inflicts.