My webcam

Hey guyz does anyone know how to preview the vid that i recorded in my webcam cause i can' t find the folder and i have the Nissan Z drifting vids :D
it'l be really helpfull if any of you guyz know because I wanted to upload it :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well. as far as I know if it's a Creative web-cam it should be in C:\Media\Video\My Album by default.
At least that's where my ones go :)

Also you might want to change the compression of the file, as they are usualy quite large.
go to search: all files and folders on all hard drives and type in

*.mpg, *.mpeg, *.wmv

this will bring up all files with those extensions on your hard drive....browse the list and it should be there.

if its not there then

a: you used a different file format to save the movie (in which case do a new search using that extention)
b: you didnt save it on your hard drive(s), look elsewhere (i.e. you didnt save it)
BTW i've reimaged my computer and now i can't install the webcam.................. I'm so srry guyz but his webcam driving me crazy what should i do know :( :( :( :( :(

It says they didn't found the sofware that they needed so they can't install my webcam....................
What do you mean by reimaged? if that's the same as a system restore then try uninstalling whatever trace there is of the webcam and its drivers, and then install them again.
I'm not exactly sure what to do as i have never had this before, but its what i would do :)
Originally posted by emad
Do you have the software cd that came with the cam? if not, you may want to dig around in a site like or for the camera's drivers

it's a factory built pc - most likely an IBM. Reimaging is restoring the rig to original factory settings.

I still can' find the software my webcam brand is creative.
OH GOD how can i find this stuff :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: