My Work/Portfolio

  • Thread starter Safder
Hi there. I used to be into graphic design alot a few years ago, but have since stopped for the last year or so. But to be honest i feel i may get back into it, mainly to make some GT inspired graphics, yes im that hyped for prologue. Actually a good idea may be to do sig requests soon, so if anyone wants a prologue banner in their sig, just give me a shout.

Anyway, here is my gallery, tell me what you think! :)
i used to do strictly formed sigbars for a different forum, everyone became jealous and cussed me down for it, but whatever..

The 'Dare to be Different' sounds original, great for a portfolio

The Seasonal Hills idea is nice but i don't think you have the contents down yet, because some objects like the lamb is standing by itself, kinda irrelevant? It's missing 'something', and those leaves are quite big - -

for a Graphic Design-focused portfolio, IMO, needs a bit more exploration in media, experiemnt with more stuff and go out of the box from what you've done previously.