NA cars @ Pro-Serie

  • Thread starter Greger
in the Professional-Serie there is an event race with only NA-cars. I have tried to figure out which cars that is considered NA-cars, but havn't been successfull yet.

Could you give me a hint? Is there any place in the game where I could filter down all models and brands and other criterias?


NA is for naturally aspirated cars,i.e. ones without turbos.
In your garage you can sort your cars by a lot of different headings.
One being NA.
Highlight this and all cars that are NA will be shown in your garage..
I think it is the last heading that is in line with country, manufacturer and the last one has drive type, NA or turbo and a maybe a few other things.
Good luck
So what you are saying is if I try to drive the race with a non-turbo car it would be OK.

I havn't found out you're way of filtering the cars in your garage. I can only filter based on nationality, manufacturer, power and driveline.

Could I do the filtering in any other way?

I went and checked.
Only driveline filter is possible as you say, not NA or Turbo. Sorrry for that.
However you can sort by Aspiration type by going to the second line far right and highligting Aspiration in the drop down box.