Im at a loss now on what to do with my set up. Im on racing hards (as required by the series im gonna start running) and i have the front downforce maxxed out and the rear at minum and the thing still plows like a dump truck. I've been all over the place with the suspension settings. Everything from pretty normal to insane. right now the diff is at 5/5/5 toe is -1.0/-1.0 camber is -2.0/-2.0 with those toe diff and aero settings i would think as soon as i turn in the car would just spin out, but i can lift off nail the e brake slam on the gas throw the car in there sideways and it will just straiten back out.....
I'm trying to get it so i dont have to turn full left all the way around the corner (DS3) but it just wont do it. HELP!
I'm trying to get it so i dont have to turn full left all the way around the corner (DS3) but it just wont do it. HELP!