I am very much so listening and reading your replies. Its just the fact that I highly disagree with you, and you disagree with me. Some race teams go to a business, the business charges them gobs of money. Their work most likely will turn out custom, but not personal like a designer being completely one on one with the people. Ever watch american chopper, who does the paint work on their bikes. That nubs guy right, hes doing one on one business with them so their work is as perfect and spot on as they imagine it. They could send their design to some business and tell them I need this and that. And maybe their work will not turn out spot on because the artist doing the work is doing that project this day and another project the other day. Reputation builds anything in any business world. You need to establish that reputation. But the opinion I am kind of feeling from you is that having a graphic design service is dang near irrational as a business. In which I highly disagree with.
Fire I didn't see your post until I posted my reply. I don't want to double post.