NASCAR Tune with skid recovery off

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So I use a controller and I turn everything off except TCS at 1 and ABS at 1 (skid recovery off). However, when I got to the NASCAR series I found that on the road courses I spun out no matter what when accelerating out of turns. I would even wait for the car to straighten out and same thing. I tried doing all of the standard things i would do with a normal car but whatever I tried did not work.

So I went to these forums and every tune I saw included skid recovery on. I have always felt this was kind of an easy button for casual players (it says its for beginners in the description). I started testing the tunes and the deciding factor was the skid recovery. If it was on i won the races by about 8-10 seconds. If it was off, car was undriveable.

So my question, is there a tune with skid recovery off that works with the NASCAR series
Well, that would be track specific. If you have troubles on bumpier tracks, go for softer suspension settings and higher ride hight. It makes huge difference and handling will be more forgiving, traction increased and no bouncing. Just experiment a little.

The bumpiest track of all is the Ring. The seasonal event with the Nascar was really great. The car performed much, much better than expected on this unusual playing ground. That's mostly because I went for VERY SOFT setup. I don't remeber it exactly, but rear springs were single digit! ABS 1, all off, incl. Skid Recovery. With SRF on, settings wouldn't really matter, as it provides bonus traction when you lose it. I even suppose the worst the set up, the faster you would go with SRF on :)

I assume you have troubles with oversteer. If so:
Be very gentle and progressive with the throttle. Pump up the LSD. Max rear downforce. Soften rear, stiffen front.

I hope this helps.
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aero 40 50
MPH 242
Diff 15 15 15
height +8mm +8mm
springs13.0 10.0
front shocks 6 6
rear shocks 5 5
roll 3 3
camber -3.5 -2.0
toe 0.10 0.30
brakes 6 4
So I use a controller and I turn everything off except TCS at 1 and ABS at 1 (skid recovery off). However, when I got to the NASCAR series I found that on the road courses I spun out no matter what when accelerating out of turns. I would even wait for the car to straighten out and same thing. I tried doing all of the standard things i would do with a normal car but whatever I tried did not work.

So I went to these forums and every tune I saw included skid recovery on. I have always felt this was kind of an easy button for casual players (it says its for beginners in the description). I started testing the tunes and the deciding factor was the skid recovery. If it was on i won the races by about 8-10 seconds. If it was off, car was undriveable.

So my question, is there a tune with skid recovery off that works with the NASCAR series

I won the road course at Laguna and all with SRF off. Heck, I didn't even know what is was so I never tried it. All you need to do is set the LSD very, very high, like 60/60/60. You'll be just fine.
I Just Have To Say Wow Setting LSD To 60/60/60 on non nascar tracks makes this nascar actually easy to drive, i am also using the zr1 rm tune settings.
also always remember to do an oil change worth the extra power for 250 bucks

thanks everyone love the site

edit try to stay in 2nd gear around sharp turns that are ment for 1st gear this way you wont spin upon exit
i have now won the nascar champ. and beat ai with about 6 to 7 second lead in each race
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On the ovals I don't think you would need the traction and the brakes, defently not at daytona. I don't use a controller and Indianapolis needs throttle control/tap brakes.
You should never use any aids when driving NASCAR as it will loose power to the engine. Any aids on will raise your lap time by a few seconds not good. You just need the right tuner settings for your NASCARs to fly around effortlessly. And NASCAR regulations states NO ABS, NO ASM & NO TCS. And of course without saying Active Steering is for Noobs! You can get lap times of 42 secs on Daytona & Indy w/ no aids. With aids on you will see times around +/- 50 secs.

Want to race NASCAR? PSN ID: CrAzY_bAsSiSt-83